It was bad enough when
Bubble Boy was caught talking with his mouth full.
It was worse when he was caught chewing with his mouth open. Feh.
It was even worse when he was caught sexually
harrassing the female Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel. (As if she were his pet cow, he came up on her from behind, touching her, touching her without permission, then flounced off as if nothing had happened, to minimize his invasion of another person's physical boundaries. When was the last time Bush gave Poison Putin an unwanted touch? Or Kofi Annan? Ahmadinejad?)
The worst of all was when was Bush was caught -- without any WMDs.
600K dead, no WMDs, oops, sorry.
Bush is always getting caught with his pants down, one way or another, is he not?
This time, Bush was caught trying to exert power and control over the free speech of a newly-elected Senator, one whose own son is now serving in Iraq.
(Unlike Preznit Toad-Exploder's two adult daughters, neither of whom is serving in Iraq, and both of whom remain unemployed slackers at age 25, never having had a real job in their whole lives, just like their bio dad, Dubya.)
It's not pretty.
"How's your boy?" Bush asks, referring to Senator Webb's adult son, a Marine who is now serving in Iraq.
"I'd like to get 'em out of Iraq, Mr. President," Webb responds.
"That's not what I asked you!" Bush snaps. "I
said, how's your boy?"
The Hill:At a private reception held at the White House with newly elected lawmakers shortly after the election, Bush asked Webb how his son, a Marine lance corporal serving in Iraq, was doing.
Webb responded that he really wanted to see his son brought back home, said a person who heard about the exchange from Webb.
"I didn’t ask you that, I asked how he’s doing," Bush retorted, according to the source.
Webb confessed that he was so angered by this that he was tempted to slug the commander-in-chief, reported the source, but . . . didn’t. . .
A White House spokeswoman declined to give Bush’s version of the conversation.
The horror! The horror!
Sieg heil, we are sorry, we know we must all obey dear fearless leader Preznit Snippy and endure all his divine tyrant temper tantrums and all his unchecked divine megalomania, because he "is" so importantly, our great divine Deciderer, Our Sole Preznit Toad-Exploder. (Depending upon what "is," is.)
Although we are those who must shed our blood to defend free speech, we know we must never ever seek to exercise it, particularly not when we are
In The Presence, nor may we ever deviate from the Divine Script.
Next, shall we not be much more careful to be shuffling out of
His Presence backwards, whilst bowing? Why, we must ask Helen Mirren what is to be done!
Why, oh why, aren't we treating George Bush properly, as King-Emperor, right now, why, O you librul traitors, why, eh?
Oh, and please spread this story around, media whore media, at closet cupcake Karl Rove's behest, so everyone knows that punishment follows
lese majeste.Well, Karl, you know, sometimes what follows
that kind of
Bush's War on Democracy Bushist fascist stuff is like,
other stuff, like, well, tar & feathers, & offering indictments.
Probably not therapy.
Bush and WebbBush rude to Sen. WebbIraq WarUpdate: here's
George Will, being stupid and defending the indefensible Bush. One was deeply touched when Will read the riot act to Cheney, after the VP told Senator Jeffords to go fuck himself, was one not?
Update 2: WH deliberately pushed Webb smear, from Editor & Publisher, via RawStory,