Saturday, December 09, 2006

Congressman Tried To Shut Up Foley's Page

When there's a Bushist fascist sex scandal, it's way better to just shut UP about it, is it not?

Well, sure, if you know what's good for you. From the official report:

[T]he instant message could have been attached to an e-mail sent to Rep. Kolbe but not opened and read," the report reads, but adds, "If Rep. Kolbe was not shown the instant message he should have asked for it."

Still later in the report's account of Kolbe's involvement in the page scandal, it is stated that, according to the former page, Kolbe warned him, “it is bes[t] that you don't even bring this up with anybody.... [T]here is no good that can come from it if you actually talk about this. The man [Foley] has resigned anyway.”

An image of that portion of the report follows:

A few days after that conversation -- after the national media had circulated several Instant Message conversations between Foley and former pages, including some that involved discussions of penis size -- Kolbe left the former page a voice message, which, according to the page, said, "It looks like you did some talking."

Ah, those famed Bushist fascist family values.

GOPedophile protectionism, first, last and forever.

Via RawStory.

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