"The Original Power Couple Emerges Again With Hillary on Top . . ."
Why not come right out and call her a nappy-headed ho' and get it over with, Bronstein, you um "dickhead"?
And now for something completely different: Arthur Silber, a guy who gets it.
Showing posts with label nappy-headed ho's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nappy-headed ho's. Show all posts
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Unity Pony Flutters Sparkle-Ridden Eyelashes

Oh my GOD.
Markos comes out as a PUMA Obamist!
In the New York Times, no less! Be still my heart!
"I will continue to support him,” Mr. Moulitsas said in an interview. “But I was going to write him a check, and I decided I would rather put that money with Democrats who will uphold the Constitution."
Guess I'll have to stop calling him a nappy-headed ho, eh?
Friday, May 23, 2008
Clinton Trounces McCain Who Trounces Obama; Aravosis, Kos Suffer From Acute & Chronic PMS

Hi there, boys and girls! You enjoying the socio-political atmosphere these days?
I sure am.
Oh, and while we're having fun, let's check out the electability tsunami for today at Hominid Views.
99.9% probability of winning in a Clinton/McCain match-up?
w00t! Let's make sure the superdelegates don't know about that!
80.7% probability of McCain winning against Obama. But who really cares about winning, eh?
Let's make SURE we nominate the guy who's going to lose to McCain, because that really demonstrates party unity!
Now let's check on Aravosis/Kos, bloggerboyz who are SO dedicated to Democrats losing the election in November so that Dem Party Unity Pony stays alive? (Or do I mean so Dem Party Unity Pony dies a horrible death? Um, whateverrr.)
God, they just can't frickin' help themselves, can they?
The Democratic Party is imploding, women are leaving it in droves, men who support Hillary are leaving in droves, and these loudmouth sexist sniggering rabid fratboys just can't shut down their Pieholes of Misogyny Syndrome.
You can get the gist via Corrente, "Well, women are childish. We know this." I'm not linking to them. They just SO suck. AND -- they're destroying the Democratic party and making Karl "Miss Piggy" Rove smile.
[And here's The Great Purge, "Daily Kos Is a Nappy-Headed 'Ho'"]
[Here's my prescient post from April 2007, before The Great Purge "Markos Moulitsas Is A Nappy-Headed 'Ho'"]
[And here's Aravosis's own memorable horrible person terrible twos temper tantrum.}
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Thomas a Beckett's Ghost Asks: "Who Will Rid Me of This Meddlesome Female Candidate for U.S. President?"
Someone really really needs to get rid of Hillary Clinton.
Democrats really need someone who'll get rid of her, according to MSNBC's Howard Fineman, someone who'll "stop this thing."
Faux-Left Manichaean media darling Keith Olbermann agrees: "Right. Somebody who can take her into a room and only he comes out."
(Thoughtful pause.)
"Somebody who can take her into a room and only he comes out."
Let's compare:
"We need someone to stop Barack Obama's campaign in its tracks."
"Right. Somebody who can throw him in the back of a pick-up, and string him up."
Raise your hands, boys and girls, if that metaphor works for you?
No? It doesn't work for you?
Well, it shouldn't.
Nor should the first one.
Sexism and racism are completely unacceptable.
Sexism is tolerated in the United States today in a way that racism is no longer tolerated.
Recognition of the pervasiveness of gender bias in the USA is not a reason to vote for Hillary Clinton; however, rampant sexism, particularly in the media, has adversely affected and continues to adversely affect her ability to communicate information on her actual plans and actual policy proposals.
Thus, the citizenry continues to be bombarded by sniggering fratboy vitriol that disparages Senator Clinton merely as a female, rather than engaging in an honorable war over her ideas, plans, and policies versus the ideas, plans, and policies of her opponents.
That's why the pervasive "just shut the fuck up, bitch" theme of her opponents is so very vile.
And that's why so many of us have our frickin' panties in a twist.
Just in case you'd been wondering.
Alegre, at No Quarter, here.
Democrats really need someone who'll get rid of her, according to MSNBC's Howard Fineman, someone who'll "stop this thing."
Faux-Left Manichaean media darling Keith Olbermann agrees: "Right. Somebody who can take her into a room and only he comes out."
(Thoughtful pause.)
"Somebody who can take her into a room and only he comes out."
Let's compare:
"We need someone to stop Barack Obama's campaign in its tracks."
"Right. Somebody who can throw him in the back of a pick-up, and string him up."
Raise your hands, boys and girls, if that metaphor works for you?
No? It doesn't work for you?
Well, it shouldn't.
Nor should the first one.
Sexism and racism are completely unacceptable.
Sexism is tolerated in the United States today in a way that racism is no longer tolerated.
Recognition of the pervasiveness of gender bias in the USA is not a reason to vote for Hillary Clinton; however, rampant sexism, particularly in the media, has adversely affected and continues to adversely affect her ability to communicate information on her actual plans and actual policy proposals.
Thus, the citizenry continues to be bombarded by sniggering fratboy vitriol that disparages Senator Clinton merely as a female, rather than engaging in an honorable war over her ideas, plans, and policies versus the ideas, plans, and policies of her opponents.
That's why the pervasive "just shut the fuck up, bitch" theme of her opponents is so very vile.
And that's why so many of us have our frickin' panties in a twist.
Just in case you'd been wondering.
Alegre, at No Quarter, here.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Hillary-Hating Uber Alles: Karl Rove's Wet Dream Comes True

What is wrong with these people?
Click on this, and scroll down to this headline:
Ok, boys and girls -- it's 2008, and guess what?
We at the New Republic ha ha are proudly using classic sexist stereotypes to trash a candidate from our own party!
"CONNIVING" is classic sexist spin-speak for "actually has the nerve to run for president"!
"RAGE-FUELED" is classic sexist spin-speak for "why won't the angry bitch shut up and roll over and die along with all those other uppity angry bitches who just won't shut up and roll over and die -- who do they think they are, anyhow?"!
Click on, and it's even better: anyone like Hillary who won't roll over and die at Obama's feet must be suffering from a whole bunch of Schneiderian psychotic symptoms! Ooh! Voices in her head! Ooh! She must be craaaaa-zy! Look at her hysterics in this Dean-screamy unbelievably unflattering photo! That angry f*cking bitch is f*cking craaazy!
by Michelle Cottle (Proving that females can be just as sexist as males. Ooh. But we knew that already, Michelle, dear.)
By the time Hillary Clinton's campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle finally packed up her lovely corner office with its fresh blue carpet and mini-fridge full of Diet Coke, her exit must have come as a relief--even to many of her friends on Team Hillary. Since Iowa, colleagues had been conducting an uneasy deathwatch for her."Lovely corner office" -- "fresh blue carpet" -- "mini-fridge full of Diet Coke" -- hmm. Interesting word choices.
[Then follows a boring account of supposed internecine warfare and slagging of Mark Penn, who I believe got canned some time ago. People I know and respect seem to hate this guy, I don't know why, and seem to hate Hillary's candidacy even more because of him. Me, what do I know?]
And so the jockeying and layering and squabbling grinds on, even as Hillary's chances of capturing the nomination grow ever more remote. [Translation: shut up and die, bitch]. From the outside, the struggle for control of a campaign that likely won't be around much longer [Translation: jeez, bitch, why won't you just shut up and die??] may appear absurd.Not as absurd as this article -- not to mention its inflammatory headlines.
Who are you people?
Why are you so stupid and so awful? Shouldn't you know better?
Sadly, no.
Here's an article for persons who didn't get why The New Republic's coverage was sexist and why being explicitly anti-sexist actually matters.
Ditto, from Feministe (& not a pro-Hillary blog, btw).
Here's "Keith Olbermann's Head Explodes."
Here's Corrente on Obama, Sexism, and the Infantile Id.
Here's Watermelon Shuffle, reprised.
Hat tip on the NR article to Tennessee Guerrilla Women, who saays:
Hillary Sexism Watch: Cancel Your Subscription to The New Republic
Why does the lefty New Republic look just like the righty Free Republic?
If you don't already have a subscription to The New Republic, why would you ever want one?
Hillary Rodham Clinton is a woman who has inspired mothers, daughters and sisters all over the nation with the hope that women and girls will one day be treated fairly.
Portraying the first woman to have a chance at the presidency as a raving lunatic is what we have come to expect from progressives and conservatives alike.
Anyone who has graduated from feminist studies 101 knows that the portrayal of uppity women as raving lunatics is as old as the patriarchy itself. And hasn't it worked out really well for the chauvinists?
I should be used to it by now. But if this is what it means to be Democrat, I am not one.
Full story, here.
The G Spot, here.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
It's the Sexism, Stupid!

Watch it at YouTube, here.
Watch it if you dare, testosterone-deprived acne-pocked media whore media sexist sniggering fratboys. [MSNBC, Matthews, Carlson, FlabbyMatt Taibbi, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Kristol, Olbermann, Shuster, Cafferty, Beck, Cavuto, Russert, Barnicle, Scarborough, Snyder, etc. etc.]
And all you sniggering fratboy sympathizers. [MoDo, HuffPo]
And the rest of some of the rest of you who are Faux-liberal Manichaean sexist sniggering fratboys who don't even know that you are sexist sniggering fratboys. [Kos, Aravosis, PDA, Move-on, Buzzflash, Olbermann, FlabbyMatt Taibbi, Shuster, Rich]
Watch it if you dare. All the way to the end.
But don't forget:
"While women have been elected to the highest offices in countries such as England, Germany, and India, [oh, and not to mention Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, New Zealand, Israel, and Ireland -- who have I forgotten?] the idea that a woman could be president of the United States provokes scoffs and ridicule.
The press portrays female candidates as unviable, unnatural, and incompetent, and often ignores or belittles women instead of reporting their ideas and intent. [What? They DO??]
Since voters learn most details about presidential candidates through media outlets, Falk asserts that this prevailing bias calls into question the modern democratic assumption that men and women have comparable access to positions of power." -- Women for President, Media Bias in Eight Campaigns
Sexism pervading America? What? Well, I must tell you that I'm shocked. Shocked.
[Why do I now call Matt Taibbi "FlabbyMatt"? Check out his most recent anti-Hillary screed, in which he leads off by disparaging the physical appearance of a leading candidate for President of the United States, hurling an insult that is at once both sexist AND ageist. Way to go, FlabbyMatt.]
Bill O'Reilly rips off my post title, here.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Obama's "F*cking Whore Fundraiser" Scandal: See No Evil? Hear No Evil? Really? Speak No Evil? Well, nevermind.
Obama's odd silence on the Fucking Whore Fundraiser Scandal is shocking, yet unsurprising. Somehow. And you'd think that this would be a major story for the media whore media, would you not? And yet that silence, too, is deafening.
Hmm. Whatup?
Presidential Candidate Barack Obama needs to denounce Randi "Clinton is a big fucking whore" Rhodes' comment. Right frickin' now. (Then Mr. Hope/Change/Hope can explain why he waited so long to do so, and why that behavior is not both sexist and majorly righwing.))
His continuing silence about this vulgar sexist attack gives consent and complicity, especially since it occurred at an Obama fundraising event.
Obama must denounce Rhodes' statements about both current presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and former vice-presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro, apologize for the sexist slurs being made at his fundraiser, and return all money that event made. [Update: didn't happen. Aint's gonna happen.]
And Randi Rhodes needs to have her head examined. (She's not the only one). I hadn't realized that the Democratic party was so severely infested with vulgar, sexist vitriolic boors masquerading as liberals -- so now there's a Pottymouth Cheney/Freeper wing of the Dem party, eh?
Makes me sick. Kos makes me sick, Progressive (sic) Dems of America makes me sick, BuzzFlash, Americablog, blah blah blah. Why do they think it's ok to behave this way? Shrieky hysterical mob mentality behavior from people who really really should know better -- but don't.
Shame on them. Feh.
More here, via No Quarter.
And good comments here at Anglachel:
[Update: I have to say that with every week, and with every passing day that brings more Hillary-hating hysteria and swiftboat slime, I am sliding further and further away from my vow of supporting the Democratic candidate whoever that might be. I have taken hard hits for supporting Hillary, both in RL and SL (oddly enough), and I'm telling you, I don't frickin' like it. Drummed out in RL of Americablog and HuffPo and Buzzflash and DU and Kos, I fled to the Hillaryblogs. Where I found myself with the similarly drummed-out with similar philosophies -- it sure feels like home. (And even SL is less so, though most I hang with have been very polite. I learned recently that one Obama supporter there was been spreading rumors behind my virtual back that I had said I was not going to vote for Obama, which I had never ever said. I'm adding that experience to my list of things that are starting to make me frickin' wonder.)
I don't like Obama's policies, and I don't like the way the more vocal of his supporters behave. My opinion of him has gone from generally favorable a few months back to generally unfavorable, as I have learned more about him. I think he is a timid centrist candidate who is not ready for prime time. I don't like how his team treats his opponent. At all. I don't like all this constant wierd-ass dismissive sexist crap, and I don't like what Leahy and Kerry and Kennedy and Carter are saying and doing; I don't like being vilified, I don't like the media whore media's sexist crap, especially not Frank Rich and Huffington and MoDo and Olbermann, and I particularly don't like the Faux-left's sexist crap, like that of Randi Rhodes, above. You act like that, you're not on my side. And I am not on yours. Forewarned is forearmed. So far I'm sticking to my pledge, but I'll tell you, as of about an hour ago, I've started wavering. And I am a big-time long-time ultra-progressive Democrat. A real one, not a timid centrist. Lose me if you dare.]
Hmm. Whatup?
Presidential Candidate Barack Obama needs to denounce Randi "Clinton is a big fucking whore" Rhodes' comment. Right frickin' now. (Then Mr. Hope/Change/Hope can explain why he waited so long to do so, and why that behavior is not both sexist and majorly righwing.))
His continuing silence about this vulgar sexist attack gives consent and complicity, especially since it occurred at an Obama fundraising event.
Obama must denounce Rhodes' statements about both current presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and former vice-presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro, apologize for the sexist slurs being made at his fundraiser, and return all money that event made. [Update: didn't happen. Aint's gonna happen.]
And Randi Rhodes needs to have her head examined. (She's not the only one). I hadn't realized that the Democratic party was so severely infested with vulgar, sexist vitriolic boors masquerading as liberals -- so now there's a Pottymouth Cheney/Freeper wing of the Dem party, eh?
Makes me sick. Kos makes me sick, Progressive (sic) Dems of America makes me sick, BuzzFlash, Americablog, blah blah blah. Why do they think it's ok to behave this way? Shrieky hysterical mob mentality behavior from people who really really should know better -- but don't.
Shame on them. Feh.
More here, via No Quarter.
And good comments here at Anglachel:
[Update: I have to say that with every week, and with every passing day that brings more Hillary-hating hysteria and swiftboat slime, I am sliding further and further away from my vow of supporting the Democratic candidate whoever that might be. I have taken hard hits for supporting Hillary, both in RL and SL (oddly enough), and I'm telling you, I don't frickin' like it. Drummed out in RL of Americablog and HuffPo and Buzzflash and DU and Kos, I fled to the Hillaryblogs. Where I found myself with the similarly drummed-out with similar philosophies -- it sure feels like home. (And even SL is less so, though most I hang with have been very polite. I learned recently that one Obama supporter there was been spreading rumors behind my virtual back that I had said I was not going to vote for Obama, which I had never ever said. I'm adding that experience to my list of things that are starting to make me frickin' wonder.)
I don't like Obama's policies, and I don't like the way the more vocal of his supporters behave. My opinion of him has gone from generally favorable a few months back to generally unfavorable, as I have learned more about him. I think he is a timid centrist candidate who is not ready for prime time. I don't like how his team treats his opponent. At all. I don't like all this constant wierd-ass dismissive sexist crap, and I don't like what Leahy and Kerry and Kennedy and Carter are saying and doing; I don't like being vilified, I don't like the media whore media's sexist crap, especially not Frank Rich and Huffington and MoDo and Olbermann, and I particularly don't like the Faux-left's sexist crap, like that of Randi Rhodes, above. You act like that, you're not on my side. And I am not on yours. Forewarned is forearmed. So far I'm sticking to my pledge, but I'll tell you, as of about an hour ago, I've started wavering. And I am a big-time long-time ultra-progressive Democrat. A real one, not a timid centrist. Lose me if you dare.]
Saturday, March 15, 2008
DailyKos Is a Nappy-Headed Ho?

Amazing how fast a so-called liberal Dem site turns into fascist Freeperville, is it not?
Kos commenter Alegre calls out the evil evil-doers:
If you're sick of the way Hillary - a good and decent Democrat - has been vilified and attacked... if you've EVER recommended one of my dairies on this or any other site then please join me in this effort. Let's take a stand here and now and tell the world we will no longer remain silent in the face of the sexism, anger, irrational hate, lies and attacks against Hillary. Nor will we add to the bottom line of a site that continues to lead the charge in fueling it.
Yes, then Alegre asks for Kossacks to join the strike in via comments. And Markos disables the comments.
America, America, God shed his grace on thee.
Link here.
Tom Watson on the flight from DKos:
But much of it comes from boorish, Stalinist behavior online - the kind of "you're either with us or against us" attitude we saw so much of when the Bush crowd was flying high. It's disturbing, particularly because so many of the targets are women. This is not the Democratic Party many of us have worked for; this is not the progressive blogosphere we've supported. Without blaming the worthy candidacy of Senator Obama in any way, this is not a progressive movement - it's a harsh, echo-filled politburo bathed in faux post-racial hosannas and the gauzy camera lens of "hope."
More of Tom Watson's commentary on the strike, here.
This campaign is bringing all our proud American sexist fratboys proudly out of the closet.
Don't miss Hitchens telling us why broads just ain't funny, here.
Blogtopia responds with The Confluence.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
MSNBC is a Nappy-Headed Ho (And Time Magazine is a Nappy-headed Ho As Well. Not that anyone really gives a shit except the very shrill)
So MSNBC has it's very own "nappy-headed ho'" moment, and blames the whole thing on Hillary Clinton. What a concept.
No Blood for Hubris strongly supports the continuing use of the public airwaves to spread the important traditional twin American values message of sexism and stupidity, really, we do.
Whole story here, via Tennessee Guerilla Women.
Longer story of from Media Matters, here. Media Matters has been right on this story from the start, while MSNBC is trying to spin people's objections to their on-air nappy-headed ho language as being mere partisan hype.
Partisan hype? Not THAT!
Maybe because they still live in Animal House? Not the charming funny movie part, the stupid actual real part?
Puerile misogyny seems funny for a year or two while you're a whiny pimply sophomoric hormonally-challenged sniggering frat boy.
But even puerile boys generally grow up into actual men.
Just not at MSNBC.
Update: and not at Time Magazine either: here's a little gem from their sniggering fratboys:

.Hillary Clinton
Clinton and sexism
No Blood for Hubris strongly supports the continuing use of the public airwaves to spread the important traditional twin American values message of sexism and stupidity, really, we do.
Whole story here, via Tennessee Guerilla Women.
Longer story of from Media Matters, here. Media Matters has been right on this story from the start, while MSNBC is trying to spin people's objections to their on-air nappy-headed ho language as being mere partisan hype.
Partisan hype? Not THAT!
Scarborough insisted, "This ain't about Hillary Clinton's campaign." [mere partisan hype -- don't pay attention to it. nothing to see here, move on]
Scarborough got that part right. This isn't about Hillary Clinton's campaign. This is about a consistent pattern of misogynistic comments by Chris Matthews. Comments about and directed toward a variety of women. A consistent pattern of Matthews objectifying women. And a consistent pattern of MSNBC looking the other way.
It's about an MSNBC host saying things like this: "I've been trying to call Alessandra Stanley with The New York Times for some time just to have lunch with her, and she thinks it's because I'm trying to influence her -- that's not the case at all, it's because, I was surprised, I saw a picture of her and I thought she was kinda hot!" . . . Joe Scarborough.
It's about things like a male MSNBC host describing a woman running for president as "shrill" (and "very shrill") and asking, "[W]hat about her housekeeping skills?" . . . Joe Scarborough. . . .
This is about Chris Matthews' pattern of inappropriate treatment of women, and about MSNBC's continued acceptance of it. It's about things like a male journalist doing a mocking "impersonation" of the women who host The View - an impersonation that featured a high-pitched, whiny voice...[from]. David Shuster. . . [Shuster is now being spun as the sad victim of a horrid horde of over-sensitive broads]
Tim Russert suggested that there is irony in a "self-avowed feminist" having shown "some emotion," as though feminists are the dour, humorless beings Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson think they are. At least Russert stopped short of using the term "feminazis."
A few days later, Tucker Carlson mocked the idea that Hillary Clinton could have been a "victim of gender discrimination," noting that she had gone to Yale Law School. Clinton's comments about "gender equality," to which Carlson was purportedly responding, were in fact general, and not about her specifically.
And his invocation of Clinton's graduation from Yale Law as evidence of a lack of gender inequity in her life was just bizarre: As Clinton noted in her autobiography, "When I entered Yale Law School in the fall of 1969, I was one of twenty-seven women out of 235 students to matriculate. This seems like a paltry number now, but it was a breakthrough at the time and meant that women would no longer be token students at Yale." . . .
MSNBC host Tucker Carlson, who has described Hillary Clinton as "whining" and suggested the reason there are so few women in Congress is that "most women are so sensible, they don't want to get involved in something as stupid as politics" and said of Clinton, "[W]hen she comes on television, I involuntarily cross my legs," and described her as "castrating, overbearing, and scary."
(MSNBC can't say they didn't know what they were getting when they hired Carlson; before joining the cable channel, he said women "want to be spanked vigorously every once in a while" and told Elle magazine that Clinton is his "guilty fantasy," explaining: "Every time I see her I think I could, you know, help. ... She seems tense.") . . .
Then on January 30, Joe Scarborough told co-host Mika Brzezinski, "Mika, don't make me backhand you." . . .
During MSNBC's February 5 primary coverage, correspondent Lester Holt seemed surprised that "[t]he first woman candidate with a serious shot at winning the presidency beat out her male rival" in exit polls on the question of "[w]ho would make the best commander in chief of the U.S. armed forces?" Holt even reminded viewers, "Keep in mind, this at a time the nation is fighting on two fronts." This wasn't the first time an NBC personality seemed to question whether a woman could be an effective commander in chief of the armed forces:
* On June 24, 2007, Chris Matthews asked if Clinton's "being surrounded by women" makes "a case for commander in chief -- or does it make a case against it?" Matthews went on to say, "But isn't that a challenge, because when it comes down to that final decision to vote for president, a woman president, a woman commander-in-chief, will be an historic decision for people. Not just men, but women as well."
* On May 30, 2005, Matthews asked retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey if "the troops out there" would "take the orders" from "Hillary Clinton, commander in chief." When McCaffrey responded, "Why wouldn't they listen to a [female] commander in chief? Sure," Matthews responded: "You're chuckling a little bit, aren't you?" When McCaffrey responded, "No," Matthews said: "No problem? No problem? No problem?" McCaffrey answered, "Absolutely not. None."
Most recently, David Shuster said on the February 7 edition of Tucker that "there's just something a little bit unseemly" about Chelsea Clinton contacting super delegates on behalf of her mother, adding, "[D]oesn't it seem like Chelsea's sort of being pimped out in some weird sort of way?"
This morning, Shuster offered a Matthews-esque quasi-apology for analogizing Chelsea Clinton to a prostitute.
But, like Matthews, Shuster didn't seem to "get it."
Maybe because they still live in Animal House? Not the charming funny movie part, the stupid actual real part?
Puerile misogyny seems funny for a year or two while you're a whiny pimply sophomoric hormonally-challenged sniggering frat boy.
But even puerile boys generally grow up into actual men.
Just not at MSNBC.
Update: and not at Time Magazine either: here's a little gem from their sniggering fratboys:

.Hillary Clinton
Clinton and sexism
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Hillary-Haters Have a Ball: Reichwingers Play the C*nt Card; Young Obamist Makes Clinton, Not Bush, Prime Target. (Hunh?)
So this morning I went out to do the shopping (I'm a gurrrl, remember?).
The cash register was manned by a young white male. He mentioned the name of X, a white male liberal in my town who I know to be on its Democratic Party Committee. This older white male liberal I met when I was supporting Robert Reich for Governor in the Democratic Party primary against a white female, Shannon something. Can't recall her name.
The white male teen said he was working on Obama's campaign, and he said, pointedly, and disparagingly, "I'm working hard so that that OTHER candidate won't win."
The man he was talking to, asked, "Who? Romney?"
But of course young white liberal male Obama supporter meant Senator Hillary Clinton.
Now, boys and girls, this is how pervasive sexism is -- young white male liberal puts knocking uppity b*tch Hillary Clinton out of the race as a higher priority than knocking the Bushist fascists out of the White House. She's the enemy. Not Bush.
And that's how it really is.
A quick trip to a liberal site like Daily Kos, or Democratic Underground reveals a pervasive acceptance of misogyny. It's splashed across the pages of the New York Times, local radio, and on national and local TV.
Chris Matthews's creepy sexism -- not to mention that of Drug Limbaugh -- is acceptable everywhere. They sure don't get fired for it. They don't even get in trouble.
Media Matters has covered this well:
Using overtly sexist language, he has referred to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) as a "she devil" and compared her to a "strip-teaser." He has called her "witchy" and likened her voice to "fingernails on a blackboard." He has referred to men who support her as "castratos in the eunuch chorus." He has suggested Clinton is not "a convincing mom" and said "modern women" like Clinton are unacceptable to "Midwest guys." He has called her "Madame Defarge" and "Nurse Ratched."When will sexism become as unacceptable as racism?
(Contact MSNBC: Mr. Phil Griffin, Senior Vice President, News
NBC Television Network 30 Rockefeller Plz New York, NY 10112 )
Uh, ever?
Monday, January 21, 2008
Maureen Dowd is a Nappy-Headed Ho

Got a minute?
Sure you do! Everybody's got time for sexism!
Everybody's got a minute for a jealous bitch!
Noted hysteric female unwed childless columnist MoDo Maureen "Dowdy" Dowd of the "who,-me-sexist?" New York Times has really got her panties in a twist!
I mean, looky here: is this uppity old broad riding the cotton pony, or whut?
She's being SUCH a bitch! She's so totally playing the bitch card at Hillary!
Big-time bitch-slapping MoDo, you will recall, is an unmarried woman.
She engages in spin. Why, some might call her a -- spinster.
Plus -- shrieky MoDo is unmarried to Bill Clinton. Who probably, also, never made a pass at her. Having made passes at, we are told, every female who ever lived and then some.
Now that must hurt.
It could really make one hold a bigtime Clinton grudge.
Plus -- unmarried Maureen, who's probably always been a little ambitious for a girl, maybe a little shrill, a little pushy, a little masculine, a little oh, steely-eyed, therefore maybe, questionably, you know, dykey, a little loud, a little angry, way bitchy, moody, puffy, unstable, emotional, and certainly getting a little long in the tooth, a little wrinkly -- Maureen Down probably has noticed that it is Hillary Clinton, not she, who is the one who's running for President of the United States.
That must sting, deep down inside.
So, you know, Maureen, keep it real, and do let your petty jealousy and untrammeled sexism fly forth freely.
Cry about it.
(Or have you noticed -- ouch -- that no one is interested in your tears?)
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Bitchy Nappy-headed Ho Karl "Miss Piggy" Rove Calls Calling Senator Clinton "a bitch" Key Secret Sexist Tactic
Well, some of us, at least, are not surprised.
Why is Newsweak paying this nasty sexist propagandist to spread his propaganda?
Maybe "Miss Piggy" Karl and Newsweek, and all their pussy propaganda minions are all on the rag.
Otherwise, it's inexplicable, is it not?
Why is Newsweak paying this nasty sexist propagandist to spread his propaganda?
Maybe "Miss Piggy" Karl and Newsweek, and all their pussy propaganda minions are all on the rag.
Otherwise, it's inexplicable, is it not?
nappy-headed ho's,
social justice
Monday, November 05, 2007
None Dare Call It Sexist
Here's a fine sexist slam-down of Clinton brought to you by the New York Times. They're so enlightened. Really.
And for a walk down memory lane, here's an earlier article about a fine sexist slam down of Clinton, brought to you by the Washington Post. It's all about cleavage. And remember, WaPo is so enlightened. Really.
And here's Taylor Marsh, pointing out the fine sexist slam-down of Clinton by "neutral" media whore Tim Russert. He's so enlightened. Really.
The Daily Howler's coverage of the frat boy pile-on was right on point:
You know, it really doesn't matter that she gets peppered with snide question set-ups about having been merely a President's wifie, though that happened some years back (can you believe Timmeh taking up time on national TV to mention that the Senator is a "wonderful woman" with "a great husband"?) and trivializes her completely, which is of course, the point.
What a load of crap.
Clinton regularly gets blamed for being AT ONE TIME too weak AND too strong (oh, and the NY Times publishes a whole article about this, whilst merrily swiftboating Clinton sexistly on its front page!).
Useless jealous Heather spinster semi-femi MoDo trashes Clinton in every way for every stupid reason -- like giving away a cat (hunh?) -- all the frickin' time, but the blood on the torturing hands of illiterate sadist Bubble Boy, former enthusiastic Toad-exploder, don't really bother that MoDo much. Just get fix her up with that other stupid NYT columnist, Tierney, who worries 24/7 about who will educated women marry. (Answer: not you.). And bemoans the fact that more women than men are going to college (but didn't give a shit when the figures were reversed. Hmm. )
But it's ok to call Senator Hillary Clinton a nappy-headed ho, see? Just don't say it like that! Sure, all her supporters are really Anita Hill nutty/slutties! And that's ok! Because we don't give a crap about them anyhow, they're just a buncha frickin' broads!
I love how the boys love to play the gender card in national politics, do not you?
It works like this: if you're a gurrrl, and you complain about sexism, that's you being sexist, because you're a gurrrrl.
You can't even mention sexism, because that would be playing the gender card, which you can't do, because you're a gurrrl.
It's the perfect double bind!
Therefore, the only way you can criticize sexism and not play the gender card, is to just shut up about it, bitch.
And isn't shutting up uppity bitches what it's all about in the first place?
Hillary Clinton
Clinton and sexism
And for a walk down memory lane, here's an earlier article about a fine sexist slam down of Clinton, brought to you by the Washington Post. It's all about cleavage. And remember, WaPo is so enlightened. Really.
And here's Taylor Marsh, pointing out the fine sexist slam-down of Clinton by "neutral" media whore Tim Russert. He's so enlightened. Really.
The Daily Howler's coverage of the frat boy pile-on was right on point:
(Liveblogger Garance) FRANKE-RUTA: OK, this is now everybody—and I do mean everybody—against Clinton. It makes her look brave for just standing there, this small determined woman being attacked by three men on either side of her, two male moderators, and the entire male Republican field. Each of the critics on his own would be more effective, but taken as whole, the optics of this are uncomfortable.
You know, it really doesn't matter that she gets peppered with snide question set-ups about having been merely a President's wifie, though that happened some years back (can you believe Timmeh taking up time on national TV to mention that the Senator is a "wonderful woman" with "a great husband"?) and trivializes her completely, which is of course, the point.
What a load of crap.
Clinton regularly gets blamed for being AT ONE TIME too weak AND too strong (oh, and the NY Times publishes a whole article about this, whilst merrily swiftboating Clinton sexistly on its front page!).
Useless jealous Heather spinster semi-femi MoDo trashes Clinton in every way for every stupid reason -- like giving away a cat (hunh?) -- all the frickin' time, but the blood on the torturing hands of illiterate sadist Bubble Boy, former enthusiastic Toad-exploder, don't really bother that MoDo much. Just get fix her up with that other stupid NYT columnist, Tierney, who worries 24/7 about who will educated women marry. (Answer: not you.). And bemoans the fact that more women than men are going to college (but didn't give a shit when the figures were reversed. Hmm. )
But it's ok to call Senator Hillary Clinton a nappy-headed ho, see? Just don't say it like that! Sure, all her supporters are really Anita Hill nutty/slutties! And that's ok! Because we don't give a crap about them anyhow, they're just a buncha frickin' broads!
I love how the boys love to play the gender card in national politics, do not you?
It works like this: if you're a gurrrl, and you complain about sexism, that's you being sexist, because you're a gurrrrl.
You can't even mention sexism, because that would be playing the gender card, which you can't do, because you're a gurrrl.
It's the perfect double bind!
Therefore, the only way you can criticize sexism and not play the gender card, is to just shut up about it, bitch.
And isn't shutting up uppity bitches what it's all about in the first place?
Hillary Clinton
Clinton and sexism
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Mr. No Blood for Hubris and I have been vacationing happily on sunny global-warmingly humid Cape Cod.
One spent a particularly lovely evening in cyber-reality dancing at Jesus' General's party at Cafe Wellstone last night. (One was the one in a lent lavender gown with non-matching but satisfyingly sparkly stilettos).
Returning to cold reality this morning, one read the front page of the Cape Cod Times, that odd very Republican paper, Dow-owned, and now, of course, Murdoch-owned.
That front-page article is called "Peeks and Valleys."
It features three blue Barbie-doll-boobed pictures (an eye-catching 12-column-inches), and manages to mention the name HILLARY CLINTON, and the word CLEAVAGE in its entire two inches of text.
Raise your hands if you think the appearance of a FRONT PAGE, illustrated, 14-column-inch article mentioning HILLARY CLINTON, and CLEAVAGE is the work of just some little local copy editor gone berserk.
(Here's a link, but the online version doesn't do justice to the story's actual presentation, lacking the striking Barbie-doll boob blueprints showing various degrees of cleavage styles, the middle one being marked as "potential U.S. prez" and the rightmost one being marked "va-va-voom." )
Sex objects, anyone?
It's more Hillary-bashing. (And remember, one is well to the left of the Senator).
And it's unabashedly misogynist to boot.
And it's Rupert at work.
One is almost ready to start writing about Rupert's own bag of nuts.
In fact, one just did. (Ee-ew.)
Hillary Clinton
sexist cleavage coverage
One spent a particularly lovely evening in cyber-reality dancing at Jesus' General's party at Cafe Wellstone last night. (One was the one in a lent lavender gown with non-matching but satisfyingly sparkly stilettos).
Returning to cold reality this morning, one read the front page of the Cape Cod Times, that odd very Republican paper, Dow-owned, and now, of course, Murdoch-owned.
That front-page article is called "Peeks and Valleys."
It features three blue Barbie-doll-boobed pictures (an eye-catching 12-column-inches), and manages to mention the name HILLARY CLINTON, and the word CLEAVAGE in its entire two inches of text.
Raise your hands if you think the appearance of a FRONT PAGE, illustrated, 14-column-inch article mentioning HILLARY CLINTON, and CLEAVAGE is the work of just some little local copy editor gone berserk.
(Here's a link, but the online version doesn't do justice to the story's actual presentation, lacking the striking Barbie-doll boob blueprints showing various degrees of cleavage styles, the middle one being marked as "potential U.S. prez" and the rightmost one being marked "va-va-voom." )
Sex objects, anyone?
It's more Hillary-bashing. (And remember, one is well to the left of the Senator).
And it's unabashedly misogynist to boot.
And it's Rupert at work.
One is almost ready to start writing about Rupert's own bag of nuts.
In fact, one just did. (Ee-ew.)

Hillary Clinton
sexist cleavage coverage
Bushist fascism,
nappy-headed ho's,
women's rights
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Oh, Lookie! More Sexist WaPo Coverage of Senator Clinton! (Or, Howie Kurtz and Robin Givhan are Nappy Headed-ho's!)
We covered it before, and now we're covering it again.
The "nappy-headed ho" of all media whore media "nappy-headed ho"s is apparently the Washington Post, which just can't get enough of publishing wildly sexist articles about Senator Clinton, who, by the way is running for President.
But really, let's talk about Mitt Romney's choice of neckties, and whether his donger shows in his pants. Senator Vitter's pants-load, on the other hand, is not really sexual, not in the normal sense, anyway, so that doesn't count.
I guess the closest thing would be for the media whore media to keep talking about Bubble Boy's fake codpiece bulge.
So have at it.
Update: Here's Howard Kurtz's sexist defense of the indefensible: do note his charming sexist title! How witty! He calls it: "Cleavage and Clinton's Campaign Chest"
Hillary Clinton
Clinton cleavage
sexist Washington Post
The "nappy-headed ho" of all media whore media "nappy-headed ho"s is apparently the Washington Post, which just can't get enough of publishing wildly sexist articles about Senator Clinton, who, by the way is running for President.
But really, let's talk about Mitt Romney's choice of neckties, and whether his donger shows in his pants. Senator Vitter's pants-load, on the other hand, is not really sexual, not in the normal sense, anyway, so that doesn't count.
I guess the closest thing would be for the media whore media to keep talking about Bubble Boy's fake codpiece bulge.
So have at it.
Update: Here's Howard Kurtz's sexist defense of the indefensible: do note his charming sexist title! How witty! He calls it: "Cleavage and Clinton's Campaign Chest"
Hillary Clinton
Clinton cleavage
sexist Washington Post
nappy-headed ho's,
women's rights
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Markos Moulitsas is a Nappy-Headed Ho
The funny thing about sexism is like the funny thing about stupidity.
Stupid people are too stupid to know they're stupid. Sexist people don't even know they're sexist.
And when someone tells them, they think it's stupid.
You know, like Markos Moulitsas, who's gotten into a lot of trouble over the years for his sexism (but he isn't! those girls are just hysterical!) and is now in trouble again (but he shouldn't be! those girls are just on the rag!).
So here's the post where he trivializes a female blogger who (uppity woman!) objected (girlie-man girl!) to being the recipient of death threats (pussy!).
You know, objecting to death threats is just, like, so gay! So whiney! So sissy!
Markos is, one supposes, an educated person. In some sense.
So -- what's his frickin' problem?
If he can't say something non-sexist, why can't he just shut up?
(Here's a post from Big Tent Democrat (with whom I am, generally speaking, in love) astonishingly defending the indefensible kos on this matter. Oy.)
Markos Moulitsas
Kathy Sierra
Stupid people are too stupid to know they're stupid. Sexist people don't even know they're sexist.
And when someone tells them, they think it's stupid.
You know, like Markos Moulitsas, who's gotten into a lot of trouble over the years for his sexism (but he isn't! those girls are just hysterical!) and is now in trouble again (but he shouldn't be! those girls are just on the rag!).
So here's the post where he trivializes a female blogger who (uppity woman!) objected (girlie-man girl!) to being the recipient of death threats (pussy!).
You know, objecting to death threats is just, like, so gay! So whiney! So sissy!
Markos is, one supposes, an educated person. In some sense.
So -- what's his frickin' problem?
If he can't say something non-sexist, why can't he just shut up?
(Here's a post from Big Tent Democrat (with whom I am, generally speaking, in love) astonishingly defending the indefensible kos on this matter. Oy.)
Markos Moulitsas
Kathy Sierra
nappy-headed ho's,
women's rights
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