Ah, our darling media whore media.
We love them so, do we not?
Department of Possible Light at End of Tunnel, Unity Pony Entebbe Rescue Edition? Hat-tip to anon. ; )
And also, It's Hillary's Night! Hat-tip, again, to anon. ;)
entertaining POPULAR exclusive FREESTYLE MINDFUL CUTTING-EDGE SOCIO-POLITICAL BLOG AVEC a dollop of SNARK now showing the POPular hilarious samizdat "DONALD TRUMP IS MY (frickin'') GURU"
Yes, the AP has gone downhill quite a bit; as if hiring John Solomon wasn't enough of a sign.And apparently CorrenteWire is now a clearing house for bad media reports that I wouldn't want to read in the first place?
If so; links you probably won't see there:
Hillary delivered. The phony drama MUST stop now. by chumley, on Daily Kos.
Defending Droogie - UPDATE x2. by RenaRF on Daily Kos -- all about the AP's obvious biases.
Both of those diaries are currently on the rec list at Daily Kos.
OMG, my own update. I'm speechless, thank you. :)
But of course!
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