What's wrong with supporting child wantedness?
We've asked before, and we're asking again: is a wanted child likely to wind up with injuries like these?
Do we really want to fill America with millions of unwanted children, who grow up unloved and uncared-for, providing our society with criminals and drug addicts? Don't we have enough already?
When will our fetal sentimentalists (who weep over the failure of women to bear millions of unwanted children) be contacting America's illegal deportationists, those who feel somehow personally deprived by the presence of America's millions of unwanted illegal aliens? (My guess is that the millions of unwanted embryoes get a pass because they're "innocent", while the adult aliens are ipso facto "guilty". Still, it's an interesting notion, that millions in one overpopulating category are OK, while the other millions are not. Plus, what about original sin for all?).
I surfed a a forced-maternity website today, of the shrieky creepy misogynist-authoritarian kind, where the decision to bear a child is as trivial as picking up another carton of milk. Even, so I was quite surprised to see this:
Where have all the Down’s children gone?
Well, we know where, but we don’t want to talk about it. Very well-written, and chilling op-ed in the Washington Post by a Down’s Syndrome child’s mother. And, if you follow the blog links, predictably inhuman responses from the other side. Why is it that people appoint themselves judge, jury, and executioner when it comes to other innocent people’s lives when the other people are unable to speak for themselves?
We as a society are no different from ancient Rome. Not a bit.
How nice. Apparently there just aren't enough Downs' syndrome kids anymore, not enough to satisfy these odd people--they think it's so sad there aren't more of them like in the olden days, so sad, and so they sadly wonder, "Where have all the Downs syndrome babies gone? Please, sir--we want more! More!"
Yes, Virginia, they want more. More unwanted children. More suffering. More beaten babies to grow up to be Moussaouis.
(Previously: In Nightmares Begin Responsibilities; Embryo-centrist, anti-babyist misogynists can just shut up NOW); Creating unwanted children: the real cost.