Yuh, we hear of employers who want to dump providing health insurance for employees.
This worker's dumping work to dump her health insurance provider-profiteer.
Yes, Ms NBFH just quit her job because the insurance her not-quite-ex-employer offers so sucks.
Big-time insurance profiteering company. Cost $12K a year. New plan began July 1 of this year, effects became clear in the past 3 weeks. Same outrageous price, but even worse coverage. If that is imaginable. $12K for family "coverage," with a huge deductible. You get an ultrasound for $525, they pay all of $125, you get stuck with--surprise! A bill for $400! And they tell you if you'd just driven an hour and a half away for a potentially life-threatening condition, they gladly would have picked up more of the tab.
I've been a healthcare insurance serf-slave to this company for years. And it's just not worth it anymore. I will be saving money by not working, because for the last six weeks, every penny I earn there has gone only to pay this crappy insurance company's crappy rates for crappy coverage.
So I'm done.
I can't be the only one who's re-cycling Paddy Chayevsky: mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.
Thus Empire crumbles under the weight of its own stupidity and greed.
Showing posts with label Serfin' U-S-A. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serfin' U-S-A. Show all posts
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Serfin' U-S-A: A Reprise of No Blood for Hubris' Post Written for the 2006 CorruptCo Blogfest

Let us count the ways:
We love thee for pimp-slapping us out of the very notion of pensions.
We love thee for pimp-slapping us out of the very notion of job security.
We love thee for pimp-slapping us out of the very notion of health benefits.
We love thee for pimp-slapping us out of the very notion of a single job being enough to support anyone, much less a family.
We love thee for destroying unions and making us love you for it lest we lose our jobs.
We love thee for disabusing us of the notion that "factory workers at successful companies can achieve a secure, relatively prosperous middle-class life for themselves."
We love thee for creatively creating useless products like Coke and Pepsi which have no nutritional value and yet make beeg money.
We love thee for creatively creating and selling useless products like Camels, Marlboros, etc. etc., totally unecessary & addictive items which actually ruin health and/or kill and yet make beeg money.
We love thee for creatively creating and hypnotically selling products like McDonald's and Burger King and Wendy's junk food made out of junk which contribute to obesity and illness and yet make beeg money (see Left of Center's Corruptco post here on high fructose corn syrup and bring your barf bag).
We love thee for successfully poisoning the natural environment and getting away with it, so far.
We love thee for buying and installing Preznit Toad-Exploder who has never actually held an actual job, like both his daughters and I think his mother, and who therefore is able to slap an innocent lady citizen on the back as congratulations to her for her good luck to be living in a country like America where she can hold three jobs--three!--at once.
We love thee for buying and installing Preznit Toad-Exploder who exploded toads in his youth.
We love thee for buying and installing Preznit Toad-Exploder who thinks that invading Iraq and thus making money for Halliburton, the Carlisle Group, and KBR and the rest of the military-industrial complex is way more important than the actual lives of actual troops or the actual lives of actual citizens.
We love thee for always putting profits before people and therefore providing us a sense of security in this impermanent world.
We love thee for your iron grip on corporate media, and your continuing hypnotic hold on the American populace.
We love thee for Enron's happiness at successfully stealing money from little old ladies in California.
We love thee for replacing the notion of American labor with the notion of American serfdom; for replacing noblesse oblige with pure greed and ego; for replacing three classes with the classic two: haves and have -nots--and for blaming the have-nots for not having.
We love thee for not giving a shit about anyone but yourselves.
We love thee for thinking that giving a shit about anyone but yourselves is somehow "quaint," not unlike the Geneva Conventions.
Not only do we love thee, but we worship thee and to thee we bow down.
This post is part of the CorruptCo Blogfest, created by LosetheNoose.
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