Showing posts with label filling the world with unwanted children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label filling the world with unwanted children. Show all posts
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
More About Unwanted Children
Another child caged by Mommy and Daddy.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Suffer the Little Children to Come Unto . . .

Department of "No, we can't care for the children we already have, so let's browbeat women into having more and more little unwanted children regardless of ability properly to care for them, and if guilt-tripping women doesn't work, there's always the laws of government-forced maternity which protect a rapist's right to breed, because really, so what?"
VICTORVILLE, Calif.—Investigators say the parents of a 2-month-old boy have been jailed for child abuse after the infant was hospitalized in Victorville with broken legs, wrists and ribs.
Yvette Barragon took the infant to St. Mary Medical Center with a swollen leg earlier this month, saying her toddler pulled too hard on the infant's leg.
Further examination determined the infant had a two broken femurs, two fractured wrists, a break in his lower leg and four broken ribs.
San Bernardino County sheriff's spokeswoman Karen Hunt says the 23-year-old mother and the child's father 29-year-old Gilbert Scott were arrested and booked for investigation of willful harm to a child.
But wait! There's more!.
A 28-year-old San Mateo man pleaded not guilty Tuesday to beating his 7-year-old son for getting two minuses on his report card, a prosecutor said.
Solomona Tafao allegedly struck the child with a belt 10 times, punched him in the shoulder and kicked him multiple times, said San Mateo County Chief Deputy District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe. Tafao is scheduled to go to trial June 29.
During an earlier attack, prosecutors say Tafao hit the boy in the head for speaking disrespectfully to his grandmother. The child's head then struck the corner of the kitchen table, Wagstaffe said.
So Daddy hits his son in the head for "speaking disrespectfully" to Grammy? Is that where Daddy got his awesome parenting skills from? Or did they just spontaneous arise? Will Little Johnny be recruited for for the CIA/Gitmo Future Torturers of America?
The theme: people who love you get to hit you and hurt you.
Link here.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Family Planning Saves Billions: Government-Forced Maternity Crowd Wants Unwantedness
Birth control funding saves billions, preventing 2 million unintended pregnancies and 800K abortions every year.
But why would we want that, eh?
Why not listen to government-forced maternity advocate Troy Newman of Operation Rescue, who smears family planning as a "shameful population control program that target[s] low-income families." Or why not start a racist smear-meme by calling family planning "womb lynching"? That's sure sounds purty crappy, no?
Who needs forethought? Let's just lynch women and children instead by pretending that having another kid is just like picking up an extra bottle of milk at Seven-Eleven. No biggie. Really. Don't get your panties in a twist.
What, like there's something inherently un-American about child maltreatment?
Nah. It's as American as apple pie and Abu Ghraib.

(hat-tip re the w-l frame to BillyBobNeck.)
But why would we want that, eh?
Why not listen to government-forced maternity advocate Troy Newman of Operation Rescue, who smears family planning as a "shameful population control program that target[s] low-income families." Or why not start a racist smear-meme by calling family planning "womb lynching"? That's sure sounds purty crappy, no?
Who needs forethought? Let's just lynch women and children instead by pretending that having another kid is just like picking up an extra bottle of milk at Seven-Eleven. No biggie. Really. Don't get your panties in a twist.
What, like there's something inherently un-American about child maltreatment?
Nah. It's as American as apple pie and Abu Ghraib.

(hat-tip re the w-l frame to BillyBobNeck.)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Talibangelical Blames Aussie Fires on Failure to Impose Government-Forced Maternity
Yes, someone really thinks that.
Bushfire coverage from the Sydney Morning Herald.

"How much can a koala bear?"
Bushfire backlash beats down blogger TMZ for anti-koala comments.
Bushfire coverage from the Sydney Morning Herald.

"How much can a koala bear?"
Bushfire backlash beats down blogger TMZ for anti-koala comments.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
GOP Pushes Random Parenthood, Government-Forced Maternity

GOP slags evil Dem plan to help plan pregnancies; promotes virtuous GOP plan to fill world with more unwanted children, thus helpfully providing fodder for abuse, neglect, and (of course) cannons.
Dems waffle. Dems caving. Dems cave.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
US Child Abuse du Jour
Here's a Texas couple who managed to break the bones of their 8 week old infant.
And another very special present from Preznit Toad-Exploder: As Economy Worsens, Child Abuse Cases on the Rise.
Rudy Arismendez and Olga Arteaga were charged with Injury to a Child after doctors discovered numerous fractures on the child's body, according to police.
Police got involved when Arteaga took her daughter to Scott and White Hospital in Temple where doctors called police and Child Protective Services.
Temple Police say Arismendez abused the girl a number of times, causing severe damage to her body.
"It's very hard to break the bones of a newborn," said Temple Police Sergeant Brad Hunt. "They're very limber. They're bones are not developed in any way so it takes a lot of trauma, a lot of force to do damage."
And another very special present from Preznit Toad-Exploder: As Economy Worsens, Child Abuse Cases on the Rise.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
More Hubris: Of the "Let's Ram Our Mistaken Views About Reality Down the Throats of Those Who Don't Adhere to Our Mistaken Views" Variety

I know, I know, I'm running out of patience.
So sue me.
In the meantime, the Random Parenthood crowd continues to support the notion that having a kid is just no biggie, it's just like picking up an extra carton of milk at Seven/Eleven.
So let's hear it for Government-Forced Maternity!
After all, it's not as if Unwanted Children grow up to be abused and neglected, is it?
oh well right they do. ummm.
And it's not as if Unwanted Children who are abused and neglected go on to endanger themselves and others by becoming drug addicts, violent criminals, murderers, and serial killers, is it?
oh well right they do. ummm.
oh well.
ummmm. yeah ok so abortion lowers the crime rate. lets ram our mistaken views about reality down the throats of everyone else because we just are selfish arrogant pigses?

Monday, January 05, 2009
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