You can wrap it up in a big red earth-consciousness locavore bow, but corporatocracy's triumph via our demise is creating voluntary premature peasants; those people who are adjusting to the fall of the Empire well in advance, becoming unplugged by eating cheap food, same food, jam tomorrow, jam yesterday, never jam today, because it's always cabbage soup.
For breakfast, it's cold porridge. For lunch, it's cabbage soup. Every day. For dinner, its lentils and rice. Why it's just like a third world country! I've been saying that for years. Really, I have. Lentils and rice? It's dhal-bat. The national dish of Nepal. A very poor country.
Coming your way.
So pass
the daily borscht. I mean, the cabbage soup. Every day. Every day. Every day. Pass the dhal-bat. Pass the fish-heads and rice. Please pass the yuca.
Try to make a virtue out of less is more.
But, hey.
Less is less.
Primary source:
The 10 in 10 Diet is a total system that makes it easy to transition off meat and cook healthy food conveniently while keeping your grocery bill under $150 a month per person, and reducing our contribution to climate change – with a goal in mind of 10% reduction of CO2 in 2010. It's a way to fast track to a simpler, more peaceful life.
It's totally possible to really enjoy food while eating more like the majority of people in the world.THE CLIMATE CHANGE DIETEating a diet for climate change doesn't mean you have to become a stick-in-the-mud vegetarian who won't take a little piece of turkey at Christmas dinner at your mother's. In order to make a difference in global warming, we need a wave of change in eating patterns across populations, enough to affect agribusiness and shipping traffic. So, here I am, jumping in with both feet to help people stop hemming and hawing in the grocery aisles and get set up to be clear and consistent with lowering the environmental impact of what they eat by eating no meat on a day-to-day basis and very little dairy. The climate change diet begins with a classic breakfast.
Oatmeal Porridge with raisins, honey and apples [THINK: PLEASE PASS THE GRUEL]
Buttermilk pancakes with a fried egg on top
Cabbage soup
Peanut butter sandwich
Hot drink1/2 cup fruit
1/2 cup plain yogurt
Miso soup with kale and carrotsEgg salad sandwich
Hot drink
1/2 cup fruit
1/2 cup plain yogurt
Big batches to freeze in single servings:
1. Black bean soup with either polenta or quick baking powder biscuits
2. Pinto beans
a) refried (mashed) served with salsa in corn tortillas
b) served over rice with salsa
Both ways can be garnished with a little grated cheddar cheese, or not.
3. Beet & Bean Stew -
a kind of hearty beet borscht4. Squash soup with hummus on bread or biscuits
5. Chili served with a dollop of kasha
Cook tonight in 45 minutes (2 or 3 servings) and have some leftovers
6. Black & Orange – black lentil stew and mashed rutabaga and sweet potatoes
7. Curried red lentils and veggies served on rice
8. Ratatouille, rice and lentils
Cook quickly tonight with one hour's notice
9. Falafel served either in pita with sprouts & yogurt or with quinoa or millet, gravy, and veggies
Make ahead to share for summer picnics, pot lucks or to pack a cold supper.
9. Quinoa salad Everyone likes this moist, yummy salad made with a fluffy ancient grain instead of rice. You can vary the cold veggies and nuts. Great to take to pot lucks