Showing posts with label Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome. Show all posts
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
More About Unwanted Children
Another child caged by Mommy and Daddy.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Bio Mom Dumps Newborn in Porta-potty Tank
Let's guilt-trip more moms into having kids they don't want.
Friday, June 26, 2009
HufPo: Another Sexist Article on a Prominent US Politician
HuffPo is supposed to be a liberal site?
Well, guess what. It isn't.
Regarding females primarily as sex objects is uh -- duh -- sexist. And that's uh -- duh -- bad.
This is maybe the fifth article from HuffPo in the past month that is openly, overtly sexist. Call for others to get their panties in a twist, plse.
Maria Cantwell Voted Sexiest Senator.
Well, guess what. It isn't.
Regarding females primarily as sex objects is uh -- duh -- sexist. And that's uh -- duh -- bad.
This is maybe the fifth article from HuffPo in the past month that is openly, overtly sexist. Call for others to get their panties in a twist, plse.
Maria Cantwell Voted Sexiest Senator.
Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Down With The Pussy Christ!

Seattle preacherboy Mark Driscoll: pls. deeply enjoy NY Times story of testosterone-deficient loudmouth sexist fascist self-described Calvinist dude (with big-time personal castration issues) pimping way kewl ever so un-girly-manly Sexist Fascist Jesus.

"What really grates [on Driscoll] is the portrayal of Jesus as a wimp, or worse.
Paintings depict a gentle man embracing children and cuddling lambs.
Hymns celebrate his patience and tenderness.
The mainstream church, Driscoll has written, has transformed Jesus into 'a Richard Simmons, hippie, queer Christ,' a 'neutered and limp-wristed popular Sky Fairy of pop culture.'"

Monday, August 11, 2008
Obama: Just Not Man Enough to Run With Hillary

It's pretty stupid for a presumptive nominee not to run with someone who would pretty much guarantee a Democratic landslide in the fall, don't you think?
So, why is Obama being stupid?
Why is Obama not happily, eagerly, throughtfully, planfully, excitedly, passionately offering Hillary Clinton the VP spot?
It makes no sense, does it?
He doesn't need 18 million votes?
His ego is too fragile?
He's scared that Hillary Clinton might, periodically, both outshine him and outthink him?
And he just doesn't want to be out-shone nor out-thunk? So he's willing to put the outcome of the election at greater risk to prop up his (male?) ego?
That would be a sure sign of Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome, sweetie. A troubling thought. Makes him look weak. Makes him look like a Schwartzenegger girlie-man. Makes him look like a total, well --- pussy.
Barack Obama needs to cowboy up for the good of the Democratic Party.
He needs to clean up his act.
Obama's current behavior is completely unacceptable. The pandering to the right, screwing up on FISA, backpedalling on choice, calling the Clintons racists, failing to address his sexism, not backing single payer health care, etc. etc.
Wimping out on naming Hillary VP is the worst of his worst, and this failure alone may cost the Democrats the election.
Look how things are shaping up:
In the two months since Barack Obama captured the Democratic nomination, he has hit a ceiling in public opinion polling, proving unable to make significant gains with any segment of the national electorate.Will Obama be getting over himself anytime soon?
While Obama still leads in most matchups with John McCain, the Illinois senator’s apparent stall in the polls is a sobering reminder to Democrats intoxicated with his campaign’s promises to expand the electoral map beyond the boundaries that have constrained other recent party nominees.
That gap between expectations and reality comes as Democrats enjoy the most favorable political winds since at least 1976. At least eight in ten Americans believe the nation is on the wrong track. The Republican president is historically unpopular. From stunning Democratic gains in party registration to the high levels of economic anxiety, Obama should have a healthy lead by almost every measure. Yet, in poll after poll, Obama conspicuously fails to cross the 50 percent threshold.
ABC News Polling Director Gary Langer asked, “If everything is so good for Barack Obama, why isn’t everything so good for Barack Obama?”
Will Obama be growing some cojones anytime soon?
And if not, why not?
And here's Big Tent Democrat on Another Reason Why Obama Should Choose Hillary as VP.
Here's VastLeftwingConspiracy on the Huge Unseen Elephant in the Democratic Party Room where Unity Pony was supposed to be.
Here's Alegre on why this race is so close when it shouldn't be.
Here's Anglachel on male privilege and the Edwards story: Yes, it is about the f*cking.
And here's Obama backpedalling on choice. Let's do fill the universe with more unwanted children who can grow up to be miserable and/or criminal and/or murderous like Ted Bundy, Osama, and Dirty Bush, eh?
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Bludgeon Me Not With Roe v. Wade

I know that John McCain is a sexist pig. He's a Bushist Fascist Republican, after all. I expect him to be a cunt-calling, dumpy-wife-dumping, Chancellor-Merkel-petting, pubic-hair-on-the-coke can, government-forced maternity kinda guy.
Liberal/progressive Democrats I expect not to be cunt-calling sexist pigs.
Or even regular old garden-variety sexist pigs.
Litmus test: IF sexist, THEN non-progressive. Q.E.D.
I mean, how hard is that?
So when those on the left side of the aisle begin shrieking like those on the right, I get a little worried.
I'm worried.
And not just about poor little cotton-candy pink Unity Pony with her big round sad eyes, puking and retching in the ER, waiting for 2 days to be seen because the hospital found out her health insurance was bogus and tossed her out of the ICU.
What worries me is all this stuff about Hillaryists being responsible to save Party Unity Pony.
Uh -- not.
It's the malign acceptance of sexism (in Big Tent Democrat's term) among so-called progressives that is driving large sections of its base into the arms of -- someone.
Someone else. To McCain/The Greens/sitting out this election/none of the above/not sure yet call me later.
This breach was caused by the behavior of deeply gender-biased otherwise adult boyz who just don't get it, and needs to be healed by actual progressive men who do 'get it'. Like sending Nixon to China. Those boyz -- and you know who they are -- aren't going to listen to girlz in the first place, and they haven't. If they'd listened when we first spoke up -- and speak up we girlz did -- they wouldn't still be in the mess that they're certainly in.
And it is their mess, not ours. It is the bilious stench of classic neanderthal testosterone-deficient sexist sniggering fratboy crap, coming from, of all people, "progressives," that has contaminated our Democratic political environment and spread through the body politic like Ebola.
It's got to stop.
Real progressive men can save Unity Pony, so
this is a call to arms.
Arise, cool dudes, and join the Sweetie Rebellion.
Ball's in your court. ;)
(Note to self: did one just indulge oneself in a rescue fantasy? Hm.
Let's reframe: Marine on point discovers dangerous enemy target, calls in airstrike, transmits relevant coordinates.
Yes, it's just a metaphor, people. But it works.)
Friday, May 23, 2008
Clinton Trounces McCain Who Trounces Obama; Aravosis, Kos Suffer From Acute & Chronic PMS

Hi there, boys and girls! You enjoying the socio-political atmosphere these days?
I sure am.
Oh, and while we're having fun, let's check out the electability tsunami for today at Hominid Views.
99.9% probability of winning in a Clinton/McCain match-up?
w00t! Let's make sure the superdelegates don't know about that!
80.7% probability of McCain winning against Obama. But who really cares about winning, eh?
Let's make SURE we nominate the guy who's going to lose to McCain, because that really demonstrates party unity!
Now let's check on Aravosis/Kos, bloggerboyz who are SO dedicated to Democrats losing the election in November so that Dem Party Unity Pony stays alive? (Or do I mean so Dem Party Unity Pony dies a horrible death? Um, whateverrr.)
God, they just can't frickin' help themselves, can they?
The Democratic Party is imploding, women are leaving it in droves, men who support Hillary are leaving in droves, and these loudmouth sexist sniggering rabid fratboys just can't shut down their Pieholes of Misogyny Syndrome.
You can get the gist via Corrente, "Well, women are childish. We know this." I'm not linking to them. They just SO suck. AND -- they're destroying the Democratic party and making Karl "Miss Piggy" Rove smile.
[And here's The Great Purge, "Daily Kos Is a Nappy-Headed 'Ho'"]
[Here's my prescient post from April 2007, before The Great Purge "Markos Moulitsas Is A Nappy-Headed 'Ho'"]
[And here's Aravosis's own memorable horrible person terrible twos temper tantrum.}
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Who Will Rid Me of These Booger-Chomping, Testosterone-Deprived Sniggering Fratboy Dickheads?
The Sniggering Fratboy Posse is hanging out at Slate these days, big-time. Like "Little Mickey" Kaus, and his homies. Timothy Noah. Chadwick Matlin. All the Hillary Deathwatch Boyz.
They're sniggering and hanging loose elsewhere, too.
MSNBC. CNN. Faux. NYT. Evv-rywhere.
Grabbing their metaphoric public crotches, which are either openly empty or stuffed with smelly socks.
Want another gender-slur from Keith "Ladies First" Olberman?
Earth to Keith -- if you want to disparage Clinton, disparage her policies, not her gender. Would you tell Obama he should "go to the back of the bus"? Of course not. But "Ladies First"? That's okay.
Then there's yesterday's New York Times coverage of Clinton, which manages to name-call her repeatedly while leaving out any evidence that would suggest the gender-slur name-calling is in any way merited by facts: two headline featuring the attribute "Ruthlessness," and flinging this unsourced mud from "critics": "divisive," "a dirty fighter," "willing to do anything to win." It criticized her for having "baggage that makes Mrs. Clinton [not Senator Clinton] such a provocative political figure" while continuing to create that baggage right on the front page.
(The next day's Times featured an article that prominently feautured descriptions of her coiffure and makeup. I looked over the rest of the paper, and you know, I just couldn't find any other person whose hair and makeup was mentioned. Oh my. Hmm.)
Like an intentional fart in a closed car, the sniggering sexist fratboy fetor pervades the whole US media whore media, contaminating the culture at large.
Some of them sexist niggerers claim to be female. Most of them claim to be male.
But they're all all wet. They're all limp and pathetic.
They're all, you know -- dickheads. Inexcusable dickheads.
(& by this this metaphor I mean no insult to dicks.)
Hat tip to Tennessee Guerilla Women.
They're sniggering and hanging loose elsewhere, too.
MSNBC. CNN. Faux. NYT. Evv-rywhere.
Grabbing their metaphoric public crotches, which are either openly empty or stuffed with smelly socks.
Want another gender-slur from Keith "Ladies First" Olberman?
Earth to Keith -- if you want to disparage Clinton, disparage her policies, not her gender. Would you tell Obama he should "go to the back of the bus"? Of course not. But "Ladies First"? That's okay.
Then there's yesterday's New York Times coverage of Clinton, which manages to name-call her repeatedly while leaving out any evidence that would suggest the gender-slur name-calling is in any way merited by facts: two headline featuring the attribute "Ruthlessness," and flinging this unsourced mud from "critics": "divisive," "a dirty fighter," "willing to do anything to win." It criticized her for having "baggage that makes Mrs. Clinton [not Senator Clinton] such a provocative political figure" while continuing to create that baggage right on the front page.
(The next day's Times featured an article that prominently feautured descriptions of her coiffure and makeup. I looked over the rest of the paper, and you know, I just couldn't find any other person whose hair and makeup was mentioned. Oh my. Hmm.)
Like an intentional fart in a closed car, the sniggering sexist fratboy fetor pervades the whole US media whore media, contaminating the culture at large.
Some of them sexist niggerers claim to be female. Most of them claim to be male.
But they're all all wet. They're all limp and pathetic.
They're all, you know -- dickheads. Inexcusable dickheads.
(& by this this metaphor I mean no insult to dicks.)
Hat tip to Tennessee Guerilla Women.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
It's the Sexism, Stupid!

Watch it at YouTube, here.
Watch it if you dare, testosterone-deprived acne-pocked media whore media sexist sniggering fratboys. [MSNBC, Matthews, Carlson, FlabbyMatt Taibbi, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Kristol, Olbermann, Shuster, Cafferty, Beck, Cavuto, Russert, Barnicle, Scarborough, Snyder, etc. etc.]
And all you sniggering fratboy sympathizers. [MoDo, HuffPo]
And the rest of some of the rest of you who are Faux-liberal Manichaean sexist sniggering fratboys who don't even know that you are sexist sniggering fratboys. [Kos, Aravosis, PDA, Move-on, Buzzflash, Olbermann, FlabbyMatt Taibbi, Shuster, Rich]
Watch it if you dare. All the way to the end.
But don't forget:
"While women have been elected to the highest offices in countries such as England, Germany, and India, [oh, and not to mention Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, New Zealand, Israel, and Ireland -- who have I forgotten?] the idea that a woman could be president of the United States provokes scoffs and ridicule.
The press portrays female candidates as unviable, unnatural, and incompetent, and often ignores or belittles women instead of reporting their ideas and intent. [What? They DO??]
Since voters learn most details about presidential candidates through media outlets, Falk asserts that this prevailing bias calls into question the modern democratic assumption that men and women have comparable access to positions of power." -- Women for President, Media Bias in Eight Campaigns
Sexism pervading America? What? Well, I must tell you that I'm shocked. Shocked.
[Why do I now call Matt Taibbi "FlabbyMatt"? Check out his most recent anti-Hillary screed, in which he leads off by disparaging the physical appearance of a leading candidate for President of the United States, hurling an insult that is at once both sexist AND ageist. Way to go, FlabbyMatt.]
Bill O'Reilly rips off my post title, here.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Obama's "F*cking Whore Fundraiser" Scandal: See No Evil? Hear No Evil? Really? Speak No Evil? Well, nevermind.
Obama's odd silence on the Fucking Whore Fundraiser Scandal is shocking, yet unsurprising. Somehow. And you'd think that this would be a major story for the media whore media, would you not? And yet that silence, too, is deafening.
Hmm. Whatup?
Presidential Candidate Barack Obama needs to denounce Randi "Clinton is a big fucking whore" Rhodes' comment. Right frickin' now. (Then Mr. Hope/Change/Hope can explain why he waited so long to do so, and why that behavior is not both sexist and majorly righwing.))
His continuing silence about this vulgar sexist attack gives consent and complicity, especially since it occurred at an Obama fundraising event.
Obama must denounce Rhodes' statements about both current presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and former vice-presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro, apologize for the sexist slurs being made at his fundraiser, and return all money that event made. [Update: didn't happen. Aint's gonna happen.]
And Randi Rhodes needs to have her head examined. (She's not the only one). I hadn't realized that the Democratic party was so severely infested with vulgar, sexist vitriolic boors masquerading as liberals -- so now there's a Pottymouth Cheney/Freeper wing of the Dem party, eh?
Makes me sick. Kos makes me sick, Progressive (sic) Dems of America makes me sick, BuzzFlash, Americablog, blah blah blah. Why do they think it's ok to behave this way? Shrieky hysterical mob mentality behavior from people who really really should know better -- but don't.
Shame on them. Feh.
More here, via No Quarter.
And good comments here at Anglachel:
[Update: I have to say that with every week, and with every passing day that brings more Hillary-hating hysteria and swiftboat slime, I am sliding further and further away from my vow of supporting the Democratic candidate whoever that might be. I have taken hard hits for supporting Hillary, both in RL and SL (oddly enough), and I'm telling you, I don't frickin' like it. Drummed out in RL of Americablog and HuffPo and Buzzflash and DU and Kos, I fled to the Hillaryblogs. Where I found myself with the similarly drummed-out with similar philosophies -- it sure feels like home. (And even SL is less so, though most I hang with have been very polite. I learned recently that one Obama supporter there was been spreading rumors behind my virtual back that I had said I was not going to vote for Obama, which I had never ever said. I'm adding that experience to my list of things that are starting to make me frickin' wonder.)
I don't like Obama's policies, and I don't like the way the more vocal of his supporters behave. My opinion of him has gone from generally favorable a few months back to generally unfavorable, as I have learned more about him. I think he is a timid centrist candidate who is not ready for prime time. I don't like how his team treats his opponent. At all. I don't like all this constant wierd-ass dismissive sexist crap, and I don't like what Leahy and Kerry and Kennedy and Carter are saying and doing; I don't like being vilified, I don't like the media whore media's sexist crap, especially not Frank Rich and Huffington and MoDo and Olbermann, and I particularly don't like the Faux-left's sexist crap, like that of Randi Rhodes, above. You act like that, you're not on my side. And I am not on yours. Forewarned is forearmed. So far I'm sticking to my pledge, but I'll tell you, as of about an hour ago, I've started wavering. And I am a big-time long-time ultra-progressive Democrat. A real one, not a timid centrist. Lose me if you dare.]
Hmm. Whatup?
Presidential Candidate Barack Obama needs to denounce Randi "Clinton is a big fucking whore" Rhodes' comment. Right frickin' now. (Then Mr. Hope/Change/Hope can explain why he waited so long to do so, and why that behavior is not both sexist and majorly righwing.))
His continuing silence about this vulgar sexist attack gives consent and complicity, especially since it occurred at an Obama fundraising event.
Obama must denounce Rhodes' statements about both current presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and former vice-presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro, apologize for the sexist slurs being made at his fundraiser, and return all money that event made. [Update: didn't happen. Aint's gonna happen.]
And Randi Rhodes needs to have her head examined. (She's not the only one). I hadn't realized that the Democratic party was so severely infested with vulgar, sexist vitriolic boors masquerading as liberals -- so now there's a Pottymouth Cheney/Freeper wing of the Dem party, eh?
Makes me sick. Kos makes me sick, Progressive (sic) Dems of America makes me sick, BuzzFlash, Americablog, blah blah blah. Why do they think it's ok to behave this way? Shrieky hysterical mob mentality behavior from people who really really should know better -- but don't.
Shame on them. Feh.
More here, via No Quarter.
And good comments here at Anglachel:
[Update: I have to say that with every week, and with every passing day that brings more Hillary-hating hysteria and swiftboat slime, I am sliding further and further away from my vow of supporting the Democratic candidate whoever that might be. I have taken hard hits for supporting Hillary, both in RL and SL (oddly enough), and I'm telling you, I don't frickin' like it. Drummed out in RL of Americablog and HuffPo and Buzzflash and DU and Kos, I fled to the Hillaryblogs. Where I found myself with the similarly drummed-out with similar philosophies -- it sure feels like home. (And even SL is less so, though most I hang with have been very polite. I learned recently that one Obama supporter there was been spreading rumors behind my virtual back that I had said I was not going to vote for Obama, which I had never ever said. I'm adding that experience to my list of things that are starting to make me frickin' wonder.)
I don't like Obama's policies, and I don't like the way the more vocal of his supporters behave. My opinion of him has gone from generally favorable a few months back to generally unfavorable, as I have learned more about him. I think he is a timid centrist candidate who is not ready for prime time. I don't like how his team treats his opponent. At all. I don't like all this constant wierd-ass dismissive sexist crap, and I don't like what Leahy and Kerry and Kennedy and Carter are saying and doing; I don't like being vilified, I don't like the media whore media's sexist crap, especially not Frank Rich and Huffington and MoDo and Olbermann, and I particularly don't like the Faux-left's sexist crap, like that of Randi Rhodes, above. You act like that, you're not on my side. And I am not on yours. Forewarned is forearmed. So far I'm sticking to my pledge, but I'll tell you, as of about an hour ago, I've started wavering. And I am a big-time long-time ultra-progressive Democrat. A real one, not a timid centrist. Lose me if you dare.]
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Effeminate Tubby Druggie Rush Limbaugh Ravaged By Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome: O my!

Tubby Druggie Rush is really hurtin', people. He's cryin' out like a wussy mama's boy, he's cryin' out fer help. He's got TDS.
Poor boy's got TDS. Yikes.
Rush just can't get it up anymore, Swiftboat-smearwise. He ain't UP to it, even via chemical assist.
Should we snag this Sniggering TDS Fratboy some actual Viagra? Some compassion Oxycontin?
Well, sure, it's too little too late, but I think Rush Limbaugh needs to be on a permanent indwelling Testosterone Drip. Big-time.
Limbaugh returned to "testicle lockbox"; claimed Clinton "reminds men of the worst characteristics of women."
Rush Limbaugh revived his claims about Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's so-called "testicle lockbox," stating:
"Clinton's testicle lockbox is big enough for the entire Democrat (sic) hierarchy, not just some people in the media. . .. Her lockbox, her testicle lockbox can handle everybody in the Democrat (sic) hierarchy."
Limbaugh later claimed that Clinton "reminds men of the worst characteristics of women they've encountered over their life: totally controlling, not soft and cuddly. Not sympathetic. Not patient. Not understanding. Demanding, domineering, Nurse Ratched, kind of thing."
Wow. Freudian, or what? I thought castration anxiety went out, like, AGES ago. Decades.
For healthy males, it's a non-issue. But not for sniggering fratboys like Chris Matthews, Tucker ("Bow-tie & Pink Shirt) Carlson, Lester Holt, Shuster, O'Reilly.)
And really not for Tubby Druggie Rush.
He's got it BAAD.
Yep. Someone definitely HAS Rush's balls in a lockbox.
I think it's probably Mommy -- Rush's Mommy. He should be asking her, please, Mommy, please, let my testicles go.
Mommy didn't love Rush enough. We all wonder -- why not? Was Rush an unwanted child? Hm? His Mommy didn't love him? Was she controlling, domineering, or did she just think her little boy was just a nasty little pig? We don't know. But we do know that he has no testosterone.
And that's just not pretty.
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