Gag me with a spoon.
Or, OK, gag me with Rick Santorum's weepy fetal sentimentality story, worshipping at the gone-on-to-the-next-life-get-OVER-it picture of his and Mrs. Rick's dead-baby fetus, with its big, round, painted-on-black-velvet, sad eyes. Ecch.
Or gag me with the crackpot un-Christian cultists shrieking to adopt the cute lil' fuzzy lil' "snowflakes," the widdle sweet teensy weensy fwozen embryoes that are weeping weeping in their sad sad sad lonely abandoned-orphanage petri dishes.
It's a parallel universe on the order of Faux news intently following all the missing white women and none of the missing black women and nobody seemingly noticing or minding.
When the actual United States is filled filled filled with actual babies needing adoption, and actual foster children needing fostering, but really who cares about that, the little pre-fetuseseses are scweaming, even though they can't actually scream?
Oh, well. When James "Dogbeater" Dobson--the so-called Christian, actual un-Christian cultist guy who belt-beats his very own Dachshund, for fun-- is out there ranting for more, and more, and more unplanned parenthood, and advising his cult members to whip their little infants because it's GOOD for them?
When un-Christian cultist shriekers are out there shrieking for more and more and more unwanted children in the world? Gee, you think that ever might be a bad thing, filling the world with unwanted children? You think that might affect the rates of child abuse? Ya think?
Oh, no, of course not, you're not living in the reality-based universe, are you? You think we maybe should be taking actual care of the actual babies and children and mothers we have, before we start taking on more kids we can't care for? Ya think?
Feh. Go back to your embryo-centric, anti-baby, anti-mother, kiddywhipping puppybeater universe, miserable Reichwing whiners.
Oh, and by the way--shut UP.
Bush, Snowflakes
Bush veto
government-forced maternity
Showing posts with label government-forced maternity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label government-forced maternity. Show all posts
Monday, March 04, 2024
Monday, May 07, 2012
Monday, June 01, 2009
Department of Karma, Cause & Effect: O'Reilly's "Tiller the Baby Killer" Rant

Malicious words. Like shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, is it not, Billy?
Bill O'Reilly has blood on his hands for this nasty piece of work: Tiller the Baby Killer.
I have never agreed with Billy's fetal position: that fetuses trump the post-born in terms of being worthy of our compassion.
Bill O'Reilly, in addition to being a sexual harasser, is a loudmouth and a narcissist. One who conducts himself in a way that makes him complicit in murder by domestic terrorism. As is Cheney, and the rest of the shrieky hysterical mirror-neuron-deficient, pro-torture, anti-life Talibangelical terrorists: by their works shall ye know them.
How can anyone claim to be Christian, yet fail to follow the golden rule?
Jesus' General on O'Reilly, God's Destroying Angel.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Suffer the Little Children to Come Unto . . .

Department of "No, we can't care for the children we already have, so let's browbeat women into having more and more little unwanted children regardless of ability properly to care for them, and if guilt-tripping women doesn't work, there's always the laws of government-forced maternity which protect a rapist's right to breed, because really, so what?"
VICTORVILLE, Calif.—Investigators say the parents of a 2-month-old boy have been jailed for child abuse after the infant was hospitalized in Victorville with broken legs, wrists and ribs.
Yvette Barragon took the infant to St. Mary Medical Center with a swollen leg earlier this month, saying her toddler pulled too hard on the infant's leg.
Further examination determined the infant had a two broken femurs, two fractured wrists, a break in his lower leg and four broken ribs.
San Bernardino County sheriff's spokeswoman Karen Hunt says the 23-year-old mother and the child's father 29-year-old Gilbert Scott were arrested and booked for investigation of willful harm to a child.
But wait! There's more!.
A 28-year-old San Mateo man pleaded not guilty Tuesday to beating his 7-year-old son for getting two minuses on his report card, a prosecutor said.
Solomona Tafao allegedly struck the child with a belt 10 times, punched him in the shoulder and kicked him multiple times, said San Mateo County Chief Deputy District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe. Tafao is scheduled to go to trial June 29.
During an earlier attack, prosecutors say Tafao hit the boy in the head for speaking disrespectfully to his grandmother. The child's head then struck the corner of the kitchen table, Wagstaffe said.
So Daddy hits his son in the head for "speaking disrespectfully" to Grammy? Is that where Daddy got his awesome parenting skills from? Or did they just spontaneous arise? Will Little Johnny be recruited for for the CIA/Gitmo Future Torturers of America?
The theme: people who love you get to hit you and hurt you.
Link here.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Talibangelical Blames Aussie Fires on Failure to Impose Government-Forced Maternity
Yes, someone really thinks that.
Bushfire coverage from the Sydney Morning Herald.

"How much can a koala bear?"
Bushfire backlash beats down blogger TMZ for anti-koala comments.
Bushfire coverage from the Sydney Morning Herald.

"How much can a koala bear?"
Bushfire backlash beats down blogger TMZ for anti-koala comments.
Monday, February 02, 2009
Times R Tough: Let's Cut Back Our Social Infrastructure, Yep, The Same Social Infrastructure That Is Totally Inadequate At Present
Well, hey, it's true: times are tough.
FL: FL man arrested for child abuse:
MA Foster mom burns 4 y. o. boy's face with hair iron, retains custody of her bio kids.
NY: 5 month old in critical condition
MA: 9. y.o. boy beaten so badly that "it looked like he he had been punched likes a boxer after a vicious fight."
AL: Foster Dad arrested for rape first-degree, torture, willful child abuse.
But just because times are tough, it doesn't mean we can't support government-forced maternity and random parenthood, can it? It's not as if we're unable to care for the post-born kids we already have, is it? Oh dear I'm repeating myself?
FL: FL man arrested for child abuse:
Deputies say the report alleged that Joseph P. Gariano had shoved a juvenile victim to the ground and held her face in a puddle of urine as punishment for urinating on the floor.
There are also allegations that Gariano submerged another juvenile victim underwater in a bath tub because he was angry that the child was crying.
MA Foster mom burns 4 y. o. boy's face with hair iron, retains custody of her bio kids.
NY: 5 month old in critical condition
Police say they have charged the girl's father, Scott Archbold, 41, (above left) with causing the injuries including multiple bone fractures, internal bleeding and signs of prior abuse. Christina Benjamin, (above right) the infant's mother, has been charged with child endangerment for allegedly failing to get the child medical attention after the infant's grandmother suspected the abuse.(What was that the Bushist fascists were saying about how every kid needs a mommy and a daddy?)
MA: 9. y.o. boy beaten so badly that "it looked like he he had been punched likes a boxer after a vicious fight."
AL: Foster Dad arrested for rape first-degree, torture, willful child abuse.
But just because times are tough, it doesn't mean we can't support government-forced maternity and random parenthood, can it? It's not as if we're unable to care for the post-born kids we already have, is it? Oh dear I'm repeating myself?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
GOP Pushes Random Parenthood, Government-Forced Maternity

GOP slags evil Dem plan to help plan pregnancies; promotes virtuous GOP plan to fill world with more unwanted children, thus helpfully providing fodder for abuse, neglect, and (of course) cannons.
Dems waffle. Dems caving. Dems cave.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Supporting the Right to Random Parenthood

Here's a cheery link: Economy Goes Down, Abortion Goes Up.
Oh golly.
What a surprise.
But get this: besides being for government-forced maternity, some rightwingers are militating against contraception! (Yes, let's return to the last century, shall we?) No really, they are.
Why would we ever want to plan our families?
Who cares if we can't care for the kids we breed? We're helping the economy by birthing more consumers who'll, you know, consume!
It's like an email I got today from constant reader Muffy:
louk, look NBFH when I cooke sundae dinnner i dont plan ahead do i. i just grab random stuff from th shelf and slap it all in a bowell & mebbe bakke it orr miccrowaqvve or evn iron it.
its just like whateverrr arises, thats kewl, u nko?
whuts rong witth thatt anyhow all yu smartypantsis wi/ yr pansy "recipp es." faugh. jusst get overr it.
Hat-tip to Muffy's Blog for Random Parenthood.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
US Child Abuse du Jour
Here's a Texas couple who managed to break the bones of their 8 week old infant.
And another very special present from Preznit Toad-Exploder: As Economy Worsens, Child Abuse Cases on the Rise.
Rudy Arismendez and Olga Arteaga were charged with Injury to a Child after doctors discovered numerous fractures on the child's body, according to police.
Police got involved when Arteaga took her daughter to Scott and White Hospital in Temple where doctors called police and Child Protective Services.
Temple Police say Arismendez abused the girl a number of times, causing severe damage to her body.
"It's very hard to break the bones of a newborn," said Temple Police Sergeant Brad Hunt. "They're very limber. They're bones are not developed in any way so it takes a lot of trauma, a lot of force to do damage."
And another very special present from Preznit Toad-Exploder: As Economy Worsens, Child Abuse Cases on the Rise.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
More Hubris: Of the "Let's Ram Our Mistaken Views About Reality Down the Throats of Those Who Don't Adhere to Our Mistaken Views" Variety

I know, I know, I'm running out of patience.
So sue me.
In the meantime, the Random Parenthood crowd continues to support the notion that having a kid is just no biggie, it's just like picking up an extra carton of milk at Seven/Eleven.
So let's hear it for Government-Forced Maternity!
After all, it's not as if Unwanted Children grow up to be abused and neglected, is it?
oh well right they do. ummm.
And it's not as if Unwanted Children who are abused and neglected go on to endanger themselves and others by becoming drug addicts, violent criminals, murderers, and serial killers, is it?
oh well right they do. ummm.
oh well.
ummmm. yeah ok so abortion lowers the crime rate. lets ram our mistaken views about reality down the throats of everyone else because we just are selfish arrogant pigses?

Monday, September 08, 2008
Talibangelical Palin: A Dominionist for All Seasons?
Hat tip to reader A.T., here's a charming and fully-sourced article on just how Talibangelical Sarah Palin actually is.
Short answer?
Short answer?
Sunday, September 07, 2008
More on McCain and The Vicious Mrs. (Palin)

Via democommie, Former POW: McCain Not Fit to Be President.
and "Sarah Palin's Big Sleazy Safari."
Here's a link that mentions the Ann Kilkenny email on Palin. And here's the actual email on the Vicious Mrs.
Ooh, and here's the Alaskan Mudflats blog, with some thoughts on The Vicious Mrs. (Palin) seeing things through jihad-colored glasses. Hmm.
Gloria Steinem in the LA Times, "Palin: Wrong Woman, Wrong Message."
From the Sydney Morning Herald, McCain Condemns the Bush Era.. (As if he hadn't helped to get Bush get into office not once but twice, and fully supported Dirty Bush's morally and fiscally bankrupt policies every step of the way?).
NYT's Frank Rich on Palin and McCain's Shotgun Marriage.
Via RawStory, how about Alaskans Speak (In a Frightened Whisper): Palin Is "Racist, Sexist, Vindictive and Mean."
And, last but not least, via Jesus' General, Miss Poppy Dixon on "Christians Pray for McCain's Death." Ah, imprecatory prayer! Don't knock it till you've tried it, people!
government-forced maternity,
Trophy VEEP
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Talibangelical Palin: Dobson's Choice

Well, guess what?
The Republican party is now being run by James Dobson.
You remember Dr. Dobson.
James Dobson, the guy who (himself an adult survivor of childhood physical abuse) advocates the whipping of infants with real whips, the belt-beating of one's "beloved" (sic) Dachshund Siggie, and advocates having grown men shower naked with little boys to compare penis sizes so the little boy won't grow up to be homosexual.*
No, I'm not making this up. I don't have to. I never have to.
So, it seems that war hero POW John McCain, a manly man if ever there was one, was not man enough to stand strong on his choice for Vice-President of the United States. Seems McCain wanted Joe Lieberman or Tom Ridge. But the Talibangelicals, led by James "Dogbeater" Dobson, wouldn't let him.
So McCain caved.
That's not very manly.
The Talibangelicals wouldn't back either Lieberman or Ridge because both of them oppose government-forced maternity. And that's the cutting edge this year, and that's why Mrs. Sarah Palin is Dobson's choice. (Oh, and in case you were wondering, Mrs. Palin's chosen church is scrubbing its website so no one can do a Rev. Wright thing on her and find out about all her Talibangelical views. Um, can you say 'consciousness of guilt'? I can.)
How Talibangelical is Mrs. Palin?
Talibangelical enough to fire the Wasilla town librarian for resisting her efforts to ban books that she, Mrs. Palin, found morally or socially objectionable.
Which behavior happens to be morally and socially objectionable to me.
How about you?
P.S. Is Mrs. Palin a Dominionist? Just askin'.
The original link appears to have been scrubbed, but here's a little clip: -- 'James Dobson even wrote a treatise on how fathers can cure their children of homosexuality, including the following tips: "He can teach him to pound a square wooden peg into a square hole in a pegboard. He can even take his son with him into the shower, where the boy cannot help but notice that Dad has a penis, just like his, only bigger."'
Monday, September 01, 2008
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the (Vanna) White House

Well, first off, one will not be discussing the safety or effectiveness of the Abstinence-Only approach to sex non-education.
Nor will one be discussing the continuing drowning of polar bears, because there are still so many of them.
But one might enjoy this piece on Sarah Palin, from the Sydney Morning Herald.
(I loved the dead moose picture best.)
Oh, and here's Scarborough, Buchanan et al., on Sarah Palin:
And here's Pat Buchanan lying through his teeth about the Palin pick, and denying he ever said all the things that he said in the above clip. Republicans must be so irked about YouTube.
government-forced maternity,
Trophy VEEP
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Moving Right Along: Dirty Bush Backs Anti-Choice Rule
New Bush rule: Doctors can refuse to give women abortions
Yes, such a problem these days in America, doctors and nurses being forced at gunpoint to perform abortions against their will. All-pervasive. Unlike child abuse in America. Just ask James Dobson.

More here.
WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration on Thursday proposed stronger job protections for doctors and other health care workers who refuse to participate in abortions because of religious or moral objections. . . .
"Freedom of conscience is not to be surrendered upon issuance of a medical degree," said Leavitt. "This nation was built on a foundation of free speech. The first principle of free speech is protected conscience."
The proposed rule, which applies to institutions receiving government money, would require as many as 584,000 employers ranging from major hospitals to doctors' offices and nursing homes to certify in writing that they are complying with several federal laws that protect the conscience rights of health care workers. Violations could lead to a loss of government funding and legal action to recoup federal money already paid.
Abortion foes called it a victory for the First Amendment, but abortion rights supporters said they feared the rule could stretch the definition of abortion to include birth control, and served notice that they intend to challenge the administration.
"Women's ability to manage their own health care is at risk of being compromised by politics and ideology," Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said in a statement.
Abortion rights groups had complained that earlier drafts contained vague language that might block access to birth control, and they said the latest version has not addressed all of their concerns."
Yes, such a problem these days in America, doctors and nurses being forced at gunpoint to perform abortions against their will. All-pervasive. Unlike child abuse in America. Just ask James Dobson.

More here.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Obama: Just Not Man Enough to Run With Hillary

It's pretty stupid for a presumptive nominee not to run with someone who would pretty much guarantee a Democratic landslide in the fall, don't you think?
So, why is Obama being stupid?
Why is Obama not happily, eagerly, throughtfully, planfully, excitedly, passionately offering Hillary Clinton the VP spot?
It makes no sense, does it?
He doesn't need 18 million votes?
His ego is too fragile?
He's scared that Hillary Clinton might, periodically, both outshine him and outthink him?
And he just doesn't want to be out-shone nor out-thunk? So he's willing to put the outcome of the election at greater risk to prop up his (male?) ego?
That would be a sure sign of Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome, sweetie. A troubling thought. Makes him look weak. Makes him look like a Schwartzenegger girlie-man. Makes him look like a total, well --- pussy.
Barack Obama needs to cowboy up for the good of the Democratic Party.
He needs to clean up his act.
Obama's current behavior is completely unacceptable. The pandering to the right, screwing up on FISA, backpedalling on choice, calling the Clintons racists, failing to address his sexism, not backing single payer health care, etc. etc.
Wimping out on naming Hillary VP is the worst of his worst, and this failure alone may cost the Democrats the election.
Look how things are shaping up:
In the two months since Barack Obama captured the Democratic nomination, he has hit a ceiling in public opinion polling, proving unable to make significant gains with any segment of the national electorate.Will Obama be getting over himself anytime soon?
While Obama still leads in most matchups with John McCain, the Illinois senator’s apparent stall in the polls is a sobering reminder to Democrats intoxicated with his campaign’s promises to expand the electoral map beyond the boundaries that have constrained other recent party nominees.
That gap between expectations and reality comes as Democrats enjoy the most favorable political winds since at least 1976. At least eight in ten Americans believe the nation is on the wrong track. The Republican president is historically unpopular. From stunning Democratic gains in party registration to the high levels of economic anxiety, Obama should have a healthy lead by almost every measure. Yet, in poll after poll, Obama conspicuously fails to cross the 50 percent threshold.
ABC News Polling Director Gary Langer asked, “If everything is so good for Barack Obama, why isn’t everything so good for Barack Obama?”
Will Obama be growing some cojones anytime soon?
And if not, why not?
And here's Big Tent Democrat on Another Reason Why Obama Should Choose Hillary as VP.
Here's VastLeftwingConspiracy on the Huge Unseen Elephant in the Democratic Party Room where Unity Pony was supposed to be.
Here's Alegre on why this race is so close when it shouldn't be.
Here's Anglachel on male privilege and the Edwards story: Yes, it is about the f*cking.
And here's Obama backpedalling on choice. Let's do fill the universe with more unwanted children who can grow up to be miserable and/or criminal and/or murderous like Ted Bundy, Osama, and Dirty Bush, eh?
Saturday, July 28, 2007
A Trip Down Memory Lane
Huzzah! Bubble Boy Brings Back Burqas!
Bubble Boy Wastes Blood and Treasure to Install Medievalist Islamic Theocracy: Mainstream Media Mum
No Veteran Not Left Behind
We Can't Care for the Children We Already Have
Child Abuse Prevention Month
America, America: Torture for Fun
Bubble Boy Wastes Blood and Treasure to Install Medievalist Islamic Theocracy: Mainstream Media Mum
No Veteran Not Left Behind
We Can't Care for the Children We Already Have
Child Abuse Prevention Month
America, America: Torture for Fun
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Catholic Church vs. Amnesty International: Forced Maternity More Important than Torture --

First things first, eh?
The Roman Catholic Church, that kind gentle Jesus-centered bullying harassing supposedly non-political tax-exempt religious organization, is telling its Catholics not to donate to Amnesty International. More here and here.
Because -- protecting a rapist's right to breed is way more important than torture, or human rights, or slavery, or anything, pretty much.
And because they're never been very interested in womens' rights, have they?
Roman Catholic Church
Amnesty International
forced maternity
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Well, some people just aren't surprised that a just God finally struck down Falwell.
Falwell just kept on perverting the teachings of Christ.
What's a wrathful God to do?
Apparently, all those tornados and hurricanes and disasters God sent to the Heartland and to the South to get these un-Christian Talibangelicals to finally toe the line weren't heeded, but were misinterpreted -- they certainly weren't enough to bring Falwell back from the Dark Side.
Eventually, God just had no choice but to cull him from the herd.
"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America," Falwell said after 9/11. "I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'"
Falwell once also referred to AIDS as "the wrath of a just God against homosexuals."
Farewell, Jerry Falwell -- meet the REAL eternal hellfire and damnation!
Not to worry, though. You'll fit right in in hell.
(But you knew that . . . did you not?)
Jerry Falwell
read more | digg story
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Caring for America's Post-Born Children: Anyone Gets to Have a Kid. No Competence Required.

You all must know that there was an American Society for the Protection of Animals (ASPCA) well before there was any interest in protecting American children from their own parents, do you not?
Proponents of government-forced maternity, due to their personal, specific religious agendas, actively seek to increase the number of unwanted children in America, and don't much give a crap about what happens to these innocent beings once they are born.
Have another kid, they say, it's just like going to the store and getting an extra carton of milk. No biggie.
But, bad parents, you know, parent badly.
Like these parents of the late Rebecca Riley.
BROCKTON -- Saying there was a "much more sinister aspect" to the case, a prosecutor alleged yesterday that a couple charged with poisoning their 4-year-old daughter made up symptoms of mental illness so she would qualify for government benefits.
Michael and Carolyn Riley were twice rejected for Supplemental Security Income after doctors with the federal program examined their daughter Rebecca and found no indication that she suffered symptoms of bipolar disorder or attention deficit disorder, Frank Middleton, an assistant Plymouth district attorney, told a judge in Plymouth Superior Court.
The couple, whose 13th wedding anniversary is this week, sat before Judge Carol Ball with their wrists and ankles in shackles. They pleaded not guilty to murder charges brought by a Plymouth grand jury.
Middleton said Carolyn Riley's aunt testified to the grand jury that her niece told her she wanted to get Rebecca on medication so she could receive benefits.
In August 2004, Carolyn Riley took Rebecca to see Dr. Kayoko Kifuji and told the Tufts-New England Medical Center psychiatrist that Rebecca would kick, spit, hit, and laugh when punished, Middleton said. Eventually, Kifuji diagnosed Rebecca with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity.
In March 2005, an SSI doctor rejected the family's application for benefits, and Carolyn Riley returned to Kifuji, Middleton said. This time, according to the prosecutor, Riley said Rebecca had mood swings, trouble sleeping, and was "driving her crazy."
In May 2005, Kifuji diagnosed her with bipolar disorder. The Rileys tried again to secure the benefits, but were rejected again and appealed the decision to an administrative law judge.
The couple had scheduled an appointment with SSI around Dec. 13, 2006, the day Rebecca was found dead in her Hull home, said Bridget Norton Middleton, a spokeswoman for the Plymouth district attorney's office. . . Michael Riley's lawyer, John G. Darrell, disputed Middleton's allegations that his client seemed indifferent when emergency officials came to the couple's house after Riley called 911 to report his daughter's death.
"Laughing when punished"? That deserves another good hard smack, does it not? And a little more medicine really works to stop that damn kid's crying.
Full story, here.
child abuse
Dirty Bushworld
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