Showing posts with label theocracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label theocracy. Show all posts
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Ok, I'm back from DC. Almost off to work.
This is a blogging IOU.
Will write about Americans United for the Separation of Church and State's blogger meet-up in DC. Great fun, lots of laughter.
Thinking about writing at more length on sexist smears against Martha Coakley, sample here.
Putting the pieces together re Ft. Hood shooter. Sounding more Islamic than traumatic right now. When will they start trying to waterboard him?
This is a blogging IOU.
Will write about Americans United for the Separation of Church and State's blogger meet-up in DC. Great fun, lots of laughter.
Thinking about writing at more length on sexist smears against Martha Coakley, sample here.
Putting the pieces together re Ft. Hood shooter. Sounding more Islamic than traumatic right now. When will they start trying to waterboard him?
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Iran Blames West for Deaths Caused by Neo-SAVAK Basij Murderers
Yuh. The swine claim it's all our fault.
Apparently the Iranian people didn't know they were being repressed by a brutal regime till we all twittered them.
Apparently the Iranian people didn't know they were being repressed by a brutal regime till we all twittered them.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Warning: Graphic Video Tehran: wounded girl dying in front of camera
I apologize for posting this -- and oddly enough, it went up before I had even finished working on it -- but it is important to note that the Iranian regime has apparently gone with "shoot to kill" now.
The whole world is watching, and this sad video could not be more eloquent, could it?
Update: now we know her name was Neda.
Update 2: Later coverage here.
Roger Cohen.
The whole world is watching, and this sad video could not be more eloquent, could it?
Update: now we know her name was Neda.
Update 2: Later coverage here.
Roger Cohen.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Oh Lookee -- Sadists4Christ Have Been Running an UnConstitutional Theocracy All This Time!!

Yes, Virginia, there IS a Separation of Church and State. Well, sorta. But, you know, sometimes there just isn't, and so we have to do stuff we don't really wanna do. Like not having a separation of church and state. And like torturing people. We know it's wrong, but we do it anyway, because we had to. I mean, we had to.
Like Rummy had no choice when he blatantly shamelessly resorting to using specifically Christian battle themes and quotes as Bible propaganda to propagandize his message to the troops.
Sure, it's illegal. And unconstitutional. But God told him to do it? Well, I don't know what God did, reallly. I dunno. Does Rummy think that God's been updating His communication stream? Why separate church and statet when you can update church as state. It makes a brave new world, don'tcha get it? Next thing you know, Christ won't get tortured and die on the cross, He'll get tortured and then waterboarded to death. (Then we'll all be forced to wear little golden waterboards around our necks. . . ?)
Anyhow. Wow. This blatant bible stuff is real disturbing. I mean, sure looks like Rummy's got issues.
Hands up, boys and girls, if you think that little Donny Rumsfeld got the living crap beaten out of him on a regular basis by a big powerful omniscient omnipotent Daddy, one who told little Donny that it was all his fault that Daddy (or maybe Mommy) had to make little Donny pay for his misdeeds with pain?
---hat-tip to Revpaperboy at The Woodshed.
Monday, March 09, 2009
Our Friends the Saudis Punish 75-year-old Lady With Forty Lashes for "Mingling"

"Mingling"? Yeah, I hate it when them broads mingle. So uppity. So annoying.
Ok, so it's a day after the UN Day of Women. Enough already. Don't get your panties in a twist. Sure, we're gonna keep on trading with the Saudis. Look how much all this trade has helped their human rights situation so far! Wowee! Note the abaya in picture, left. Ring a bell, does it?
It's not like it's Cuba. Heck, we sure don't wanna trade with them Cubans. Saudi? Si! Cuba? No!
It's not like its apartheid or something, is it?
Trading for profit with a vile oppressor of the basic rights of half the Saudi population? I mean, why not? We trade with China, don't we?

Saudi Arabia sexism theocracy women's rights Islamist wahabi torture
samsara as usual,
women's rights
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Lahore Attack: "A Savage Blow to the Pakistan State"

Five die in Sri Lankan cricket team attack; kidnap attempt foiled.
The Australian dubs the Lahore attack a savage blow to Pakistan, "second only to the assassination of Benazir Bhutto." It don't take a weatherman to know which way the wind blows when it comes to destabilizing a country, a region, isolating it from the west, promoting internal division, terrifying the populace.
Lashkar-e-Taiba's faring very well, thank you.
Bhutto, then Mumbai, now Lahore.
Lashkar-e-Taiba: Low-tech/high performance M.O. moving toward big-time victories: destabilization, Pakistani civil war, regional war, fully operational nukes with a Caliphate at the end of every fundamentalist's rainbow.
Thanks a lot, Bush, Cheney, Rummy, whose ignorance and hubris made out of a molehill a mountain.
Lahore attack Pakistan cricket Lashkar-e-Taiba
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Porn-Again Christians Ante Up for Porn In the USA

Yes, well, what a surprise.
The Conservative-iest "family values" [coughchokecough] folks turn out to be fueling the billion-dollar porn industry.
"Residents of 27 states that passed laws banning gay marriages boasted 11% more porn subscribers than states that don't explicitly restrict gay marriage."
"States where a majority of residents agreed with the statement "I have old-fashioned values about family and marriage," bought 3.6 more [online porn] subscriptions per thousand people than states where a majority disagreed."
Technorati Tags: porn, conservatives, gay marriage, hypocrisy
moral bankruptcy,
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Making Theocratic Talibangelical Oppression a Bright 'n Shiny Thing That's Kinda Kewl
May I introduce: the Rebelution? And its links?
Free to Be Modest.
Ladies Against Feminism
Ruining Our Lives With Fun.
Hard Things Come in Small Packages
So who's paying for all this brightness & shininess?
Just asking.
Free to Be Modest.
Ladies Against Feminism
Ruining Our Lives With Fun.
Hard Things Come in Small Packages
So who's paying for all this brightness & shininess?
Just asking.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Down With The Pussy Christ!

Seattle preacherboy Mark Driscoll: pls. deeply enjoy NY Times story of testosterone-deficient loudmouth sexist fascist self-described Calvinist dude (with big-time personal castration issues) pimping way kewl ever so un-girly-manly Sexist Fascist Jesus.

"What really grates [on Driscoll] is the portrayal of Jesus as a wimp, or worse.
Paintings depict a gentle man embracing children and cuddling lambs.
Hymns celebrate his patience and tenderness.
The mainstream church, Driscoll has written, has transformed Jesus into 'a Richard Simmons, hippie, queer Christ,' a 'neutered and limp-wristed popular Sky Fairy of pop culture.'"

Thursday, January 01, 2009
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Prayer Warrior Sarah Palin's Witch-Hunter #2: Mary Glazier
Practice the virtue of patience for the first 45 seconds, at which time the fun begins.
Then check out Palin in My Prayer Group, Says Witch-Hunter #2, by troutfishing. And guess what, the New York Times has finally noticed that something's up. Took them awhile.
Hat-tip to Jesus' General.

Monday, September 15, 2008
Clueless: Lying About Iraq, Lying About Troopergate

From the Irish Times, McCain Campaign Admits Palin Never Visited Iraq.
And here's the Troopergate guy saying that the vicious Mrs. Palin is lying about that, too.
And from Salon, a little about book-banning, which Palin said she didn't do but others say otherwise, oh and about her pro-government-forced-maternity activities and anti-gay and pro-creationism in public schools kinda stuff.
From the Sydney Morning Herald, Press Picks Over Litter of Lies on the Palin trail.
And here's the vicious Mrs. (Palin) admitting that she will not cooperate in the Troopergate ethics probe, although previously she had said that she would. Hmm.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Talibangelical Palin: A Dominionist for All Seasons?
Hat tip to reader A.T., here's a charming and fully-sourced article on just how Talibangelical Sarah Palin actually is.
Short answer?
Short answer?
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Duggar Quiver Really Really Really Full
Full-quiver Family Mom Michelle Duggar just announced that she is expecting her 18th child.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Sadist Infant-Whipper Talibangelicals Practice Jesus' "Love Thy Neighbor" by Dumping on Sen. Clinton. So What Else is New. Jesus Would Be So Proud?

So sue me, but I'm quite tired of Bushist fascist sadism, particularly when it is practiced by so-called practicing Christians. I don't think anyone who advocates whipping real infants with real whips, like James Dobson (himself a survivor of sustained child abuse), and who also is an acknowledged puppy-beater (read his book), deserves any credibility from the media.
But of course, our media is braindead. So there you are.
More here.
child abuse,
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Talibangelicals Infiltrate US Government

Current attorneygate scandal features a Bushist fascist Monica (Goodling) who lacks a blue dress, but who sure can spread around a stain. (That would be the stain of corruption and anti-Americanism, FYI).
Extry! Extry! Read all about it!
Great stories about Bubble Boy's Talibangelical court-packing scheme, complete with its Bushist Fascist US Attorney-packing scheme conceived (and delivered) via the Satanic Pat Robertson's evil scheming.

It IS a right-wing conspiracy, and they ARE trying to take over. Like them commies, but -- way worse!
On the up side, they're incompetent. And America appears to be waking from her long numb sleep of post-9/11 PTSD.
AG Gonzalez showing characteristic Bushist fascist contempt for the rule of law, here.
"It's a curious contrast that leaders in the Department of Justice would slip a change into law to allow one U.S. Attorney to spend only a few days a month in his district and keep his job, while at the same time claiming to fire another for spending a few days a month away from his district to serve his country," Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) said in a statement.
Paul Krugman, here.
Globe here.
Slate, here.
Max Blumenthal, here. And this sure ain't what we call "Good News," if'n you catch my drift.
Monica Goodling
Blog Against Theocracy
Bushist fascism,
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Robertson Calls for Chavez Murder: God's Sixth Commandment Not Good Enough for Anti-Christ-ist Crackpot Right
What did you all expect? There are only two sides to this story: abortion on demand for the fully-grown post-born is just another virtuous aspect of "Intelligent Design" to Crackpot- Christ-ist Talibangelical televangeloquist Pat "Rev. Assassin" Robertson. Pregnancy termination for sentient beings so small that they can't survive on their own outside the womb, is, for these nuts, and according to "Peppermint Patty" Justice-in-waiting Roberts' notion, a massive screaming tragedy quite unlike the loss of life for Americans and Iraqis in Iraq.
Women forced by the government to carry to term pregnancies they know they can't properly care for--who cares? That's no damn tragedy. We like them girls barefoot and pregnant. Unwanted children--it's not as if they grow up to be murderers and serial killers, is it? Oh wait a minute. Yes, they do. Oopsie. Never mind.
You get it now? Fetuseses too small to live outside a woman's womb and embryoeses stuck in petri dishes--these are objects worthy of compassion.
Whereas, it's fine to fry these same embryoes once they're all grown up, in the electric chair, being shot, by injection, whatever, because now they deserve it.
It's fine to send these deserving, grown-up embryoes off to kill and die in war, even for lies and stupidity--they now don't deserve our compassion, nor do their bereaved moms.
Once these little embryoes grow up to be the the full-grown President of Venezuela, it's morally fine to assassinate them, should we have the urge.
This is what I mean about the American Taliban Crackpot Christ-ists. They must never have graduated from Sunday school.
The Sixth Commandment was too far down on the list for them to pay attention to it, maybe that's why they're so hot to have it posted in public places, they have such a hard time remembering what they actually say.
These Old Testamentarian "believers"--they can't keep the ten commandments, and they apparently have overlooked the actual life and the actual words of compassionate liberal Jesus.
Beatitudes? Nah. The Golden Rule? Pussy.
Not taking life?
What, you kidding? You expect loudmouth Pat Robertson to practice what he preaches?
Pat Robertson
Ten Commandments
Women forced by the government to carry to term pregnancies they know they can't properly care for--who cares? That's no damn tragedy. We like them girls barefoot and pregnant. Unwanted children--it's not as if they grow up to be murderers and serial killers, is it? Oh wait a minute. Yes, they do. Oopsie. Never mind.
You get it now? Fetuseses too small to live outside a woman's womb and embryoeses stuck in petri dishes--these are objects worthy of compassion.
Whereas, it's fine to fry these same embryoes once they're all grown up, in the electric chair, being shot, by injection, whatever, because now they deserve it.
It's fine to send these deserving, grown-up embryoes off to kill and die in war, even for lies and stupidity--they now don't deserve our compassion, nor do their bereaved moms.
Once these little embryoes grow up to be the the full-grown President of Venezuela, it's morally fine to assassinate them, should we have the urge.
This is what I mean about the American Taliban Crackpot Christ-ists. They must never have graduated from Sunday school.
The Sixth Commandment was too far down on the list for them to pay attention to it, maybe that's why they're so hot to have it posted in public places, they have such a hard time remembering what they actually say.
These Old Testamentarian "believers"--they can't keep the ten commandments, and they apparently have overlooked the actual life and the actual words of compassionate liberal Jesus.
Beatitudes? Nah. The Golden Rule? Pussy.
Not taking life?
What, you kidding? You expect loudmouth Pat Robertson to practice what he preaches?
Pat Robertson
Ten Commandments
Monday, August 22, 2005
Bubble Boy Wastes Blood & Treasure to Install Medievalist Islamic Theocracy: Mainstream Media Mum
Yes, well, we announced Bush's great Iraqi victory for medieval Islam yesterday, and today we link to the hardly-surprising story of the supression of the story by the mainstream media.
Mainstream Media, you're just not full of surprises, are you? Bubble Boy sure does have your peckers in his pocket, to quote LBJ, a guy who knew all about that sort of thing.
I remember the good old days, when men were men, and journalists were journalists, and Bob Woodward wasn't just a Mr. Potato-Head wearing a fake smile and a tie.
The olden days . . . when there really was a Fourth Estate . . . ----
If the Bush administration brokered a deal in Occupied Iraq to enshrine Islamic law as the guiding principle of the new Iraqi Constitution, you'd think it would be headline news in the U.S. media, wouldn't you? Well, that's what has happened -- yet you can search the Sunday papers in vain to find this sell-out to the Islamists clearly portrayed -- or, in some cases, even mentioned.
Mess O'Potamia
Mainstream Media, you're just not full of surprises, are you? Bubble Boy sure does have your peckers in his pocket, to quote LBJ, a guy who knew all about that sort of thing.
I remember the good old days, when men were men, and journalists were journalists, and Bob Woodward wasn't just a Mr. Potato-Head wearing a fake smile and a tie.
The olden days . . . when there really was a Fourth Estate . . . ----
by Doug Ireland
Senior Contributing Editor
If the Bush administration brokered a deal in Occupied Iraq to enshrine Islamic law as the guiding principle of the new Iraqi Constitution, you'd think it would be headline news in the U.S. media, wouldn't you? Well, that's what has happened -- yet you can search the Sunday papers in vain to find this sell-out to the Islamists clearly portrayed -- or, in some cases, even mentioned.
In a dispatch that Reuters moved at 1:33 P.M. on Saturday (August 20), the headline reads, "U.S. concedes ground to Islamists on Iraqi law." "U.S. diplomats have conceded ground to Islamists on the role of religion in Iraq, negotiators said on Saturday as they raced to meet a 48-hour deadline to draft a constitution under intense U.S. pressure," Reuters reported. "Shi'ite, Sunni and Kurdish negotiators all said there was accord on a bigger role for Islamic law than Iraq had before."
And we Americans, who are footing the bill in all senses, just couldn't be happier!
Thanks a lot, Bubble Boy!
Mess O'Potamia
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