Showing posts with label undermining the rule of law. Show all posts
Showing posts with label undermining the rule of law. Show all posts
Saturday, January 08, 2011
Home-Grown Terror Via Palin's Rabid Right? You Betcha!
Stirling Newberry, at Corrente: Attempted Assassination of Congress Member Giffords of Arizona.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Progressive Dem Coakley versus waterboarding enthusiast Brown
Pro-torture candidate for Senate in MA, Scott Brown, is rising in the polls against progressive Dem Martha Coakley. You'd think a Republican would be easy to beat in MA, but apparently the teabaggers are all riled up about beating Coakley.
Brown on waterboarding:
Here's a link John Cole of Balloon Juice put up at ActBlue, for fundraising.
If you can't donate, and you think it's important that MA's senator be anti-torture, write a letter, blog a blog, if you can.
Brown on waterboarding:
Brown . . .took a hard line against the coming terrorism trials in New York City, lambasting Attorney General Eric Holder by saying, "It's time we stopped acting like lawyers and started acting like patriots." He also defended the use of waterboarding, disagreeing with Sen. John McCain (who endorsed him recently): "I do not believe it is torture.
Here's a link John Cole of Balloon Juice put up at ActBlue, for fundraising.
If you can't donate, and you think it's important that MA's senator be anti-torture, write a letter, blog a blog, if you can.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Mancow Waterboard
People who do not suffer from Mirror Neuron Retardation Syndrome don't have to BE waterboarded like this guy had to, in order to realize that waterboarding is torture.
Is it "torture"?
Watch conservative Radio host Mancow attain sudden and complete enlightenment.
Waterboard Cheney. Waterboard Rummy. Waterboard Rush, Bush. Waterboard Geoffrey Miller. Waterboard the whole entire pro-torture crowd. Then we'll talk.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Court Rules Gitmo Detainees Are Not Persons
See, if they were persons, you'd have to NOT torture them.
But if you change their label from PERSON to NON-PERSON, you can do anything you want.
Court Rules.
But if you change their label from PERSON to NON-PERSON, you can do anything you want.
Court Rules.
The Pro-Torture Crowd Retards Run Amok -- Empathy Will Get You In Big Trouble
Told you it was all about they're missing big fat chunk of their [empathy] brain, did I not?
Let's remember the death of this soldier:
"A. Peterson, 27, a Flagstaff, Ariz., native, served with C Company, 311th Military Intelligence BN, 101st Airborne. Peterson was an Arabic-speaking interrogator assigned to the prison at our air base in troubled Tal Afar in northwestern Iraq. . .
"The official probe of [Peterson's] death would later note that earlier [Peterson] had been "reprimanded" for showing "empathy" for the prisoners."
Come on, pro-torture retards. Come clean. This is what you did. In our name. Well, not in my name.
The soldier who refused to torture, Peterson, wound up dead.
Of course, Peterson's death is still being described as suicide? Pftt.
Tell it to the marines.
Let's remember the death of this soldier:
"A. Peterson, 27, a Flagstaff, Ariz., native, served with C Company, 311th Military Intelligence BN, 101st Airborne. Peterson was an Arabic-speaking interrogator assigned to the prison at our air base in troubled Tal Afar in northwestern Iraq. . .
"The official probe of [Peterson's] death would later note that earlier [Peterson] had been "reprimanded" for showing "empathy" for the prisoners."
Come on, pro-torture retards. Come clean. This is what you did. In our name. Well, not in my name.
The soldier who refused to torture, Peterson, wound up dead.
Of course, Peterson's death is still being described as suicide? Pftt.
Tell it to the marines.
Monday, April 20, 2009
CIA/US Oympic Waterboard Torture Team Wins Best in Show

Don't these CIA guys and gals have the very best work ethic in the universe?
They sure were following orders!
Waterboarding people three times a day? Is that what is meant by "three squares"? Or is that a type for three quarts? Probably more like 3 gallons? I dunno. How much water does it take to drown a guy or gal? Not so much really. Plus, it's earth week. No waste water wanted.
But you have to admit the zeal of the US Waterboard Torture Team is/was magnificent.
So. Celebrate their success. Just do it. Instead of getting all bitchy and PMS and hot an bothered about silly pussy things like moral bankrupcty and undermining the rule of law, shouldn't we join Obama and Rahm and just STFU?
Shouldn't we be passing the hat around to support them, taking up a collection so they can afford to develop some mirror neurons?
Waterboarding [E.g. Chinese Water Torture] Used 266 Times on 2 Suspects.
2 suspects, eh?
Would that be -- Cheney? And Rummy?
Technorati Tags: torture, Bybee, CIA, memo, moral bankrupcty
Saturday, April 18, 2009
God, I do hate the stupid. I really do. I know it's wrong of me -- even rong of me. But I do.
From [Cheney? Rummy] some dude some dude at Politico listened to:
No, really, it's true, we need to keep the whole BAMBOO SLIVERS UNDER THE FINGERNAILS THING reallly hush-hush. You talk about stuff like that, and whoa, you SO lose the Element of Surprise!
Yeah, we all better shut up about BOILING PEOPLE IN OIL because really, it might give them ideas, you know what copycats them terrists is.
And really, STFU about all our copyrighted 60 WAYS OF MAKING HUMANS REALLY REALLY REALLY WISH THEY WERE DEAD because nobody could have imagined -- oh wait, that's about the other -- because if they find out what we did, then bad things will happen. Like they'll to it to us. Of course, they want to do those thing to us anyway.
Or more like, what if they find out that we were like into anal rape of kids well that wouldn't be good would it? Remember those tapes at Abu Ghraib that so suddenly disappeared because they were like, um, just toooooo awful? Well this stuff is just toooo awful, too. That's why we want to shut up about it, and we're hassling Obama into shutting up about it, and that's why we're going to get away with it because all the evil things we've done are just tooooo vile, so, you know, STFU!! How hard is that?
It's not like we planned it that way. Oh well, of course we did, but like, hey. Any means to the end. Wait that's a commie thing. Like being a socialist. Socialist means someone who wants to take his kids to the doctor. We want doctors to revive our torturees so they're awake enough to FEEL THEIR excruciating pain. Now, that's not socialist. We bushist fascist teabag sadists, of course, feel no pain, we just inflict it. On others. We don't even feel our own pain.
Wow. There ya go.
I mean, how cool is that? See? Torture works!
Technorati Tags: torture, Bybee, CIA, memo, moral bankrupcty
From [Cheney? Rummy] some dude some dude at Politico listened to:
“It's damaging because these are techniques that work, and by Obama's action today, we are telling the terrorists what they are,” the official said. “We have laid it all out for our enemies. This is totally unnecessary. … Publicizing the techniques does grave damage to our national security by ensuring they can never be used again . . .
No, really, it's true, we need to keep the whole BAMBOO SLIVERS UNDER THE FINGERNAILS THING reallly hush-hush. You talk about stuff like that, and whoa, you SO lose the Element of Surprise!
Yeah, we all better shut up about BOILING PEOPLE IN OIL because really, it might give them ideas, you know what copycats them terrists is.
And really, STFU about all our copyrighted 60 WAYS OF MAKING HUMANS REALLY REALLY REALLY WISH THEY WERE DEAD because nobody could have imagined -- oh wait, that's about the other -- because if they find out what we did, then bad things will happen. Like they'll to it to us. Of course, they want to do those thing to us anyway.
Or more like, what if they find out that we were like into anal rape of kids well that wouldn't be good would it? Remember those tapes at Abu Ghraib that so suddenly disappeared because they were like, um, just toooooo awful? Well this stuff is just toooo awful, too. That's why we want to shut up about it, and we're hassling Obama into shutting up about it, and that's why we're going to get away with it because all the evil things we've done are just tooooo vile, so, you know, STFU!! How hard is that?
It's not like we planned it that way. Oh well, of course we did, but like, hey. Any means to the end. Wait that's a commie thing. Like being a socialist. Socialist means someone who wants to take his kids to the doctor. We want doctors to revive our torturees so they're awake enough to FEEL THEIR excruciating pain. Now, that's not socialist. We bushist fascist teabag sadists, of course, feel no pain, we just inflict it. On others. We don't even feel our own pain.
Wow. There ya go.
I mean, how cool is that? See? Torture works!
Technorati Tags: torture, Bybee, CIA, memo, moral bankrupcty
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
"What's In a Name? A Rose By Any Other Name Would Smell --- " Um, like Torture?

No, Mikey, let's SO not call a spade a spade.
Let's keep throwing obfuscatory Orwellian propaganda-spin-chaff-labels around and see if anyone will notice.
Or if anyone will even mind.
So far so good, after all. The real problem is -- gay marriage! And a horrid failure to fill the universe with more and more unwanted children!
MukaseyCites Risk in Using Term 'Torture'.
(At this, NBFH, in a very unladylike manner, spits.).
No, no risk in torturing.
Truth-telling? Whoa, now that's risky business!
Question from non-media-whore media Foreign Press: Uh, Meester Mukasey, Meester Bush, Meester Rumsfeld, Colonel Geoffrey Meeller, een your Eenglish language, how you say "consciousness of guilt"?
Saturday, December 20, 2008
WaPo Wants Pro-Torture Crowd to Get Away With Murder: Pardon Me While I Vomit Blood, Ma'am?

What is f*cking wrong with these people?
WaPo uses up column-inches on a column on why the US pro-torture crowd really ought to get off scot-free. And it's a real knee-slapper. Well, forehead-slapper, in this case.
Catch this:
"In the end, [stopping additional US torture] may be more important than punishing those who acted wrongly in pursuit of what they thought was right."
Oh. So all is forgiven if the torturers' hearts were in the right place?
Final Solution much, ma'am?
Pol Pot killing fields excusable since motivated merely by misguided childhood dweams of agwawian utopia?
(Slaps forehead. Hurts self. Groans.)
Hey lady, torturers' hearts are always in the right place, had you not noticed?
People are always doing really shitty things for the very best of reasons. That's why we have the rule of law.
Or used to. Till the feckless, reckless, out of control Bushist fascists came along, fueled by hubris and contempt for the rule of law. Oh, and you know, by a sharp streak of sadism .
But hey. That was then, this is now. Marcus [e.g. the establishment] wants these guys [Rummy, Cheney, Gen. Geoffrey Miller, etc.] to get away with it.
Well, I don't. How about you?
Oh, and don't miss:
How Do I F*ck My Base? at Jesus' General.
Mike Flugennock
Obama's Divisive Choice of Rick Warren
The Daily Howler
In Which VastLeft Apologizes For Being Prematurely Correct
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Stupid New York Times Blog Treats Torture as Panties-in-a-Twist Lefty Trivia

God help me.
"The torture issue is particularly volatile for some supporters of President-elect Barack Obama . . ."
Please pass the bamboo slivers. Then we'll talk about volatility, k?
Monday, October 20, 2008
"Stop Wasting Time With This Pig"

Guess I picked the wrong day to quit complaining about saving Western civilization (sic) through torture and savagery, eh?
I love primary sources. Check out the link to actual army documents, above (that would be "savagery').
In the meantime, ponder what it means that someone in the army thought this shit up, wrote this shit down, and made a whole shitty actual manual out of it.
It's filled with helpful directions on just the right way to hurt others.
Maybe you have to be a f*cking card-carrying buddhist to think this is totally perversely inherently morally f*cked up but I sure hope not.
Here's a teeny sample:
"The statement 'stop wasting time with this pig' means to discontinue the current training tactic and take a break."
"Us" and "them." There's a theme here. See, once you label them as "pigs" they ain't human, so you can do to them whatever you f*cking like, mm-kay? Well not just what you like. You can do whatever the manual says you can do.
There's a whole section on "DEGRADATION." This includes three sub-sections, the "insult slap," the "stomach slap," and "stripping." The insult slap target is right below the cheekbone, and you have to stop doing it if the detainee tries to duck. No really. The stomach slap is used to shock and intimidate the detainee. Stripping "consists of forceful removal of detainees' clothing. In addition to degradation of the detainee, stripping can be used to demonstrate the omnipotence of the captor [ licensed clinician part of NBFH raises an eyebrow, says neutrally, "Oh? Tell me more." here] or to debilitate the detainee."
Then, there's "PHYSICAL DEBILITATION TACTICS." These get written down in log-books. If you write stuff down it makes it official and ok, see.
Anyhow, there are more fun sections, so I'll be talking about that later, but first I have to go to work. I look forward to describing one stress position, kneeling on the ground with one's arms out holding weights. I like that one in particular because it resembles the way some abusive parents torture children, who then grow up and see me and ask me why their parents did that to them.
And pardon me while I complain as well about information suppression, PBS not daring to air the documentary "Torturing Democracy" before the election because well you know somebody in the pro-torture crowd might be offended by an anti-torture show and complain and/or somebody might have to actually deal with what we have actually done and/or why would we want an informed electorate anyway, eh? Lets just go with mob rule. Namaste to PBS, yep, my tax dollars at work supporting suppression of information about torture yep you betcha (wink wink).
Hat-tip to reader AT.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Department of No F*cking Comment

Yet another atrocity to document. Weary-making, it is.
by Meg White
"They don't care. They put on a uniform and they say honor and integrity and they have no morals, no honor and no integrity, and I don't even know how to sleep at night.
--Linda Johnson, mother of Pvt. LaVena Johnson
Pvt. LaVena Johnson, 19, was so excited to tell her mother that she was definitely going to be home from Iraq for Christmas, her favorite time of year. The next day, she was dead.
The military's casualty liaison told the Johnson family she committed suicide, found dead in her barracks with a gunshot wound to the head. However, two separate contacts told LaVena's father, Dr. John Johnson, that she was found dead in a contractor's tent. Allegedly, a trail of blood led from the contractor's tent into her tent, suggesting she was dragged there. Her tent was lit on fire, according to the witness who found her body.
More here.
Still more via Jesus' General. I knew about the KBR rape case, hadn't heard about this one. Which contractor was it, this time? So good to spread the American way of life overseas, is it not?
And Big Tent Democrat on Obama's VP pick.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Silence Gives Consent
Our Presumptive Democratic nominee's recent powerful statement denouncing FISA, and denouncing those who would support this most recent hideous Bushist fascist attempt to get the telecoms off the hook for having rolled over, belly-up and played dead when Dirty Bush and Big snapped their Bushist fascist fingers:
"Feingold and Dodd on the FISA Cave-In," via Common Iowan.
Glenn Greenwald, here.
(crickets )
"Feingold and Dodd on the FISA Cave-In," via Common Iowan.
Glenn Greenwald, here.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Halliburton/KBR Rape Room gang rape survivor may have been drugged with G/Special K/Rohypnol
The former Halliburton/KBR employee accusing the company of attempting to cover up her gang-rape in Iraq is now speaking out about her ordeal -- imprisoned in container, she alleges; told by her superiors to shut up or lose her job.
read more | digg story
read more | digg story
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Dirty Bush's Pro-Rape Crowd: Be Sure to Give Your Rape Kit to the Perp
The Dirty Bush administration has worked long and hard (??) to protect a rapist's right to breed via government-forced maternity.
So it's no surprise that Dirty Bush also believes in protecting rapists -- gang rapists at that -- against the horrors of prosecution.
Because, you know, some of them might wind up in, like, jail! Like Scooter Libby. We wouldn't want to live with that, would we?
So here's the latest Dirty Bush horror story.
Four days into her placement in Iraq, a female Knight, Brown & Root employee gets drugged and then raped. Gang-raped by her fellow employees. Brutally raped and sodomized to the point that she will require surgery. The female employee reports the rape to her superiors at KBR, gets told she'll get fired if she doesn't shut the f*ck up.
Next, and this is my favorite part -- KBR frickin' kidnaps her.
KBR imprisons the rape victim in a container, and kept there so she'll just shut the f*ck up about being gang-raped.
Wow. Spreadin' democracy and the important values of western civilization, like, fer sure.
Then, and this is my favorite part, too -- she manages to call her Dad, who calls his congressman, who calls the Dirty Bush State Department, and gets them to find the kidnapped rape victim and set her free. She's examined by the military, who do a rape kit, as they should. And give her medical care.
What happens to the rape kit?
Surprise! The Dirty Bush State Department gives the rape kit not to the victim, nor to law enforcement (what's that, Daddy?), but to KBR, the people who kidnapped her, and the people who are protecting her gang-rapists!!
KBR is protecting them to this day. Are their names Knight, Brown, and Root?
Be sure to write nice letters to KBR. Everybody loses stuff. Like rape kits. Everybody has to give rape kits back to the people who are trying to cover up the crime. Everybody kidnaps their raped employees. Don't they? Don't they have a duty to their stockholders to get that broad to just shut the f*ck up?
The Saudis, Al Qaeda, the Taliban and the Talibangelical Dirty Bushists like KBR are all of one mind about this rape thing.
When your child gets gang-raped, it's all his or her goddamned fault!! If they hadn'ta been there, they wouldna gotten raped, would they?
And we can do with them whatever the f*ck we want.
End of story.
So it's no surprise that Dirty Bush also believes in protecting rapists -- gang rapists at that -- against the horrors of prosecution.
Because, you know, some of them might wind up in, like, jail! Like Scooter Libby. We wouldn't want to live with that, would we?
So here's the latest Dirty Bush horror story.
Four days into her placement in Iraq, a female Knight, Brown & Root employee gets drugged and then raped. Gang-raped by her fellow employees. Brutally raped and sodomized to the point that she will require surgery. The female employee reports the rape to her superiors at KBR, gets told she'll get fired if she doesn't shut the f*ck up.
Next, and this is my favorite part -- KBR frickin' kidnaps her.
KBR imprisons the rape victim in a container, and kept there so she'll just shut the f*ck up about being gang-raped.
Wow. Spreadin' democracy and the important values of western civilization, like, fer sure.
Then, and this is my favorite part, too -- she manages to call her Dad, who calls his congressman, who calls the Dirty Bush State Department, and gets them to find the kidnapped rape victim and set her free. She's examined by the military, who do a rape kit, as they should. And give her medical care.
What happens to the rape kit?
Surprise! The Dirty Bush State Department gives the rape kit not to the victim, nor to law enforcement (what's that, Daddy?), but to KBR, the people who kidnapped her, and the people who are protecting her gang-rapists!!
KBR is protecting them to this day. Are their names Knight, Brown, and Root?
Be sure to write nice letters to KBR. Everybody loses stuff. Like rape kits. Everybody has to give rape kits back to the people who are trying to cover up the crime. Everybody kidnaps their raped employees. Don't they? Don't they have a duty to their stockholders to get that broad to just shut the f*ck up?
The Saudis, Al Qaeda, the Taliban and the Talibangelical Dirty Bushists like KBR are all of one mind about this rape thing.
When your child gets gang-raped, it's all his or her goddamned fault!! If they hadn'ta been there, they wouldna gotten raped, would they?
And we can do with them whatever the f*ck we want.
End of story.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Torturz "R" -- US!!

Jimmy Carter tellz it like it iz.
Not that anyone here seems to give a shit. I mean, not that any of the Bushist fascists seem to give a shit.
Oh wait. Right.
That would be because -- they're Bushist fascists!!
Anyhow, God bless you, Jimmy Carter.
God bless you.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Matt Cooper: Karl Rove DID Leak Plame's Identity

Excellent coverage over at Crooks & Liars, here.
Below is a C & L transcript of David Gregory interviewing Matt Cooper earlier today.
David Gregory: Matt Cooper, let’s pick up on an aspect of the interview with, with Karl Rove having to do with the leak case, the CIA leak case, that you were part of as well.
And something’s that’s very interesting, he, he went out of his way to say, “I would not have been a confirming source on this kind of information” and taking issue with, with Novak’s testimony in his column that he knew who Valerie Plame was.
He said he would never confirm that information. That’s different from your experience with him.
Matt Cooper: Yeah, I, I think he was dissembling, to put it charitably.
Look, Karl Rove told me about Valerie Plame’s identity on July 11th, 2003. I called him because Ambassador Wilson was in the news that week.
I didn’t know Ambassador Wilson even had a wife until I talked to Karl Rove and he said that she worked at the agency and she worked on WMD.
I mean, to imply that he didn’t know about it or that this was all the leak…
David Gregory: Or that he had heard it from somebody else . . .
Matt Cooper: . . . . by someone else, or he heard it as some rumor out in the hallway is, is nonsense.
David Gregory: But he makes no apologies to Valerie Plame.
Matt Cooper: Karl Rove never apologizes. That’s not what he does.
A little consciousness of guilt there from closet cupcake Rove.
Hm. Interesting.
Here's emptywheel via firedoglake pointing out another of Rove's blatant, self-serving lies on TV today, enabled (as ever) by our useless masochistic media whore media.
On a brighter not, here's a story at WaPo about Rove's use of government funds for partisan political purposes. Bet someone will be spending some time on the Naughty Seat.
But I wonder about that careful dance Rove did about Plame, and the outright lie he told. Does this mean that Bubble Boy actually was made to fire Miss Piggy?
Karl Rove
Plame leaker
undermining the rule of law
Saturday, July 28, 2007
A Trip Down Memory Lane
Huzzah! Bubble Boy Brings Back Burqas!
Bubble Boy Wastes Blood and Treasure to Install Medievalist Islamic Theocracy: Mainstream Media Mum
No Veteran Not Left Behind
We Can't Care for the Children We Already Have
Child Abuse Prevention Month
America, America: Torture for Fun
Bubble Boy Wastes Blood and Treasure to Install Medievalist Islamic Theocracy: Mainstream Media Mum
No Veteran Not Left Behind
We Can't Care for the Children We Already Have
Child Abuse Prevention Month
America, America: Torture for Fun
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