Seattle preacherboy Mark Driscoll: pls. deeply enjoy NY Times story of testosterone-deficient loudmouth sexist fascist self-described Calvinist dude (with big-time personal castration issues) pimping way kewl ever so un-girly-manly Sexist Fascist Jesus.

"What really grates [on Driscoll] is the portrayal of Jesus as a wimp, or worse.
Paintings depict a gentle man embracing children and cuddling lambs.
Hymns celebrate his patience and tenderness.
The mainstream church, Driscoll has written, has transformed Jesus into 'a Richard Simmons, hippie, queer Christ,' a 'neutered and limp-wristed popular Sky Fairy of pop culture.'"

What grates on me is the perpetual portrayal of Jeebus the West European. He looked more like the average Hamas martyr than Rutger Hauer fer christ's sake. And even though he wore open toed shoes, he was no pushover. I'm sure he was down with torture, hated gays and rather fight than switch. The bible nearly says so.
I like how in one sentence there are FOUR anti-gay remarks:
Richard Simmons
and Fairy
We get it! Jesus was pretty hetero for a guy who washed other guys feet and never had sex with a woman. Grrr!!!!!
Yep. Nothing worse than for a guy to be like a gurrl.
Hell yeah, he's looking for some kind of strong, aggressive, Super Jesus. Wait a minute, Super Jesus?
Shit, this must be his lucky day because he's obviously looking for ME!
Reeking of awesome,
Super J.
The Lord Jesus Christ The First, True Libertarian
Seriously - you can't make this shit up.
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