Look at the picture.
War-torn Iraq. The endless misery of sentient beings.
It's not funny.
But something seems to be. Funny.
As in -- trivial. Kos says so, anyhow. Kos says -- and he's said it before -- that really really there's no such thing as sexism, so don't you get your panties in a twist, you pussy librul gurrls.
He's right.
Yes, yes, yes, apparently I have my panties in a twist.
It must be that time of the -- well, you know how broads can be!
Sure it was annoying when there was ZERO coverage of the Democratic primary in Florida (which a female won), so little that I actually thought there hadn't BEEN a Democratic primary there. Only heard about it later. And not from the media whore media, of course.
I am WAAAY to the left of Hillary Clinton (I'm in the Tony Benn wing of the Democratic party), I oddly enough think that the ENEMY is actually Bushist fascism, and not Hillary Clinton. Hmm. As far as I can tell, she's anti-torture, get out of Iraq, bring back the surplus, pro-rule of law, pro-separation of church and state, pro-environment, pro-government competence, pro-habeas corpus, pro-constitution, pro-separation of powers, and pro-universal health care (an idea which she proposed what, 16 years ago? To almost universal disparagement. Sort of like Carter espousing energy independence, and getting trashed for it. Or Gore predicting the importance of the internet. And getting trashed for it.)
All these issues are close to my heart.
She doesn't write books that wax nostalgic about Ronald Reagan, like some candidates we know.
But she's, you know, according to the gospel according to Karl Rove -- she's got a problem. A female problem. (Remember when she got trashed for saying she didn't want to stay and home and bake cookies? Oh god, not that.)
leaving aside her vaunted problem of being a female, the Senator supports many, if not all, of the things that I support. Her constituents value her. The media whore media and the Reichwing spin machine do not.
She is the longtime recipient of something that I particularly despise: sexism.
Where at least one must put on a good face about not being racist, sexism remains perfectly acceptable.
Not a good thing.
I got an email today from Progressive Democrats of America touting Obama as their candidate. It was pretty frickin' sad.
Sounded like it came right from the mouth of Rush "Don't Elect a Wrinkly Hag President" Limbaugh:
No matter who we've supported so far for president, many PDAers have seen firsthand the enthusiastic, youthful, multiracial movement that has embraced Barack Obama. The Senator hasn't been totally progressive on the issues, but our engagement with the inspiring Obama movement -- which includes tens of thousands of open-minded newcomers vto activism -- leaves us hopeful.
So, a candidate's stance on issues -- don't count!
Yuh, they note that the Senator hasn't been totally progressive on the issues, but ---
What were they thinking?
If we can't make distinctions based on the actual differences between the actual candidates on the actual issues, then -- on what rational basis are we choosing?
Answer: we're in non-rational, prejudicial mode.
Moi, I prefer the one who supports universal health care over the one who wants it just to cover children.
And I'm good with the candidate that Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame and Wesley Clark and Madeleine Albright support.
So, sure, I'd prefer Gore, I'd prefer Dean, I'd prefer Wesley Clark. I would have been good with Edwards, Dodd, Richardson, Kucinich, pretty much any Dem. And I will certainly vote for Obama if he's the candidate.
Failing that, I'm good with Hillary Clinton.
Those who perceive her as the enemy are working on Karl Rove's team.
Bushist fascism needs to be ground into dust, America's moral and fiscally bankruptcy utterly reversed.
That's the whole point.
End of story.