Malicious words. Like shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, is it not, Billy?
Bill O'Reilly has blood on his hands for this nasty piece of work: Tiller the Baby Killer.
I have never agreed with Billy's fetal position: that fetuses trump the post-born in terms of being worthy of our compassion.
Bill O'Reilly, in addition to being a sexual harasser, is a loudmouth and a narcissist. One who conducts himself in a way that makes him complicit in murder by domestic terrorism. As is Cheney, and the rest of the shrieky hysterical mirror-neuron-deficient, pro-torture, anti-life Talibangelical terrorists: by their works shall ye know them.
How can anyone claim to be Christian, yet fail to follow the golden rule?
Jesus' General on O'Reilly, God's Destroying Angel.
No doubt, Bill thinks that knowing -- and periodically admitting -- that he's full of crap earns him some sort of dispensation.
I beg to differ. To me, that's a ticket to the room in Hell furthest away from the ice machine.
Did he admit anything?
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