Monday, August 13, 2012

Paul Ryan Loves to Rip Nesting Catfish Moms off Nest; Kills Mom, Deals Death to Widdle Helpless Fishie Babies

(Hat-tip to General JC Christian, Patriot)

It's called "noodling catfish."
A cover-up phrase, like "collateral damage."

In Missouri, hand-catching catfish is illegal, for a whole bunch of reasons, here.
It's bad for the catfish, decimates their numbers.  Sort of like catching a lobster with eggs.

But proud "pro-lifer" Ryan feels that freedom to catch and kill and eat nesting catfish is an important freedom.

No, really, he thinks that.

Quoth pro-life catfish killer Ryan:

I love Texas. You know why I love Texas? Because you love your freedom."
 Ryan said he planned to head to Oklahoma on Sunday and take his children fishing on Lake Texoma, then indulge in another favorite activity in the afternoon: “I’m going to go out with some of my Okie friends, and I’m going to do something that I’ve been doing for a number of years, and that’s called noodling catfish.
“And I want to say something to you Texans — because you understand freedom, you now legally recognize a man’s right to catch a catfish with his own bare hands.”

Paul Ryan--a special guy.

A special guy on a special ticket:  Traumatized Dog Shits Self While Caged On Car Roof Speeding Down Highway Guy//PLUS//Nesting Mama FishKilla With Bare Hands Jolly Good Fun Freeedom Dude.

Okay, then.

Paul Ryan is a Personhood Proponent: Feti First!


FetusPersonhood: The Pro-Life Movement's Ultimate Goal
The bedrock principle of the pro-life movement - that all preborn babies are "persons" and all innocent people share the inalienable right to life - is the benchmark against which pro-lifers must evaluate any strategy to protect preborn children.
What is Personhood?
What is personhood and why is it so foundational to the pro-life movement?  Put simply, a "person" is a human being who is fully protected under the law; and we use the legal term "personhood" to describe this condition.  Once a human being is declared a person, that individual is guaranteed certain legal rights.
To better understand personhood, we begin by asking the fundamental question of when human life begins.  Embryological science has made crystal clear that human life begins at fertilization: the union of an egg and sperm resulting in a unique, genetically distinct human being.  The answer to the question of when human life begins is a biological one. 
The follow-up question is:  "Is this tiny embryonic human being a ‘person' who is guaranteed the right to life?"  In other words, should human beings be protected in law as persons; as citizens upon whom full constitutional protections (due process, equal protection, etc.) should confer?  The answer to the question of personhood is a political/legal one.  Once a human being is declared to be a legal person, there simply can be no exceptions to his or her inalienable right to life; just as there are no exceptions to our right to life.
Visit our personhood website by clicking here."

Paul Ryan supports the rights of embryos over the rights of women in whose bodies they have manifested.

Because embryos are people and women are not.  

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Oh Frabjous Day

I blame Obama for the demise of this blog.

But--things may be looking up!

Ronald Romney has dubbed Big-Time Fetal Sentimentalist Paul Ryan as his VP pick!

There's nobodies I likes to blog about more than Big-Time Fetal Sentimentalists, unless its
GOP Government Nationalizing the Wombs of Women, which Paul Ryan also is!  And--he's a proud opponent of the Freedom to Reproduce!

So I am not promising anything, just thinking that indeed, things may be looking up.

Except for unwanted children, like the one above.  Paul Ryan is a fan of government-forced birth.  I am not.  I think it's important that mothers never think much less say to their children, 'I wish you'd never been born."

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Fund Drive for Susie Madrak

Give it up for Susie of Suburban Guerilla.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Its my [gender-specific body part] and I'll vote for it if I want to.

People I know, and people I like, in fact, people I both know and like are getting their panties in a twist about the timid feeble centrist Obama, which designation most of us had figured out long before the Arugulist got elected.

I'm not unhappy he was elected.  Eisenhower was a better liberal Democrat, really, than Obama, and Eisenhower was of course a Republican, but you, know, McCain, and then there was Palin, and I am very happy she's not a heartbeat away from the Presidency, and don't call me a durn anti-skirtist for saying so.

The faux-prog-libro-gressive LOATHING of Barry O is just so interesting because it's so, so, jam-packed with Naturally Organic Vitriol!  Our Loathing of Barry is so pure!  It's so, so, squeaky damn clean!  We ARE right!  You who do not toe our party line are BrainDead because you fail 2 agree with US!  Party line!  Party line!  Party line!

What was it some asian said?  Something like holding on to anger is like swallowing poison and expecting the other guy to drop dead?  Yea, but that's so Asian.  [shrugs]

With folded hands, I bow down to those who see Mitt as Barry.  Who are so depressed by the status quo, they move toward greater depression and oppression because it really couldn't get any worse, could it?  After all, Bush WAS Gore.  And we lived through that just fine, did we not?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Law Prof Unger Throws Broads Under Bus

Obama must be defeated!

Yes, there will be a price.  The supremes price.
You girlz will pay the price.  So what.

We fauxgressives don't give a shit.

Did you really think we ever did?

                         love, Roberto

Shut up about it, sweeties.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Long Hair on a Male: Romney Takes Scissors, Assaults Peer, Cuts Bangs Off

Mitt's so sexist, he'll make you toe his line by whatever means necessary.

In this case, it's violent assault.

" . . he was walking around the all-boys school with bleached-blond hair that draped over one eye, and Romney wasn’t having it.  [Long bangs!  No-oo!]

“He can’t look like that. That’s wrong. Just look at him!” an incensed Romney told Matthew Friedemann, his close friend in the Stevens Hall dorm . . .Mitt, the teenaged son of Michigan Gov. George Romney, kept complaining about Lauber’s look, Friedemann recalled.

Monday, March 19, 2012

It's the Misogyny, Stupid

The more I hear women should just "get over" all this misogyny, the more I realize misogyny is the central problem. In a phrase, "It's the misogyny, stupid!" And it is.

People trying to exert power and control over others, making them do what they want, denying freedom of choice, denying individual decision-making, putting them down, shaming, blaming, keeping them uppity wimmen barefoot and pregnant.

The so-called "small government" GOP proudly inserts itself into -- then nationalizes -- the wombs of all women. They wouldn't want to nationalize anything else, would they? Forced invasive vaginal probes? Sure thing. No problema. GOP don't care about spending that kind of money on useless pricey ultrasounds.

GOP push laws that flout medical privacy by making bosses privy to their workers' plans to have or not have children--because GOP's decided women must breed--or else. They need to show their employers a note from their doctors, swearing the prescription for the pill is not being taken to control birth.

Talibangelical GOPs are hot and bothered trying to protect a rapist's right to breed. They support government-forced childbearing. They, not you, will determine family size. They, not you, will be in control.

Fetus-firsters are entranced by the notion of random parenthood--why should having a child be a thoughtful, planful decision when it could occur on a whim? GOP fetal sentimentalists get all teary-eyed for embryos, but once a kid is out of the womb, good luck, it's on it's own. Children are, to them, the rightful punishment for having had sex.

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Blue Gal: No Mother's Day for you, @ProFlowers

Blue Gal: No Mother's Day for you, @ProFlowers: Rush Limbaugh Daisies...He loves you...NOT.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Enough Already: Shut Up Limbaugh


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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Merry Tibetan Buddhist Christmas

Peace on earth, good will to men. [And women. ]

May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness,

May all beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering,

May all beings never be apart from the great happiness free from suffering.

May all beings remain in the great evenness of mind
free from passion, aggression and ignorance.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Pennsylvania Man Beats Girlfriend's Two Year Old

Just anybody can't drive a car, but just anybody can "parent" kids.

A Pennsylvania man took tough love to a sick new extreme when he beat up his girlfriend's 2-year-old daughter because she was a "princess," records revealed Wednesday.

Brandon Bishop told detectives the defenseless little girl needed toughening up and admitted choking her, dragging her by the hair - and pounding on her head with a metal spoon.

By the time cops removed the girl from her hell-hole household, she had a skull fracture, walked with a limp, had clumps of hair missing - and bruises all over her body.

More here. It isn't pretty.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Make Lowes Renounce the Use of Arabic Numerals Now!

Heed the General's call! Urge Lowes to stop using Arabic Numerals!