Showing posts with label Clinton Derangement Syndrome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clinton Derangement Syndrome. Show all posts

Friday, February 26, 2016

Young Revolutionary (sic) Bernie Sanders's Misses Entire Point of the Women's Liberation Movement

The whole thing is not about Bernie and Hillary.
It's about unpacking the backpack of male privilege.
How uncomfortable might it be to acknowledge that?

Bernie Sanders' problem--his old school Leninist view that somehow women's issues will be automatically solved by the socialist revolution. 

"Goodbye, goodbye. 
To hell with the simplistic notion that automatic freedom for women—or nonwhite peoples—will come about  zap! with the advent of a socialist revolution. 
        Two evils pre-date capitalism and clearly have been able to survive and post-date                                              socialism: sexism and racism. "

"Goodbye to All That, " R. Morgan, 1970.

The analysis above, from Robin Morgan, was available to Bernie Sanders in 1970.
Bernie was around then.  How could he entirely unaware of the women's movement?

It's really odd, when you think of it--someone who thinks of himself as so dedicated and so political but he completely misses the point of a major social movement? 

And 46 years later, supposedly progressive candidate Bernie Sanders says:

"I don't go around, no one has ever heard me say, 'Hey guys, let's stand together, vote for a man.' I would never do that, never have."

That's not just clueless, that's crazy.

Quick, someone send him a copy of Giardina's "Marxism Without Male Supremacy."

Friday, February 19, 2016


For many years and until not long ago, but self-identified here on this very blog as a lifelong Dem, social Democrat, Bernie Sanders-style.

On this very blog, I supported him to be Hillary's VP.
Thought they would be a strong ticket, create a landslide, win White House, win back Congress.

Since then, stuff has happened.

Sexist crap from his Sarandonista supporters, framing HRC ppl as just voting with their vaginas for a vagina.  Eew.  Then smearing Albright and Steinem.

And then, much much worse, it seems that all sorts of weird crap is not just from BernieBro supporters, but is (and has been) coming out of Bernie Sanders' very own mouth.  Good God.

I had not known.

I do know now.

I'm not supporting Sanders any more.


Organizing Women Isn't Organizing Because

Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont on Thursday defended the rapper Killer Mike’s remark this week that a “uterus doesn’t qualify you to be president. . . "

“What Mike said, essentially, is that politics should not be, people should not be, voting for candidates based on their gender, but on what they believe. I think that makes sense. I don’t go around, no one has ever heard me say, ‘Hey guys, stand together, vote for a man.’ I would never do that."

Certainly not.

She Doesn't Vote With Her Vagina

What she said.    Yep. That's what she said.

Friday, February 12, 2016

It's the Vitriol, Stupid!

You just can't shut up the Fauxgressives, can you?

Great recent diary from DKos slamming feminist icons. 

You can almost smell the Molotov cocktails, feel the shards of crystal glass shattering all around one, hear the roars of the mob as they drag these uppity old bitches to the guillotine.

You can almost envision mobbists throwing ropes up on the statues of the icons, catching the stone heads of the great statues, pulling, pulling, pulling them down. 

Before the gleaming guillotine, are being flayed before being slain.  You almost dance around while hearing their pathetic girly screams while losing several strips, each by each, bit by bit.

Oh, then come the deeper, bigger-girly screams.  Oh yes.

You can note the mob's orgasmic sighs, their deeply joyous satisfaction, the passion of the flayers, the agonies of the flayed, crowing crowd agog with just so much ecstatic celebration! We're pulling down the mighty! Make them repay their evil deeds!

There's something really rotten on the leftie side of the political spectrum--so far left it's turning right.

It's the mad-dog #Sarandonistas, jack-booted shrieky "Socialist" (Stalinist?) thugs who strut and foam and scream, demanding all of us to submit and do their bidding.   

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Anti-Clinton Backlash in NH: Fueled by GOPs Infiltrating Dem Primary

So from the Washington Times we have a helluva story, it's all about the anti-Clinton backlash in NH and indeed that's what the story's all about.

Except it isn't.  First, there's a guy who sez that he's ok with Bernie.

He also states he's good with all the others--except Hillary.

ALL the others.

Yes, he's good with ALL the others--Cruz, Jeb, The Donald, Carly, Kasich,

Christie, Marco every single rabid one of them -- and yep he's good with Bernie.

The only one he cannot live with is -- you guessed it!  #eewSheDevil

Sound like any Dem you know?  Doesn't sound like any Dem that I know.

If you check his name on twitter, you get a guy who tweets solely about going to see--GOPs. Many GOPs.  Okeydoke

Going on, the next guy's quite the same.  Not a Dem against the Demon Hill. Not even someone who's ok with Bernie, as the first guy (mendaciously, it seems) claimed.

No, he's only voting to bring down the #eewSheDevil.

So whose idea was it to flood the Democratic primary with GOP-adoring so-called Independents?

That takes planning.

Round up the usual suspects.

Sorry that about the grubby graphics.
I'm rusty at blogging;  gave it up during the O years.

Pardon me.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Guess what? Libya is all Hillary's fault! Woo hoo!

The Clinton Derangement Syndrome raises its itchy greasy acne-pocked sexist head once more, with a fab slam article on how Libya is all Hillary's fault (plus it's Bill's fault, too) accompanied by an unflattering picture because why not, eh? They print unflattering pix of Gaddfi, don't they?

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Friday, June 05, 2009

Department of Better Late Than Never

See previous post(s).

HuffPo Smears the Secretary of State -- Again.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words.

Not sure how long they'll keep it, but right now there's a huge headline at HuffPo about an embassy couple who've been spying for Cuba. Its sole illustration is a picture of the Secretary of State, above.

Follow up is an article-- and its sole illustration is a picture of -- the Secretary of State.

Interesting philosophy of illustration they got there goin' at HuffPo. Walter Ken Myers -- no pix of the perp?

What, they couldn't get a picture of a palm tree? Or Gitmo?

Think Arianna's got um -- CDS issues?

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Scrawls on the Girls' Bathroom Stall-Walls

Hard not to just roll one's eyes and rub it out.

Alessandra Stanley

Elizabeth Bumiller

Okay, boys and girls: NBFH has to go to work.

Let's see who's been paying attention!

Read these two articles and explain why NBFH has her panties in a twist?

(Somerby: same twist, different day.)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Department of "Oh, Puh-LEEZE"

Gag me with a spoon.

"Both the McCain and Obama campaigns are courting this voting bloc."

Oh. Right. And don't forget, these old broads are "feisty" but "persuadable."

Hat-tip to VastLeft.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

They Want My Vote. And Yet: Just How Offensive Can They Get? Answer: Very

Are these people deliberately trying to be offensive? Or are they just working for Karl Rove?

How To Scam the Skanky Bitches into Voting for BO.



hat tip to VastLeft

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

AP Reports on Hillary Clinton's DNC Speech Before She Gives It

Ah, our darling media whore media.

We love them so, do we not?

Department of Possible Light at End of Tunnel, Unity Pony Entebbe Rescue Edition? Hat-tip to anon. ; )

And also, It's Hillary's Night! Hat-tip, again, to anon. ;)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Lost in Translation (or, You Do Not Have to be Hit to be Abused, Sweetie?)

Hello, boys and girls. Let's have some fun with language!

I'm choosing adjectives and nouns from two sources today: Dahlia' Lithwick's piece in Slate, "The Madwoman in the Blogosphere" (nb. that would be me, btw) and Michele Goldberg's "Three A.M. for Feminism," all about "Clinton dead-enders and the crisis in the women's movement."

Keep in mind that this language is coming from two supposedly liberal progressive Democratic women.

Ready to mix and match?


A.------------------------------------------------------------- B.

disgruntled ------------------------------------------------bitch
bitter -----------------------------------------------------madwoman
irrational ----------------------------------------------pyromaniac
hurt ---------------------------------------------------martyr
angry ---------------------------------------------------victim
rejected -------------------------------------------------harridan
unstable -------------------------------------------------hysteric
petulant ----------------------------------------------she-devil
lunatic ---------------------------------------------------dead-ender
self-referential (not THAT!)
irrationally destructive

(Forgive my inability to get the columns lined up right.)


How many combinations were you able to make, boyz and girlz?

"Toxic bitch"? "Middle-aged she-devil"? "Self-referential pyromaniac"?

This is a contest, faithful readers!

The grand prize is -- a bushel basketful of that singularly bitter high-priced vegetable, arugula!



[An important piece from Avedon Carol at Side-show, "this is not an instruction in how to vote" (hat tip to Corrente)]
{Campaign updates at Corrente.}

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Audacity Of Rove

Well, as a big-time hillary harridan I had intended to just STFU like a good little girl & get totally over it (over what?), and keep on privately snivelling in my beer whilst simultaneously whistling and pretending that lalalala nothing is wrong, it's all good, it doesn't matter, out of my hands, nothing to do with me, it is what is is, que sera sera, la-di-da, la-di-da, la-di-da, and utterly totally completely stuffing my feeeeeeelings (oh, would that be stuffing one's feelings as in "numbing & avoidance" one of the three main symptom categories that define PTSD? why yes it would!) and never write another word on the subject ever ever ever ever ever ever ever.

That was my plan.

And then I saw this:

New McCain Ad Hits Obama For Not Picking Hillary As Veep

And I thought to myself, "Ouch."

Then I thought "Wow."

Then I thought, "This must be Rove."

Then I thought, "Wow."

Then I thought, "Ouch," again.

Sez TPM (and do note TPM's swipe at "embittered" Clintonistas, they just can't stop slamming us can they? because it's all our fault/hillary's fault tum-ti-tum-tum so there) here.
John McCain is up with his second spot in two days hitting Obama over his veep choice, this one whacking him for not picking Hilllary:

The spot makes a kind of double-barreled bid for embittered Hillary voters: It fuses criticism of the fact that he "passed over" her with an airing of her attacks on him during the primary, arguing that he didn't choose her because of that criticism."


FEMALE VOICEOVER: She won millions of votes.

But isn't on his ticket.



Round one to you, Karl.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hope & Fear & Unity Pony DeathWatch

I remember waiting for the O.J. Simpson verdict to be announced.

I remember how I felt after it was announced, too.

Waiting for Obama's VP announcement is triggering traumatic memories of that period of on-tenterhooks waiting.

I'm really worried for my party, and for my country, hoping for the best and fearing the worst.

And I'm not the only one.

I'm not.
