Gag me with a spoon.
Or, OK, gag me with Rick Santorum's weepy fetal sentimentality story, worshipping at the gone-on-to-the-next-life-get-OVER-it picture of his and Mrs. Rick's dead-baby fetus, with its big, round, painted-on-black-velvet, sad eyes. Ecch.
Or gag me with the crackpot un-Christian cultists shrieking to adopt the cute lil' fuzzy lil' "snowflakes," the widdle sweet teensy weensy fwozen embryoes that are weeping weeping in their sad sad sad lonely abandoned-orphanage petri dishes.
It's a parallel universe on the order of Faux news intently following all the missing white women and none of the missing black women and nobody seemingly noticing or minding.
When the actual United States is filled filled filled with actual babies needing adoption, and actual foster children needing fostering, but really who cares about that, the little pre-fetuseseses are scweaming, even though they can't actually scream?
Oh, well. When James "Dogbeater" Dobson--the so-called Christian, actual un-Christian cultist guy who belt-beats his very own Dachshund, for fun-- is out there ranting for more, and more, and more unplanned parenthood, and advising his cult members to whip their little infants because it's GOOD for them?
When un-Christian cultist shriekers are out there shrieking for more and more and more unwanted children in the world? Gee, you think that ever might be a bad thing, filling the world with unwanted children? You think that might affect the rates of child abuse? Ya think?
Oh, no, of course not, you're not living in the reality-based universe, are you? You think we maybe should be taking actual care of the actual babies and children and mothers we have, before we start taking on more kids we can't care for? Ya think?
Feh. Go back to your embryo-centric, anti-baby, anti-mother, kiddywhipping puppybeater universe, miserable Reichwing whiners.
Oh, and by the way--shut UP.
Bush, Snowflakes
Bush veto
government-forced maternity
Showing posts with label child abuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label child abuse. Show all posts
Monday, March 04, 2024
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Clarksville child abuse, torture case
Child abuse du jour here.
child abuse,
child sexual abuse,
social sadism
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Sunday, July 03, 2011
Caged Boy
This is why it is obscene and immoral to fill the universe with unwanted children.
child abuse,
social sadism,
women's rights
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
US cop finds starving, caged 6-yr-old eating her own flesh to live | The Asian Age
US cop finds starving, caged 6-yr-old eating her own flesh to live | The Asian Age What the world needs now: more random parenthood.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
People Who Love You Get to Hit You and Hurt You, Cape Cod Church Edition
Cape Cod Calvary Church pastor Silas Coellner advocates causing children -- and crawling infants -- pain. On purpose. To teach them that people who love you get to hit you and hurt you, a lesson they will carry with them forever.
Pastor Silas is one sick puppy. Maybe he needs someone to beat some sense into him?
MATTAPOISETT — A pastor and father of three poised to become the assistant principal at Old Rochester Regional Junior High School is under fire for sermonizing that spanking children is "critical" — starting with when they crawl.
"I have this little bundle of innocence. When do I start dealing with them?" Silas Coellner said in an online podcast he took down after the Herald inquired about it.
"There's something about when they reach that crawling stage, I have found, in my experience, when you can suddenly see that heart of defiance, of rebellion, for the first time. That's when you begin."
Pastor Silas is one sick puppy. Maybe he needs someone to beat some sense into him?
child abuse,
social sadism,
stupid is as stupid does
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Cardinal Calls Priestly Pedophilia Plague: "Petty Gossip"
Because they still don't get it.
Except for those who do get it, because they do it, and want to keep on keeping on.
"For every 10 people you hear saying they were abused, 10,000 have kept silent.
Because they still don't get it.
Except for those who do get it, because they do it, and want to keep on keeping on.
Catholic Cardinal rejects sex abuse 'gossip'
A senior cardinal has said the Roman Catholic faithful will not be swayed by "petty gossip" about child sex-abuse allegations.
Cardinal Angelo Sodano, dean of the College of Cardinals, made the remark in an unusual message of support to Pope Benedict XVI during Easter Mass.
"For every 10 people you hear saying they were abused, 10,000 have kept silent.
child abuse,
child sexual abuse,
pedophile priests
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
OK, Where were we?
Sorry about the hiatus. I am, anyhow. Been working on a play. Been working on it for three years. (That's quick playwriting for me -- got another I've been working on for decades.)
So anyway, let's catch up.
Most fun piece today:
Noam Chomsky Supports Health Care Bill.
Second most fun piece, as Dems throw half the population under the bus, again:
Democrats Woo Foes of Abortion.
Because why bother supporting a woman's right to choose? Why bother, when you can support rightwing fetus-firsters instead, and get away with it?
Speaking of which, I bet you've been wondering, "Hmm, what does become of all those unwanted feti once they're post-born into families who wish they had never been born?"
We turn to Parents Behaving Badly, which features the things actual parents/step-parents actually do to their actual kids.
Scroll down to my favorite so far:
7-year-old Beaten To Death By Father on Father's Day.
What's yours?
So anyway, let's catch up.
Most fun piece today:
Noam Chomsky Supports Health Care Bill.
Second most fun piece, as Dems throw half the population under the bus, again:
Democrats Woo Foes of Abortion.
Because why bother supporting a woman's right to choose? Why bother, when you can support rightwing fetus-firsters instead, and get away with it?
Speaking of which, I bet you've been wondering, "Hmm, what does become of all those unwanted feti once they're post-born into families who wish they had never been born?"
We turn to Parents Behaving Badly, which features the things actual parents/step-parents actually do to their actual kids.
Scroll down to my favorite so far:
7-year-old Beaten To Death By Father on Father's Day.
What's yours?
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Department of Remind Me Again Why Wingers Think Kids Need a Mommy and a Daddy?
Because they sure don't need a Daddy like this.
Daddy waterboards his 4 year old daughter as punishment for her failure to recite the alphabet on command. No, really, I am not making this up. I don't have to. I never have to.
Hat-tip to Bookem/Seattle Tammy.
Daddy waterboards his 4 year old daughter as punishment for her failure to recite the alphabet on command. No, really, I am not making this up. I don't have to. I never have to.
Hat-tip to Bookem/Seattle Tammy.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Re-post from 2006 -- Child Abuse Prevention

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month.
In acknowledgment thereof, we might talk about the Republican Homeland Security pedophile guy, Brian Doyle, who went sex-trolling for adolescent girl children via the internet.
We might talk about all the bruised, beaten, starved and neglected unwanted children, but we've already talked a lot about them (scroll on down).
Or we might talk about Miss America of 1958.
That would be Marilyn Van Derbur, who was the victim of child abuse. The Miss America who was incested by her own pedophile father, and who, at 69, still suffers the consequences.
Americans don't like to talk about child physical abuse, much less child sexual abuse, much less incest. We prefer to be oblivious, like the South Dakotans who support a rapist's right to breed -- even an incestuous rapist's right to breed.
That's why, as part of Child Abuse Prevention Month, I think it's good to bring Miss America's story to the fore.
Her father was a rich and powerful man. His name was Francis S. Van Derbur, but his friends -- and he had many -- just called him "Van." He owned mortuaries and made himself a millionaire.More on Ms. Van Derbur here. More on Child Abuse Prevention Month at the National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information, here.
He was a socialite, a philanthropist, a renaissance man who recited poetry from memory -- and a rapist of children who violated his own daughter hundreds of times.
"Terror was my nightly blanket," Van Derbur writes in her award-winning autobiography, Miss America By Day. . .
When Van Derbur talks about child molestation, her demeanor is fierce, and her turquoise eyes burn with a natural-born warrior's zeal for battle. She rattles off shocking statistics like this: "One in six boys and one in four girls are sexually violated before the age of eighteen in this country; fourteen-year-olds comprise the greatest number of sex offenders of any age group. If those statistics don't frighten you, you are in total denial."
Or sums up the feelings of victims of child molestation like this: "We stay shamed by acting ashamed, when we have nothing to be ashamed of. Together we must say to every violator, 'The child may be mute today, but someday the child will speak her name and your name. The children will speak every single name!'"
child abuse
Bushist family values
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Nobody Wants to Talk About Child Sexual Abuse
Let's talk about the statistics of child sexual abuse, here.
Let's talk about the grooming process of child sexual predators, here.
And let's remember that experienced child sexual predators choose their victims wisely -- the younger the better. Because the younger they are, the less likely they are to be believed.
And the weirder the circumstances, the less likely they are to be believed -- recall David Cobb, the English teacher from Phillips Andover Academy whose sideline sexual abuse specialty was donning a pumpkin mask, paying his mentally retarded victims if they would do special things to "Help Pumpkin," such as "lotioning Pumpkin" and "assisting in urination."
Imagine how that might sound -- "Mommy, Mommy, a Pumpkin Man paid me to help him!"
"Oh, did he, dear? That's nice."
Let's talk about the grooming process of child sexual predators, here.
And let's remember that experienced child sexual predators choose their victims wisely -- the younger the better. Because the younger they are, the less likely they are to be believed.
And the weirder the circumstances, the less likely they are to be believed -- recall David Cobb, the English teacher from Phillips Andover Academy whose sideline sexual abuse specialty was donning a pumpkin mask, paying his mentally retarded victims if they would do special things to "Help Pumpkin," such as "lotioning Pumpkin" and "assisting in urination."
Imagine how that might sound -- "Mommy, Mommy, a Pumpkin Man paid me to help him!"
"Oh, did he, dear? That's nice."
Saturday, October 03, 2009
4 year old in criticl condition: 5 adults charged with felony child abuse
Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Nothing to see here; move along.
But really, let's concentrate on the innocent unborn, not the guilty post-born. Oh, and really, let's save them widdle snowfwakes, mm-'kay?
Nothing to see here; move along.
Neighbors who lived near the home where five adults were arrested for abusing a 4-year-old boy described a horrific scene on Friday - detailing the insides of the Hattiesburg home where the abuse took place.
They told of a vacant home with blood stains, a dog cage that may have been used to confine the child and rooms cluttered with trash and debris surrounded by graffiti-covered walls.
"There's stacks and stacks of clothes and little mats on the floor. It has the smell of feces," said the landlord, who didn't want his name publicized, of the home at 215 N. 25th Ave.
Among the suspects charged with one felony count of child abuse are: Sue Miller, 53; Nancy Miller, 34; Patricia Aguilar, 30; Francys Albertson, 20; and Christopher Lee, 37, all of Hattiesburg.
The landlord, who lives near the house, said all five suspects lived in the home, but only Sue Miller and her daughter, Nancy Miller, and Albertson were listed on the lease of the home, he said.
The suspects were arrested Tuesday after police received an anonymous tip from someone concerned about the welfare of the child inside the residence. Police said the child was in Sue Miller's care.
The 4-year-old boy was one of 10 children taken from the home by Forrest County Department of Human Services officials, police spokesman Synarus Green said. Green said investigators have not determined the relationship between the other nine children and the adults arrested.
The 4-year-old remains in critical condition at a Jackson hospital, police said.
The other nine children are in the custody of the Department of Human Services.
"The child's body was covered with new and old bruises, marks, cuts and abrasions," Green said in a prepared statement. "A lot of them were old injuries. He didn't receive them in one day," he said.
Investigators don't know how long the abuse had been going on, Green said.
A preliminary medical exam showed that the child had cuts on his head and body, broken teeth with damaged gums and internal abdominal injuries caused by blunt-force trauma. . . ."
But really, let's concentrate on the innocent unborn, not the guilty post-born. Oh, and really, let's save them widdle snowfwakes, mm-'kay?
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Polanski Got Off Lightly, Lawyers Say
Polanski would face tougher prosecution today
By GILLIAN FLACCUS (AP) – 3 hours ago
LOS ANGELES — If Roman Polanski were charged with child rape today, DNA evidence, stiffer penalties, outcry over childhood sexual abuse and tougher scrutiny of celebrity justice would make prosecutors much less willing to cut the plea deal the director received more than 30 years ago, legal experts say.
For one thing, changes in state law since the 1970s would give prosecutors other options in pursuing charges, including a law that includes a mandatory 15 years to life in state prison for rape, sodomy or a lewd act with a child coupled with certain circumstances, such as the use of a controlled substance, said Robin Sax, a former sex crimes prosecutor with the district attorney's office.
"He should be shutting up and thanking goodness for his sentence," said Sax, who is also a victim's advocate. "There's one part of me that says, 'Bring it on, you want your trial? Let's let everyone here see what the evidence really is.'"
Polanski was accused of plying a 13-year-old girl with champagne and part of a Quaalude during a modeling shoot in 1977 and raping her. He was initially indicted on six felony counts, including rape by use of drugs, child molesting and sodomy.
The director pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of unlawful sexual intercourse; in exchange, the remaining charges were dropped, and the judge agreed to send Polanski to prison for a 90-day psychiatric evaluation. But Polanski was released after 42 days and fled the country on the eve of his Feb. 1, 1978 sentencing after the judge reportedly told lawyers he planned to add more prison time.
"I intended that he at least serve a full 90 days in state prison," Superior Court Judge Laurence Rittenband said in an AP story from the time.
Rittenband also called the prison psychiatric report on Polanski "a complete whitewash" and told reporters he believed it didn't adequately explore Polanski's reasons for committing the sex offense.
Victims of clergy sexual abuse staged a protest outside the district attorney's office Wednesday to protest celebrities who have publicly supported Polanski since his arrest in Zurich, Switzerland over the weekend.
"It is very, very similar to the allegations against the priests ... and no one says that we should just ignore the priest pedophilia," said Katie Buckland, executive director of the California Women's Law Center and former Los Angeles city attorney, who was not affiliated with the protesters.
An HBO documentary released last year suggested judicial misconduct surrounding Polanski's plea deal. The victim, who didn't want to testify against him at the time, has joined in Polanski's bid for dismissal, which is currently before a California appellate court.
Chad Hummel, Polanski's attorney, declined to comment Wednesday.
Experts watching the case unfold on two continents say in today's climate, Polanski would have very little chance of getting the sort of plea deal he got in 1977 — judicial misconduct or not.
"I think we treat sex and sex with minor cases now much more severely than we did then," said Stan Goldman, a law professor at Loyola Law School of Los Angeles. "I think Polanski or anybody today would be looking at massive amounts of time in jail ... in light of the allegation, as originally charged, that this was forcible, and that he fed her drugs."
By GILLIAN FLACCUS (AP) – 3 hours ago
LOS ANGELES — If Roman Polanski were charged with child rape today, DNA evidence, stiffer penalties, outcry over childhood sexual abuse and tougher scrutiny of celebrity justice would make prosecutors much less willing to cut the plea deal the director received more than 30 years ago, legal experts say.
For one thing, changes in state law since the 1970s would give prosecutors other options in pursuing charges, including a law that includes a mandatory 15 years to life in state prison for rape, sodomy or a lewd act with a child coupled with certain circumstances, such as the use of a controlled substance, said Robin Sax, a former sex crimes prosecutor with the district attorney's office.
"He should be shutting up and thanking goodness for his sentence," said Sax, who is also a victim's advocate. "There's one part of me that says, 'Bring it on, you want your trial? Let's let everyone here see what the evidence really is.'"
Polanski was accused of plying a 13-year-old girl with champagne and part of a Quaalude during a modeling shoot in 1977 and raping her. He was initially indicted on six felony counts, including rape by use of drugs, child molesting and sodomy.
The director pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of unlawful sexual intercourse; in exchange, the remaining charges were dropped, and the judge agreed to send Polanski to prison for a 90-day psychiatric evaluation. But Polanski was released after 42 days and fled the country on the eve of his Feb. 1, 1978 sentencing after the judge reportedly told lawyers he planned to add more prison time.
"I intended that he at least serve a full 90 days in state prison," Superior Court Judge Laurence Rittenband said in an AP story from the time.
Rittenband also called the prison psychiatric report on Polanski "a complete whitewash" and told reporters he believed it didn't adequately explore Polanski's reasons for committing the sex offense.
Victims of clergy sexual abuse staged a protest outside the district attorney's office Wednesday to protest celebrities who have publicly supported Polanski since his arrest in Zurich, Switzerland over the weekend.
"It is very, very similar to the allegations against the priests ... and no one says that we should just ignore the priest pedophilia," said Katie Buckland, executive director of the California Women's Law Center and former Los Angeles city attorney, who was not affiliated with the protesters.
An HBO documentary released last year suggested judicial misconduct surrounding Polanski's plea deal. The victim, who didn't want to testify against him at the time, has joined in Polanski's bid for dismissal, which is currently before a California appellate court.
Chad Hummel, Polanski's attorney, declined to comment Wednesday.
Experts watching the case unfold on two continents say in today's climate, Polanski would have very little chance of getting the sort of plea deal he got in 1977 — judicial misconduct or not.
"I think we treat sex and sex with minor cases now much more severely than we did then," said Stan Goldman, a law professor at Loyola Law School of Los Angeles. "I think Polanski or anybody today would be looking at massive amounts of time in jail ... in light of the allegation, as originally charged, that this was forcible, and that he fed her drugs."
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Yo, Whoopi: That's What "Rape" Rape IS
Has this country run entirely out of adults?
Here's a link to story about Whoopi Goldberg, who, along with some others, seems to find the act of drugging, raping and sodomizing a child something other than utterly repellent and unacceptable. She thinks it was rape, but not "rape" rape.
Splashed all over HuffPo you'll find Polanski apologists. It's remarkable. I see Polanski apologists everywhere.
They don't even know that they're dead wrong.
Polanski apologists could feast their eyes on Polanski's victim's testimony at The Smoking Gun, here. Where, you know, the child victim testified to being all alone with Polanski, given champagne, and more champagne, and then qaaludes. Then, having been all softened up, she testifies to being raped and sodomized by Polanski. It's all right there in black and white.
But, hey, there's a big pro-torture crowd, too, in the ol' U-S-A, so what's not so funny about peace, love and understanding child date-rape,-rape-rape,-and-sodomy?
Here's a link to story about Whoopi Goldberg, who, along with some others, seems to find the act of drugging, raping and sodomizing a child something other than utterly repellent and unacceptable. She thinks it was rape, but not "rape" rape.
Splashed all over HuffPo you'll find Polanski apologists. It's remarkable. I see Polanski apologists everywhere.
They don't even know that they're dead wrong.
Polanski apologists could feast their eyes on Polanski's victim's testimony at The Smoking Gun, here. Where, you know, the child victim testified to being all alone with Polanski, given champagne, and more champagne, and then qaaludes. Then, having been all softened up, she testifies to being raped and sodomized by Polanski. It's all right there in black and white.
But, hey, there's a big pro-torture crowd, too, in the ol' U-S-A, so what's not so funny about peace, love and understanding child date-rape,-rape-rape,-and-sodomy?
child abuse,
dept of I'm not making this up,
Monday, September 28, 2009
Dept. of Kids So Need Mommies and/or Daddies
Because no one could have predicted Mommy would lock her son in a closet for four and a half years.
OKLAHOMA CITY – A woman was arrested after her 14-year-son told authorities he escaped from a home where he'd been kept for 4 1/2 years, spending most of his time locked in a bedroom closet, police said Monday.
OKLAHOMA CITY – A woman was arrested after her 14-year-son told authorities he escaped from a home where he'd been kept for 4 1/2 years, spending most of his time locked in a bedroom closet, police said Monday.
A security guard at a National Guard facility in Oklahoma City called police on Friday after the teen showed up malnourished and with numerous scars and other signs of abuse, police Sgt. Gary Knight said.
"He was hungry. He was dirty. He had numerous scars on his body," Knight said. "It was very sad."
The boy was taken to a hospital to be examined and then turned over to the custody of the Department of Human Services, Knight said.
After police interviews, officers on Saturday arrested the boy's mother, 37-year-old LaRhonda Marie McCall, and a friend, 38-year-old Steve Vern Hamilton, on 20 complaints each of child abuse and child neglect. Formal charges have not been filed, and both were being held on $400,000 bond, according to jail records.
Jail officials were not sure if either had retained an attorney, and no one answered the phone at McCall's home.
The teen, wearing only a pair of oversized shorts held up by a belt, walked up to a security guard at the Guard facility around 5 p.m. Friday and asked where a police station was located so he could report being abused, according to a police report.
He told police that scars on his stomach and torso were from where alcohol had been poured on him and set on fire. Other scars were from being tied up, hit with an extension cord and choked, the boy told police.
"He had scars covering most of his body," Knight said. "They were basically from head to foot."
The teen told police he moved to the Oklahoma City area from New Jersey about 4 1/2 years ago after his mother was released from jail. Since arriving in Oklahoma, he said, he had never been to school and spent most of his time locked in a bedroom closet.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Champagne, Qaaludes, & Child Rape: It's Roman Polanski Oh, My! Oh My!
The curious case of Oscar-winning child rapist Roman Polanski continues on its curious way, remarkable for shining a light on public acceptance/denial/numbing/avoidance of certain sexual crimes. Like, um, you know, vaginal rape and anal rape (and oral as well, if memory serves) of a 13 year old child [having softened her up first, as it were, with mind-altering substances, in this case alcohol and pills, the classic date-rape drug combo of choice].
Polanski pleads all the way down next to nothing -- unlawful sex with a minor -- but still, it's just not down far enough for him. How he finds sympathizers is beyond me. It's all about poor persecuted Roman. Who has never had the balls to stand up and say, yes, I drugged and raped that little girl, every which way, and I am one really sick f*ck. I mean, how hard is that?
Polanski pleads all the way down next to nothing -- unlawful sex with a minor -- but still, it's just not down far enough for him. How he finds sympathizers is beyond me. It's all about poor persecuted Roman. Who has never had the balls to stand up and say, yes, I drugged and raped that little girl, every which way, and I am one really sick f*ck. I mean, how hard is that?
Monday, September 21, 2009
There Is No Plague Of Child Abuse Even Though It Takes Me Maybe Three Minutes on Google to Find a Juicy Case
Jessica Baxter, 65, gets a life term for child abuse.
Jessica Banks, 65 was the pastor of a small church in Riverside County, California and adopted five girls about five years ago. She was convicted in July of 16 felonies for child abuse, and this week was sentenced to 36 years and 8 months in prison, along with two consecutive terms of 15 years to life.
Jessica Banks kept the girls locked in an unheated garage, and kicked and beat them daily with cords and sticks, high heeled shoes, extension cords and belts. The five girls were between 4-11 of age at the time, and were forced to wear two layers of diapers and long black dresses, according to authorities. Jessica Banks also fed the girls spoiled food and made them take sleeping pills, and sexually abused them with paint sticks.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Bio Mom Dumps Newborn in Porta-potty Tank
Let's guilt-trip more moms into having kids they don't want.
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