Showing posts with label fetus-firsters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fetus-firsters. Show all posts

Monday, August 13, 2012

Paul Ryan is a Personhood Proponent: Feti First!


FetusPersonhood: The Pro-Life Movement's Ultimate Goal
The bedrock principle of the pro-life movement - that all preborn babies are "persons" and all innocent people share the inalienable right to life - is the benchmark against which pro-lifers must evaluate any strategy to protect preborn children.
What is Personhood?
What is personhood and why is it so foundational to the pro-life movement?  Put simply, a "person" is a human being who is fully protected under the law; and we use the legal term "personhood" to describe this condition.  Once a human being is declared a person, that individual is guaranteed certain legal rights.
To better understand personhood, we begin by asking the fundamental question of when human life begins.  Embryological science has made crystal clear that human life begins at fertilization: the union of an egg and sperm resulting in a unique, genetically distinct human being.  The answer to the question of when human life begins is a biological one. 
The follow-up question is:  "Is this tiny embryonic human being a ‘person' who is guaranteed the right to life?"  In other words, should human beings be protected in law as persons; as citizens upon whom full constitutional protections (due process, equal protection, etc.) should confer?  The answer to the question of personhood is a political/legal one.  Once a human being is declared to be a legal person, there simply can be no exceptions to his or her inalienable right to life; just as there are no exceptions to our right to life.
Visit our personhood website by clicking here."

Paul Ryan supports the rights of embryos over the rights of women in whose bodies they have manifested.

Because embryos are people and women are not.  

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Stupak Is As Stupak Does

Periodically, when I'm feeling down, I launch attacks against the government-forced maternity crowd. And I launch attacks against the separation-of-church-and-state-is-for-pussies crowd, those arrogant guys in those churches that want meddle in the lives of people who don't even GO to their churches.

And, you know, like, I still have my panties in a twist about all that, you know, primary sexism stuff from all those kewl libruls who really have no problem throwing, you know, broads under the bus.

So when I heard about the Stupak thing, I just thought: hey! Broads under the bus 2009? No biggie. It's deja vu all over again.

And, you know -- it is!

I know it's just because I'm so emotional, just that time of the month, prolly, but see, there's another little tiny voice inside my head that is saying:

fuck this. really.

you really don't have to be physically hit to be abused, do you?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Child Abuse/Neglect No Priority for GOP Gov Ahnold

I don't know if Arnold is a fetus-firster. I do know that he has just slashed funding for the department charged with dealing with child abuse and neglect.

I continue to be horrified by the upsurge in fetal sentimentalism, while the job of actually protecting actual kids from abuse and neglect remains so, well, neglected.
