Come on down, fractured little Democratic Party, come on down to Netroots Nation in SL, listen, talk, interact, get all politically passionate, and work things out while you tango, virtually speaking.
Couldn't be easier.
Click on "there's more" and read through Pb's diary. Then click through to nninsl.org.
(And somewhere around here is poor little party Unity Pony with her big round sad eyes, and yes, you can -- you can feed poor little Unity Pony a virtual carrot if she'll open her mouth which she probably won't till she calls for her food-taster; yes, you can -- you can bash her over the head with a virtual FISA stick and rip out her timid centrist IV or feed her to a PUMA or hassle her silly about refried bushist fascist faith-based initiatives ugh.
Or even unaccountably fall suddenly back in love with her, holding her pink little hoof to your heart, offering to put her up for canonization while you tantalize her with platefuls of cheap arugula.
Yes, you can.
It's virtual reality so you can virtually do whatever you virtually wish . . . well, kinda . . . just follow the trail of virtual spangles . . . . or are they virtual sparkles . . . . a virtual trail of blood and sweat and spangles and sparkles and tears . . . a trail of tears that leads to virtual Unity Pony's vast flower-filled suite in Intensive Care at Netroots Nation in SL, metaphorically-speaking.)
We can do it, can we not?
Yes, we can.
Will someone please help me better understand the use of Second Life with conferences? Is it just to facilitate folks who can't be there physically? Or is it something else completely that I am totally missing?
People who are unable to be physically present in Austin, Texas (like me -- it's too far away, and costs too much, and I just can't fit it in, etc.) can attend, hear the speakers, etc.
They can also interact, virtually speaking, with other virtual attendees.
In real time. Just not in real space.
It's very interesting. And this is a good occasion to give it a try, as there are progressive mentors available to help you with the transition.
One needs a decent computer. Beyond that, it's just a matter of making a leap of faith, so to speak, into the virtual world.
No carbon footprint.
NBFH, how come you're interested in NN after the terrible primary?
Not doing NN, doing NNinSL
Different people.
Bigger tent.
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