Showing posts with label sexism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sexism. Show all posts

Monday, February 29, 2016

Worker Organizing, Si! Women Organizing, No!

It's fine to organize workers.
It's not fine to organize women.

Which leads to #FauxgressiveFascisti demonizing Madeleine Albright.

How dare she organize women?

How dare she suggest that women support other women?

The nerve!

 Candidate Sanders' [male] privilege asserts the non-existence of [female] un-privilege:

I don't go around, no one has ever heard me say, 'Hey guys, let's stand together, vote for a man.'  I would never do that, never have.

Well, of course not.


The Actual Radical Act

Regarding this coalition as somehow inherently "less-than" is reactionary.

Who are these reactionaries?  White males--privileged white males.

Double whammied white males--privileged by whiteness, privileged by maleness.

Oh, make that a triple whammy--privileged by whiteness, maleness, high socio-economic status.
That's who's doing the #eewSheDevil thing.
I'm not even talking about the GOP; I'm talking about supposedly librul lefties.  Limousine liberal males, blogosphere blogger boyz, those people--spewing the nastiest sexist racist crap ever, in a frenzy of Clinton Derangement Syndrome Ebola 2016.2.

Who votes for Hillary?

Indeed, it is a Stone Soup Cauldron filled with lots of less-thans

The Blogger-Boyz (okay, so one of them is a girl) just can't stand it.  

I know this because I listened in the other day, dropped by their smoke-filled rooms.  Plotting, plotting, intent on bringing the #SheDevil down.

"Pimp-slap them uppity bitches!" 
"Bring 'em down!"

No doubt a special place in hell awaits them.

Thanks; Don't Mention It

Which is more important--coming to terms with white privilege or male privilege?

Thank you.

Yes, that's why I asked.

So, yes, this is about Hillary and about Hillary-hating and about the unbearable swiftness of vitriol in the service of invisible all-pervasive misogyny.

But, you know, it's  really the systemic thing that needs to be addressed.
  How scary  might that be?

 "After I realized,  the extent to which men work from a base of unacknowledged privilege, I understood that much of their oppressiveness was unconscious. . . .
Through work to bring materials and perspectives from Women's Studies into the rest of the curriculum, I have often noticed men's unwillingness to grant that they are over-privileged in the curriculum, even though they may grant that women are disadvantaged. 
Denials that amount to taboos surround the subject of advantages that men gain from women's disadvantages. These denials protect male privilege from being fully recognized, acknowledged, lessened, or ended.

Thinking through unacknowledged male privilege as a phenomenon with a life of its own, I realized that since hierarchies in our society are interlocking, there was most likely a phenomenon of white privilege that was similarly denied and protected, but alive and real in its effects. 
As a white person, I realized I had been taught about racism as something that puts others at a disadvantage, but had been taught not to see one of its corollary aspects, white privilege, which puts me at an advantage.

I think whites are carefully taught not to recognize white privilege, as males are taught not to recognize male privilege. 

P. McIntosh "White Privilege and Male Privilege" 

Friday, February 26, 2016

Young Revolutionary (sic) Bernie Sanders's Misses Entire Point of the Women's Liberation Movement

The whole thing is not about Bernie and Hillary.
It's about unpacking the backpack of male privilege.
How uncomfortable might it be to acknowledge that?

Bernie Sanders' problem--his old school Leninist view that somehow women's issues will be automatically solved by the socialist revolution. 

"Goodbye, goodbye. 
To hell with the simplistic notion that automatic freedom for women—or nonwhite peoples—will come about  zap! with the advent of a socialist revolution. 
        Two evils pre-date capitalism and clearly have been able to survive and post-date                                              socialism: sexism and racism. "

"Goodbye to All That, " R. Morgan, 1970.

The analysis above, from Robin Morgan, was available to Bernie Sanders in 1970.
Bernie was around then.  How could he entirely unaware of the women's movement?

It's really odd, when you think of it--someone who thinks of himself as so dedicated and so political but he completely misses the point of a major social movement? 

And 46 years later, supposedly progressive candidate Bernie Sanders says:

"I don't go around, no one has ever heard me say, 'Hey guys, let's stand together, vote for a man.' I would never do that, never have."

That's not just clueless, that's crazy.

Quick, someone send him a copy of Giardina's "Marxism Without Male Supremacy."

Friday, February 19, 2016


For many years and until not long ago, but self-identified here on this very blog as a lifelong Dem, social Democrat, Bernie Sanders-style.

On this very blog, I supported him to be Hillary's VP.
Thought they would be a strong ticket, create a landslide, win White House, win back Congress.

Since then, stuff has happened.

Sexist crap from his Sarandonista supporters, framing HRC ppl as just voting with their vaginas for a vagina.  Eew.  Then smearing Albright and Steinem.

And then, much much worse, it seems that all sorts of weird crap is not just from BernieBro supporters, but is (and has been) coming out of Bernie Sanders' very own mouth.  Good God.

I had not known.

I do know now.

I'm not supporting Sanders any more.


Organizing Women Isn't Organizing Because

Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont on Thursday defended the rapper Killer Mike’s remark this week that a “uterus doesn’t qualify you to be president. . . "

“What Mike said, essentially, is that politics should not be, people should not be, voting for candidates based on their gender, but on what they believe. I think that makes sense. I don’t go around, no one has ever heard me say, ‘Hey guys, stand together, vote for a man.’ I would never do that."

Certainly not.

She Doesn't Vote With Her Vagina

What she said.    Yep. That's what she said.

Saturday, February 06, 2016

Gutter Politics: Republican Rhetoric Toward Hillary Clinton Turns Violent and Ugly

Gutter Politics: Republican Rhetoric Toward Hillary Clinton Turns Violent and Ugly

Sanders Supporter Susan Sarandon: I don't vote with my [ladypart]

Sue Sarandon (who does not vote with  her vagina. suggests that those who are voting for Bernie's opponent are merely voting with their vaginas for a vagina because (the opponent) has a vagina, which is why they all supported Sarah Palin because genitalia over issues of course. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

It's the Misogyny, Stupid

The more I hear women should just "get over" all this misogyny, the more I realize misogyny is the central problem. In a phrase, "It's the misogyny, stupid!" And it is.

People trying to exert power and control over others, making them do what they want, denying freedom of choice, denying individual decision-making, putting them down, shaming, blaming, keeping them uppity wimmen barefoot and pregnant.

The so-called "small government" GOP proudly inserts itself into -- then nationalizes -- the wombs of all women. They wouldn't want to nationalize anything else, would they? Forced invasive vaginal probes? Sure thing. No problema. GOP don't care about spending that kind of money on useless pricey ultrasounds.

GOP push laws that flout medical privacy by making bosses privy to their workers' plans to have or not have children--because GOP's decided women must breed--or else. They need to show their employers a note from their doctors, swearing the prescription for the pill is not being taken to control birth.

Talibangelical GOPs are hot and bothered trying to protect a rapist's right to breed. They support government-forced childbearing. They, not you, will determine family size. They, not you, will be in control.

Fetus-firsters are entranced by the notion of random parenthood--why should having a child be a thoughtful, planful decision when it could occur on a whim? GOP fetal sentimentalists get all teary-eyed for embryos, but once a kid is out of the womb, good luck, it's on it's own. Children are, to them, the rightful punishment for having had sex.

Friday, September 02, 2011

Hey, Kids! Get Your Red-Hot Shameless Sexism Right Here! Brought to You By Major League Baseball & the New York Times!

Making Big Stwong Men Wear Widdle Sissy Girlie BackPacks!

And it's sooo humiliating, Because Gurls So-o Suck!

And the sissy Gwey Lady doesn't even notice she's sexist! Haha. How funny is that, eh?

Dumb bwoad.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

Guess what? Libya is all Hillary's fault! Woo hoo!

The Clinton Derangement Syndrome raises its itchy greasy acne-pocked sexist head once more, with a fab slam article on how Libya is all Hillary's fault (plus it's Bill's fault, too) accompanied by an unflattering picture because why not, eh? They print unflattering pix of Gaddfi, don't they?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"Are You Going to Man Up, Or Just Lie There and Bleed?"

This is from the NYT on the phrase, "man up."

Yes, Virginia, flagrantly gender-biased language remains invisible, because sexism just, well, you know, it just is how things is, isn't it?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Domestic Violence Homicides Up, Way Up, in MA

Interesting story, save for the unbelievable blame-the-victim-ism.

It's never too late to keep victimizing victims, is it?

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mother's Day, Ladies: Celebrating the Fact That It's Never Too Early to Start Making Fun of a Female's Appearance


Hey, let's hear it for diversity! Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan's taking flak from all sides! And she deserves it! The ever-compassionate HuffPo started it last week, posting arguably the most unattractive pic of Kagan ever. (Not the pic above. It was waaay worse).

BUT--this morning on my local TV that one was topped by an even MORE unattractive pic of Kagan, ever, because she was looking unattractive AND scowling!! Scare-y!

Wow, let's talk about Hillary's thick ankles! Let's talk about Obama saying she was only "likable enough"! Let's talk about Menino not supporting Goldman-Sachs-slayer AG Martha Coakley because "no one" (meaning Menino) likes her"?

Yes, Virginia, girls R fair game!

We smear them on their girly appearances and likeability and scariness/non-scariness factor -- because that's just how it is! And because -- we can!

Note non-scary pic of Elena Kagan, above, which was not chosen by the

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Shut up, about Stupak, ladies. There are way more important things to work on such as -- [fill in blank].

Thanks to Corrente, I've discovered a new blog, Historiann.

Where I found this comment:

Emma on 22 Nov 2009 at 11:09 am #

The one time the left pulled the pin, it voted for Nader in 2000. And look how that worked out.

You misunderstand. I’m not talking about the left. I’m talking about the fake “left” that propagated misogyny and CDS and elected Obama. That “left” will never oppose Obama or even attempt to hold him accountable.

No, what I’m talking about is WOMEN needing to play madwoman political bargaining with the Dems. Because when it comes to women’s rights, the Democrats and the Republicans are identical. Women’s rights, including abortion, are nothing more than political bargaining chips.

Let me put it this way: After the Democrats — led by Democrat Bart Stupak — passed the Stupak/Pitts amendment I got all these “call to action” emails from Democrats to save abortion rights by appealing to more Democrats and sending money to more Democrats. It’s deeply, deeply screwed up. And there’s nary a Republican to blame for it.

I’m done. Nothing, not one thing, not a “public option” health insurance plan, not universal health care, not single payer health care, not the success of the historic Obama presidency, not poor people’s rights, not people of color’s rights, not a jobs plan that actually works, not the wars in Afghanistan or Iraq, not the Guantanamo detainees — nothing is worth accepting, putting up with, or losing the battle on this steady erosion of women’s equality. Nothing. My “allies” are on notice. Nothing matters to me but winning this fight on women’s equality. Nobody gets anything from me on any other issue — not money not votes not feet on the street. Nothing.

And voting “yes” or “no” isn’t enough anymore, either. There has to be solid work toward building a coalition that will have the ability and the power to stand firm and pass legislation that will advance women’s equality and thus protect abortion and reproductive rights. And I mean a Constitutional Amendment or a statute that kills the Hyde Amendment, the Global Gag Rule, and Stupak dead for the foreseeable future. That’s all I will accept.

And beyond lack of support, I will oppose every effort that further enshrines or advances women’s inequality. I don’t care what gets scuttled. If you have to suffer until I get my rights, that’s too bad for you. Because nobody gets ahead while I wait. Never again...

Click onthrough.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Stupak Is As Stupak Does

Periodically, when I'm feeling down, I launch attacks against the government-forced maternity crowd. And I launch attacks against the separation-of-church-and-state-is-for-pussies crowd, those arrogant guys in those churches that want meddle in the lives of people who don't even GO to their churches.

And, you know, like, I still have my panties in a twist about all that, you know, primary sexism stuff from all those kewl libruls who really have no problem throwing, you know, broads under the bus.

So when I heard about the Stupak thing, I just thought: hey! Broads under the bus 2009? No biggie. It's deja vu all over again.

And, you know -- it is!

I know it's just because I'm so emotional, just that time of the month, prolly, but see, there's another little tiny voice inside my head that is saying:

fuck this. really.

you really don't have to be physically hit to be abused, do you?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Ok, I'm back from DC. Almost off to work.

This is a blogging IOU.

Will write about Americans United for the Separation of Church and State's blogger meet-up in DC. Great fun, lots of laughter.

Thinking about writing at more length on sexist smears against Martha Coakley, sample here.

Putting the pieces together re Ft. Hood shooter. Sounding more Islamic than traumatic right now. When will they start trying to waterboard him?
