Gag me with a spoon.
Or, OK, gag me with Rick Santorum's weepy fetal sentimentality story, worshipping at the gone-on-to-the-next-life-get-OVER-it picture of his and Mrs. Rick's dead-baby fetus, with its big, round, painted-on-black-velvet, sad eyes. Ecch.
Or gag me with the crackpot un-Christian cultists shrieking to adopt the cute lil' fuzzy lil' "snowflakes," the widdle sweet teensy weensy fwozen embryoes that are weeping weeping in their sad sad sad lonely abandoned-orphanage petri dishes.
It's a parallel universe on the order of Faux news intently following all the missing white women and none of the missing black women and nobody seemingly noticing or minding.
When the actual United States is filled filled filled with actual babies needing adoption, and actual foster children needing fostering, but really who cares about that, the little pre-fetuseseses are scweaming, even though they can't actually scream?
Oh, well. When James "Dogbeater" Dobson--the so-called Christian, actual un-Christian cultist guy who belt-beats his very own Dachshund, for fun-- is out there ranting for more, and more, and more unplanned parenthood, and advising his cult members to whip their little infants because it's GOOD for them?
When un-Christian cultist shriekers are out there shrieking for more and more and more unwanted children in the world? Gee, you think that ever might be a bad thing, filling the world with unwanted children? You think that might affect the rates of child abuse? Ya think?
Oh, no, of course not, you're not living in the reality-based universe, are you? You think we maybe should be taking actual care of the actual babies and children and mothers we have, before we start taking on more kids we can't care for? Ya think?
Feh. Go back to your embryo-centric, anti-baby, anti-mother, kiddywhipping puppybeater universe, miserable Reichwing whiners.
Oh, and by the way--shut UP.
Bush, Snowflakes
Bush veto
government-forced maternity
Showing posts with label Talibangelicals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Talibangelicals. Show all posts
Monday, March 04, 2024
Monday, March 19, 2012
It's the Misogyny, Stupid
The more I hear women should just "get over" all this misogyny, the more I realize misogyny is the central problem. In a phrase, "It's the misogyny, stupid!" And it is.
People trying to exert power and control over others, making them do what they want, denying freedom of choice, denying individual decision-making, putting them down, shaming, blaming, keeping them uppity wimmen barefoot and pregnant.
The so-called "small government" GOP proudly inserts itself into -- then nationalizes -- the wombs of all women. They wouldn't want to nationalize anything else, would they? Forced invasive vaginal probes? Sure thing. No problema. GOP don't care about spending that kind of money on useless pricey ultrasounds.
GOP push laws that flout medical privacy by making bosses privy to their workers' plans to have or not have children--because GOP's decided women must breed--or else. They need to show their employers a note from their doctors, swearing the prescription for the pill is not being taken to control birth.
Talibangelical GOPs are hot and bothered trying to protect a rapist's right to breed. They support government-forced childbearing. They, not you, will determine family size. They, not you, will be in control.
Fetus-firsters are entranced by the notion of random parenthood--why should having a child be a thoughtful, planful decision when it could occur on a whim? GOP fetal sentimentalists get all teary-eyed for embryos, but once a kid is out of the womb, good luck, it's on it's own. Children are, to them, the rightful punishment for having had sex.
People trying to exert power and control over others, making them do what they want, denying freedom of choice, denying individual decision-making, putting them down, shaming, blaming, keeping them uppity wimmen barefoot and pregnant.
The so-called "small government" GOP proudly inserts itself into -- then nationalizes -- the wombs of all women. They wouldn't want to nationalize anything else, would they? Forced invasive vaginal probes? Sure thing. No problema. GOP don't care about spending that kind of money on useless pricey ultrasounds.
GOP push laws that flout medical privacy by making bosses privy to their workers' plans to have or not have children--because GOP's decided women must breed--or else. They need to show their employers a note from their doctors, swearing the prescription for the pill is not being taken to control birth.
Talibangelical GOPs are hot and bothered trying to protect a rapist's right to breed. They support government-forced childbearing. They, not you, will determine family size. They, not you, will be in control.
Fetus-firsters are entranced by the notion of random parenthood--why should having a child be a thoughtful, planful decision when it could occur on a whim? GOP fetal sentimentalists get all teary-eyed for embryos, but once a kid is out of the womb, good luck, it's on it's own. Children are, to them, the rightful punishment for having had sex.
media whore media,
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Death By Talibangelicals
California Talibangelical couple adopted 3 children. Following Talibangelical teachings, they beat their children. With plastic tubing.
One of them they actually beat to death.
Not the first death by the sadistic "No Greater Joy Ministry"'s teachings, either.
See "Spare the Quarter-Inch Plumbing Supply Line, Spoil the Child."
One of them they actually beat to death.
OROVILLE — A Paradise couple is scheduled to appear in court today on charges of murder and torture in the death of their adopted 7-year-old daughter.
Kevin and Elizabeth Schatz are expected to enter a plea today. They are accused of killing Lydia Schatz and severely beating their 11-year-old adopted daughter, Zariah Schatz.
Butte County District Attorney Mike Ramsey said he has a direct connection between the Schatz case and No Greater Joy Ministry, a fundamentalist religious organization founded by Michael and Debi Pearl.
He would not disclose the evidence.
Ramsey said Lydia Schatz was held down for several hours by one parent while the other struck her repeatedly with a quarter-inch plumbing supply line. He said it appears they "took turns."
The use of the tubing is recommended by No Greater Joy Ministry as a spanking instrument.
Not the first death by the sadistic "No Greater Joy Ministry"'s teachings, either.
See "Spare the Quarter-Inch Plumbing Supply Line, Spoil the Child."
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Happy Belated Blogiversary

You know you're spiraling downward when you forget your own blog's blogiversary. Which I did. It was back in June, marking six years.
It's a lot less fun blogging about Obama than it was blogging about Bushist fascists. Depressingly so. So I haven't been doing it much, as all (3?) faithful remaining NBFH blogreaders are aware. Sorry about that. I'm reduced to just posting the random vile child abuse story, or something randomly odd that I come across.
The Teaparty Debt Paranoia = Evidence of Card-carrying Talibangelical Dominionism story, from yesterday, that's worth blogging.
Will that truth be known?
Sunday, August 14, 2011
The Debt Thing Turns Out to be Talibangelical
You hear a lot of screaming from the right about scary Muslims implementing Shari'a Law, but screaming about scary Talibangelicals implementing Mosaic Law? Not so much, though it's way more scary.
No wonder they seem so crazy.
This enforcement of the Mosaic Law will involve the application of the death penalty for such capital crimes as murder, rape, kidnapping, bestiality, incest, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, idolatry, witchcraft, the offering of human sacrifice, unchangeable rebellion in adolescent children, flagrant negligence resulting in the death of another person, blasphemy, apostasy, the spreading of false doctrines, and perhaps Sabbath breaking.
The reconstructed society will regard dissenters and heretics as treasonous criminals at war with the law and society.
The reconstructed society will also be characterized by the rights of private property, a free market economy bordering on libertarianism, tight limitations on debt, the abolition of 30-year mortgages, a monetary system based on the gold standard, the tithe rather than public taxes financing most social welfare, restitution of wrong rather the imprisonment for many criminals, and voluntary slavery for purposes such as the restitution of a wrong or the desire for financial security. (Excerpted and/or adapted from the 12/90 & 1/91 issues of Israel My Glory.)
No wonder they seem so crazy.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
"God's Plan of Annihilation Is More Pleasant in the Long Run." Rly. Srsly.
This is from a Talibangelical site, "Above Rubies" under a section called "Women's Devotionals."
No, I'm not making this up. I don't have to. I never have to.
Yes, who brought that gosh-durn spirit of tolerance into religion, anyhow? That durn pussy Jesus!
No, I'm not making this up. I don't have to. I never have to.
We must not tolerate the enemy. He must be wiped out completely. The Bible does not mince words when it tells us how to deal with evil. Read these instructions: Drive out, destroy, pluck down, dispossess, smite, utterly destroy, make no covenant with them, show no mercy, make no marriages with them, destroy their altars, break down their images, cut down their groves, burn their graven images with fire, have no pity on them, destroy them quickly, overthrow their altars, break their pillars, burn their groves with fire, hew down the graven images of their gods, destroy the names of them out of the place, blot out their remembrance and make no mention of the name of their gods! You can read these in Numbers 33:50-55; Deuteronomy 7:2-5; 9:3; 12:2-3; 25:19 and Joshua 23:7.
This is certainly a little different to the spirit of tolerance in the church today!
Why is it so important to utterly destroy the enemy? Because, if we leave any vestige of the enemy’s ways, they will come back to plague us over and over again. God’s plan of annihilation is more pleasant in the long run."
Yes, who brought that gosh-durn spirit of tolerance into religion, anyhow? That durn pussy Jesus!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saudis, Si! Cuba, No!

It's obvious that it's OK to trade with the Saudis, who treat their women like dirt, and it's OK to sell off our country to the genocidal Red Chinese, but Cuba?
Why would we trade with them? Why would we visit them? They've got a health care system that actually works! Can't expose our population to that, can we?
In the meantime, we're still dependent on and trading with a country that thinks marrying off 8-year-old girls is swell. Saudi Arabia. Marrying off an 8-year old girl to her Daddy's 47-year-old male "close friend."
"It is incorrect to say that it's not permitted to marry off girls who are 15 and younger," Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh, the kingdom's grand mufti, said in remarks last January quoted in the regional Al-Hayat newspaper. "A girl aged 10 or 12 can be married. Those who think she's too young are wrong and they are being unfair to her."
Saudi, si! Porque no?
Friday, March 13, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Levi Needs a Lawyer

Hey. So they broke up.
No surprise there.
Bristol has split with boyfriend Levi Johnston and according to Levi's sister, Mercede, Bristol refuses to let him see their son Tripp.But in most states, biodads get to visit their kids if they want to. Does he want to? Does she want him not to? Even the Governor, Levi's not-quite-ex-mother-in-law can't do that, can she?
Some say, especially the family values family kinda Bushist fascist Republicans say, that every baby needs a mommy and a daddy. Well, why didn't they just get married in the first place? Why didn't they go ahead with a covenant marriage, already? Then, they couldn't split!! Which would like fix everything! Sheesh!
Monday, March 09, 2009
Step-Dad Who Incested 9-year-old Girl NOT Excommunicated by Catholic Church
Well, why would raping and knocking up one's 9-year-old stepkid be some big deal, anyhow?
Failing to force one's 9-year-old raped child to give birth?
That'll throw ya outa the church.
Prior coverage here.
Failing to force one's 9-year-old raped child to give birth?
That'll throw ya outa the church.
Prior coverage here.
Our Friends the Saudis Punish 75-year-old Lady With Forty Lashes for "Mingling"

"Mingling"? Yeah, I hate it when them broads mingle. So uppity. So annoying.
Ok, so it's a day after the UN Day of Women. Enough already. Don't get your panties in a twist. Sure, we're gonna keep on trading with the Saudis. Look how much all this trade has helped their human rights situation so far! Wowee! Note the abaya in picture, left. Ring a bell, does it?
It's not like it's Cuba. Heck, we sure don't wanna trade with them Cubans. Saudi? Si! Cuba? No!
It's not like its apartheid or something, is it?
Trading for profit with a vile oppressor of the basic rights of half the Saudi population? I mean, why not? We trade with China, don't we?

Saudi Arabia sexism theocracy women's rights Islamist wahabi torture
samsara as usual,
women's rights
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Porn-Again Christians Ante Up for Porn In the USA

Yes, well, what a surprise.
The Conservative-iest "family values" [coughchokecough] folks turn out to be fueling the billion-dollar porn industry.
"Residents of 27 states that passed laws banning gay marriages boasted 11% more porn subscribers than states that don't explicitly restrict gay marriage."
"States where a majority of residents agreed with the statement "I have old-fashioned values about family and marriage," bought 3.6 more [online porn] subscriptions per thousand people than states where a majority disagreed."
Technorati Tags: porn, conservatives, gay marriage, hypocrisy
moral bankruptcy,
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Family Planning Saves Billions: Government-Forced Maternity Crowd Wants Unwantedness
Birth control funding saves billions, preventing 2 million unintended pregnancies and 800K abortions every year.
But why would we want that, eh?
Why not listen to government-forced maternity advocate Troy Newman of Operation Rescue, who smears family planning as a "shameful population control program that target[s] low-income families." Or why not start a racist smear-meme by calling family planning "womb lynching"? That's sure sounds purty crappy, no?
Who needs forethought? Let's just lynch women and children instead by pretending that having another kid is just like picking up an extra bottle of milk at Seven-Eleven. No biggie. Really. Don't get your panties in a twist.
What, like there's something inherently un-American about child maltreatment?
Nah. It's as American as apple pie and Abu Ghraib.

(hat-tip re the w-l frame to BillyBobNeck.)
But why would we want that, eh?
Why not listen to government-forced maternity advocate Troy Newman of Operation Rescue, who smears family planning as a "shameful population control program that target[s] low-income families." Or why not start a racist smear-meme by calling family planning "womb lynching"? That's sure sounds purty crappy, no?
Who needs forethought? Let's just lynch women and children instead by pretending that having another kid is just like picking up an extra bottle of milk at Seven-Eleven. No biggie. Really. Don't get your panties in a twist.
What, like there's something inherently un-American about child maltreatment?
Nah. It's as American as apple pie and Abu Ghraib.

(hat-tip re the w-l frame to BillyBobNeck.)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Talibangelical Blames Aussie Fires on Failure to Impose Government-Forced Maternity
Yes, someone really thinks that.
Bushfire coverage from the Sydney Morning Herald.

"How much can a koala bear?"
Bushfire backlash beats down blogger TMZ for anti-koala comments.
Bushfire coverage from the Sydney Morning Herald.

"How much can a koala bear?"
Bushfire backlash beats down blogger TMZ for anti-koala comments.
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Making Theocratic Talibangelical Oppression a Bright 'n Shiny Thing That's Kinda Kewl
May I introduce: the Rebelution? And its links?
Free to Be Modest.
Ladies Against Feminism
Ruining Our Lives With Fun.
Hard Things Come in Small Packages
So who's paying for all this brightness & shininess?
Just asking.
Free to Be Modest.
Ladies Against Feminism
Ruining Our Lives With Fun.
Hard Things Come in Small Packages
So who's paying for all this brightness & shininess?
Just asking.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Coffeespit Moment: Keyboards Beware

Jesus' General just blogged this, but it is so awesome one just couldn't resist sharing the positively enlightening gospel about Godly Anti-Orgasmism (especially since one has been blogging so many wretched child abuse stories of late.)
Yes, Virginia, the Talibangelical anti-masturbation movement is spreading like an STD, letting you know intimate things about perfect strangers that you neither need nor want to know. People used to, you know, just wear raincoats and flash.
Why can't they put mittens on at night (like in the olden days Father Phil & Sister Bromeliad said to) and just shut up about it?
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Beating Some Sense Into the Non-Golden Rule Talibangelicals

On Christianity, Fundamentalism, Spanking, and What Constitutes Child Abuse
" . . the fundamentalist view of humanity is such that humans are viewed as sinful and hell-bound by nature. This rebellion must be addressed. The best way to save one’s child from hell is by “beating the hell out of him or her.”
In Grevens’ Spare the Rod: The Religious Roots of Punishment and the Psychological Impact of Physical Abuse (1991) the notion of using physical abuse to “break the child’s will” is explored. It is the parental responsibility to break the will so that the child will conform to the parent’s wishes, thereby learning obedience to God.
How much force must be applied?
Most fundamentalist commentators state that the parent must remain fairly emotionless and turn a deaf ear to the protests of the child.
[Thus engendering numbing and avoidance in the the parents, btw, a classic symptom of PTSD.]
The child must be struck repeatedly until s/he begins crying profusely, for that is the sign of a broken will—the objective of striking the child in the first place.
Grevens demonstrates through much anecdotal evidence that the whole notion is fraught with difficulties. . . .Citing examples of well-known Christians reflecting on their childhood, a picture emerges of children waiting during the “cooling off” period, making deals with God, and pleading with God that they would not be beaten again.
As for the love part, Ruth Wilkerson Harris (sister of evangelist David Wilkerson) in her book, It was Good Enough for the Father: The Story of the Wilkerson Family (1969), recounts how the Wilkerson children, had to face the “humbling” of embracing their father after a beating and saying, “I love you Daddy. Forgive me for disobeying.”
[Thus teaching the important lesson that people who love you get to hit you and hurt you.]
Capps, in Religion and Child Abuse: Perfect Together (JSSR, 1992), points out that this mixture of anger, pain, beating, and love is very confusing to children.
[No, really?]
They likely come to view the ritual as a pain filled affair necessary to gain the parent’s love. They must surely long for a love that might, someday, be unconditional, with no beatings attached.
[or -- they might go the way of -- Vitter?]
They plead for God to deliver them. God doesn’t. As much anecdotal evidence indicates, as adults, such children do not thank God that they had a parent willing to inflict physical punishment on them and many grow up with a very confused image of God. They have been taught that God is all-powerful, yet God did not rescue them when they pleaded with God for mercy."
Hands up everyone who perceives the relevance of the non-golden rule Talibangelical presence in the military to the government-sanctioned sadism at Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, CIA black sites?
child abuse,
moral bankruptcy,
Friday, January 30, 2009
Your Tax Dollars at Work: Pushing Fundie Sexist Christ-ist Propaganda Instead of Treating PTSD
This is infuriating.
I don't have time to address it fully now, but it's so wrong across so many dimensions . . . feh.
Brainwashing "Purpose-Driven Airmen."
I don't have time to address it fully now, but it's so wrong across so many dimensions . . . feh.
Brainwashing "Purpose-Driven Airmen."
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Down With The Pussy Christ!

Seattle preacherboy Mark Driscoll: pls. deeply enjoy NY Times story of testosterone-deficient loudmouth sexist fascist self-described Calvinist dude (with big-time personal castration issues) pimping way kewl ever so un-girly-manly Sexist Fascist Jesus.

"What really grates [on Driscoll] is the portrayal of Jesus as a wimp, or worse.
Paintings depict a gentle man embracing children and cuddling lambs.
Hymns celebrate his patience and tenderness.
The mainstream church, Driscoll has written, has transformed Jesus into 'a Richard Simmons, hippie, queer Christ,' a 'neutered and limp-wristed popular Sky Fairy of pop culture.'"

Sunday, January 04, 2009
"Do Southern Baptists Set Women Up for Abuse?"
In a word, yes.
human rights,
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