One spent a particularly lovely evening in cyber-reality dancing at Jesus' General's party at Cafe Wellstone last night. (One was the one in a lent lavender gown with non-matching but satisfyingly sparkly stilettos).
Returning to cold reality this morning, one read the front page of the Cape Cod Times, that odd very Republican paper, Dow-owned, and now, of course, Murdoch-owned.
That front-page article is called "Peeks and Valleys."
It features three blue Barbie-doll-boobed pictures (an eye-catching 12-column-inches), and manages to mention the name HILLARY CLINTON, and the word CLEAVAGE in its entire two inches of text.
Raise your hands if you think the appearance of a FRONT PAGE, illustrated, 14-column-inch article mentioning HILLARY CLINTON, and CLEAVAGE is the work of just some little local copy editor gone berserk.
(Here's a link, but the online version doesn't do justice to the story's actual presentation, lacking the striking Barbie-doll boob blueprints showing various degrees of cleavage styles, the middle one being marked as "potential U.S. prez" and the rightmost one being marked "va-va-voom." )
Sex objects, anyone?
It's more Hillary-bashing. (And remember, one is well to the left of the Senator).
And it's unabashedly misogynist to boot.
And it's Rupert at work.
One is almost ready to start writing about Rupert's own bag of nuts.
In fact, one just did. (Ee-ew.)

Hillary Clinton
sexist cleavage coverage
If and when she is elected, we can look forward to Murdocoverage of Hillary's "camel-toe" and hot flashes and in-depth analysis of the progression of her crow's feet... Fox News, elevating the level of discourse in American society!
Just so, bukko!
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