Former top Justice Department aide Monica Goodling . . . [will deliberately refuse] to turn over documents that had been subpoenaed as part of the investigation into the firing of 8 US Attorneys. Goodling is set to testify before the Committee on Wednesday.
"I am concerned, however, about your statement that Ms. Goodling is going to refuse to produce documents in her possession that are responsive to the subpoena," Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), the committee's chairman, wrote to Goodling's attorney John Dowd.
In responding to an argument made by Dowd on why Goodling did not need to turn the documents over, he added, "We are aware of no authority that permits internal Department administrative regulation to allow a former employee of the Department of Justice, or any other person, to avoid the subpoena power of the House of Representatives, as that power is central to the House's ability to carry out its Constitutional oversight mandate and certainly trumps internal agency regulations."
At issue were a set of documents that Dowd, an attorney for the Washington, DC law firm Akin, Gump, Straus, Hauer, and Feld, acknowledged his client possessed.
Not that we're surprised by her being in contempt of Congress, are we?
More here.
Monica Goodling
US Attorney scandal
1 comment:
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep;
I pray, however, he not take
Souls as by choice war willful make.
I pray the Lord such men destroy
As take war merely for a ploy,
As never served, but now that be
Directing ops in Wash D.C.
Too bad their ops is more like oops,
They are the tops, but not their troops,
In secret finding laughable
The soldier lank and affable.
Things that are said before a mike
That´s unknown live, do deeply strike;
So all-pervasive their contempt
Nor Christian righteous left exempt.
As down to sleep myself I lay,
That heaven keep my soul, I pray,
But may God´s wrath not merely stun
The hostile crew in Washington.
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