Sunday, December 28, 2008

Close Your Eyes and Think of -- What Part Of "No" Do Reichwing Wackos Not Understand? The Whole 'No' Part, No?

HERE's a fun piece from Town Hall by Dennis Prager about [hat-tip to bbrtpd]:

why women who don't want to have sex with their husbands should have sex with their husbands anyhow, the very beings with whom at that particular moment they don't actually want to be having sex with.

Got that?

Free will? Pfft.

Desire? Perish the thought!

Martial rape? No way. Mutual desire? No way, it's just one way. It's like Christmas! It's all about giving!
"A husband knows that his wife loves him first and foremost by her willingness to give her body to him."


Me give body you. You give back when done.

"Every man who is sexually faithful to his wife already engages in daily heroic self-control. He has married knowing he will have to deny his sexual nature's desire for variety for the rest of his life."

[Coffeeespit.] Oh?
You know, this kind of thinking, like all the bestest sexism, is not only totally insulting to women, it is totally insulting to men. Prager builds a male archetype that is whiny, spineless, and testosterone-deficient and rampantly asexual. Smells Like Teen Spirit/Sounds like Rush Limbaugh?
"But, to repeat the key point, [a wife's] rejection of sex should happen infrequently. And it should almost never be dependent on mood — see Part II next week."
Ah yes. 'Lil woman as vibrator equivalent. 'Lil man as braindead wanker.

Well, I sure can't wait to see what else this guy has in mind. Hey, dude I'm in the mood! You give part II! Me no can wait!

In the meantime, ladies and gentlemen, let's just all lie back, close our eyes and think of England.

The Rick Pick: This You Call Change?


Here's a letter to the editor of the Seattle Times on hopeChangechope's choice of a real red-blooded American Talibangelical anti-gay guy to do the invocation at hopeChangehope's inauguration, an inauguration to which girly-dogs are uninvited, sweeties. (wink wink ; ) nudge nudge saynomore. )

And I hear he's invited Perenniel Paid-Ladies'-Man & Viagra Enthusiast Rush Limbaugh to swear in Hillary Clinton as SOS!!


Don't talk to one, for one is in such a bad mood.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Teacher Beats Kid To Death for Failing to Do His Homework

A cheery story for Christmas Day, eh?

Playwright Harold Pinter Dies.

Love Harold Pinter's work. RIP, Harold.

Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men

Merry Christmas.

Happy Holidays.

Keep the faith, baby.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

WaPo Wants Pro-Torture Crowd to Get Away With Murder: Pardon Me While I Vomit Blood, Ma'am?

What is f*cking wrong with these people?

WaPo uses up column-inches on a column on why the US pro-torture crowd really ought to get off scot-free. And it's a real knee-slapper. Well, forehead-slapper, in this case.

Catch this:
"In the end, [stopping additional US torture] may be more important than punishing those who acted wrongly in pursuit of what they thought was right."

Oh. So all is forgiven if the torturers' hearts were in the right place?

Final Solution much, ma'am?

Pol Pot killing fields excusable since motivated merely by misguided childhood dweams of agwawian utopia?

(Slaps forehead. Hurts self. Groans.)

Hey lady, torturers' hearts are always in the right place, had you not noticed?

People are always doing really shitty things for the very best of reasons. That's why we have the rule of law.

Or used to. Till the feckless, reckless, out of control Bushist fascists came along, fueled by hubris and contempt for the rule of law. Oh, and you know, by a sharp streak of sadism .

But hey. That was then, this is now. Marcus [e.g. the establishment] wants these guys [Rummy, Cheney, Gen. Geoffrey Miller, etc.] to get away with it.

Well, I don't. How about you?


Oh, and don't miss:
How Do I F*ck My Base? at Jesus' General.
Mike Flugennock
Obama's Divisive Choice of Rick Warren
The Daily Howler
In Which VastLeft Apologizes For Being Prematurely Correct

Friday, December 19, 2008

A Toast to Random Parenthood

Mr and Mrs. Duggar welcome their 18th random child to the universe.

Reminds me of . . .

Groucho Marx was interviewing a woman who had 18 children.

Groucho said, 'That's a big responsibility. Why so many children?'

The woman replied, 'Well, I just love my husband.'

Said, Groucho: 'Well, I love my cigar, but I take it out of my mouth every once in a while.'

Hey, it's not as if there were lots and lots of unwanted, abused, and neglected kids already out there, is there?

Nothing to It But to Do It

Gates orders Pentagon to draw up plan to shut down Gitmo.

How hard was that, really?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

CIA's Tenet : Sleeping Pill PLUS Booze? Sounds a little suicidal gesture-y to me.

Or a little bad-conscience-y, how can I numb out this nightmare-y.

George Tenet: Drunk as a skunk in Bandar's pool, railing against the neocon cabal..

According to a story on, journalist Patrick Tyler’s forthcoming book, A World of Trouble, includes a scene where Tenet is drinking copious amounts of scotch in the pool of a Saudi prince. Drunk and on sleeping pills, Tenet allegedly proceeds to rave about the Bush administrations attempts to pin Iraq’s missing weapons of mass destruction on him.

The December 16 story includes two passages from Tyler’s book.

A servant appeared with a bottle. Tenet knocked back some of the scotch. Then some more. They watched with concern. He drained half the bottle in a few minutes.

“They’re setting me up. The bastards are setting me up,” Tenet said, but “I am not going to take the hit.”

No wonder Bubble Boy had to give Tenet the Medal of Freedom.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Iraq Shoe-Tosser Was a US Torture Victim, Brother Asserts

Well, really what a fucking surprise.

One must congratulate the shoe-tossing torture survivor for his forbearance, must one not?

Cheney: The Leader of the (pro-torture) Pack

What, you mean Vice-President "Dick" Cheney?

One is shocked! Shocked!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Throwing Shoes at Bush

Throwing shoes at someone in Iraqi culture is like spitting in someone's face in our culture, a sign of utter contempt.

Throwing of the shoes at Bush's head in particular compounds the insult.

As does calling Bush a "dog."

A contempt trifecta for our departing Preznit Toad-Exploder.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Global Kiddy Porn Ring Busted

These people are scary, and very well networked, very slick, very aggressive.

They like to go after therapists working with their victims. They like to threaten child protection agencies. They are very hard to mess with.

I am glad to hear that one ring has been taken down. Kudos to Mukasey, et al.

" U.S. law enforcement agencies have arrested 61 people and rescued 11 children as part of the larger takedown of a far-reaching global child pornography ring, Attorney General Michael Mukasey announced Friday.

Mukasey said the international law enforcement effort started after a "horrible" discovery in 2006: Australian authorities discovered a child abuse video depicting a father who had been "sexually abusing his young daughters and producing images of that abuse."

The video had been widely distributed online in closed Internet forums and servers that authorities discovered.

Authorities arrested the father, identified only as a Belgian national, about a month after the discovery of the video.

The man allegedly had large amounts of child pornography in his possession, and had allegedly enlisted the services of an Italian photographer whom officials said documented the sexual abuse and added the documentation to as many as seven Web sites.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Why I Love VastLeft

Because he's a guy who really understands rivalgasms.

I Just Had a Rivalgasm. Was it good for you, too?

"Every time Obama takes even more counsel from wingnuts, don't you feel the earth move in the scintillating "Team of Rivals" way that's got the Village all a-twitter?

Ooh, ahhh, just a little more to the right. OOOOOHHHH! YES! YES! YES!"

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Riding the (Cotton) Unity Pony (Periodically)

Yo, sweeties. What's wrong with these pictures?

Nothing! So--don't get your panties in a twist like ho's who bitch about a guy calling a girly-dog a girly-dog.

Just STFU.

It's all kewl!! We're so POST-sexism! It's just a cardboard cut-out! Re-lax!! Chill! Sniggering frat-boy sexism is so who cares? Feeling up a cardboard titty iz just high-spirited blogger-type boyz having boyz-y fun! RE-lax!

Sexism is like bad weather -- and rape. As long as it's inevitable, why not lie back and enjoy it??

No Laughing Matter.

Sillly, Sexist, Stupid WaPo Column on Caroline Kennedy

Why do these people still have jobs?

Monday, December 08, 2008

Obscure Bloggers Stick Bamboo Slivers Under Brennan's Fingernails, Force Him Out, Boo Hoo

See, it used to be all Bill Clinton's fault.

Then it was all Hillary Clinton's fault.

Now it's pussified anti-Brennan-y leftwingy obscure bloggerses' fault.

Got that?

Silly obscure bloggerses get lacey panties in a twist about, um, you know, justa little teeny tiny bitta torture? Why are they such pussies? Why won't they get over it? Why they make such beeg steenk about nada? Why have obscure bloggerses no cojones? Why? Why? Why?

Who are they waiting for? Valerie Plame?



Glenn Greenwald.

Vastleft's "The Perfect Is the Enemy of the Good."


Saturday, December 06, 2008

Stupid New York Times Blog Treats Torture as Panties-in-a-Twist Lefty Trivia

God help me.

"The torture issue is particularly volatile for some supporters of President-elect Barack Obama . . ."


Please pass the bamboo slivers. Then we'll talk about volatility, k?

Can't Tell Shi'a From Shinola? Who Cares? Throw Them In Jail Just In Case!!

First there was Bush's pre-emptive war.

Now, we have pre-emptive detention!!

On a scorching morning earlier this year, Talib Mohammed Farkhan, who had been imprisoned for 15 months, shuffled into Hearing Room 3 to hear his U.S. captors explain the allegations against him for the first time.

Farkhan, a Shiite Muslim, appeared to follow along as the American officers said he had been detained for membership in the Mahdi Army, the anti-American Shiite militia. But he looked totally baffled when they also accused him of working with al-Qaeda in Iraq, the extremist Sunni Muslim group that kills Americans and Shiites.

"I don't understand how that could be possible," said a visibly flustered Farkhan, a welder from the southern city of Iskandariyah, who denied all the accusations. "They are Sunni. I am Shia."

Yet the three U.S. servicemen before him, a panel of non-lawyers convened as part of a new quasi-judicial process to review each detainee's case every six months, did not need to decide whether Farkhan had violated the law. Their task was to decide whether he posed an "imperative security threat" to the U.S.-led coalition or the Iraqi people. And they concluded that credible evidence, which they would not describe to Farkhan or a Washington Post correspondent allowed to view the 19-minute hearing, suggested that he probably did.

"I'm not looking at whether they are guilty or innocent," said Air Force Maj. Jeff Ghiglieri, the president of the review board that convened in May. "We're trying to determine as best we can whether they will do bad things if we release them."