Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

OK, I turned it back on again . . .

Very kind of those of you who noticed it had been turned off . . .

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Yes, I turned the blog off for a bit

because I felt guilty that I haven't had time to blog. And where did that get me?

There are better blogs to read. See this blog list.

Will blog when/if. No promises.

It's life.

I don't think I even posted my virtual buddhist part of Christmas Christmas tree, either, this year.


Sunday, January 09, 2011

Department of HateSpeak, Cause & Effect

"We're on Sarah Palin's targeted list but, the thing is that the way she has it depicted has the cross hairs of a gunsight over our district, and when people do that they've got to realize there's consequences to that action." - Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in March 2010 MSNBC interview

Monday, December 20, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Evolutionary Psychiatry: Magnesium and the Brain

Evolutionary Psychiatry: Magnesium and the Brain: "Time to go back to Eby and Eby. I have an inexplicable fondness for this paper. The information is decent if a touch unorganized, and the..."

Evolutionary Psychiatry: Pleasure, Pain, Wheat, and Psychopharm

Evolutionary Psychiatry: Pleasure, Pain, Wheat, and Psychopharm: "There is something of an addiction theme out in the blogosphere today.  Mark Sisson is talking kicking the junkfood habit, and Dr. BG i..."

Evolutionary Psychiatry: That Tapeworm Ate Your Depression

Evolutionary Psychiatry: That Tapeworm Ate Your Depression: "I'm a little embarrassed that Mark Sisson got to this one before I did.  But I'm sure he has several minions to scan the literature for..."

Monday, December 13, 2010

US diplomat Richard Holbrooke dies - Americas - Al Jazeera English

US diplomat Richard Holbrooke dies - Americas - Al Jazeera English

A real career diplomat, who used his skills effectively, especially in Bosnia. It is, I think, our loss.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Journo to Red China: Have You *Studied* Confucius? [Epic Fail]

An article demonstrating that, when it comes to the brand new spontaneously-arising Confucius Peace Prize, Red China is very confuscshed.

Ya rly. Srsly.

It was an event for the benefit of foreign media. But if the organisers had hoped the Confucius Peace Prize would convince the world China is right, it failed. And, in the opinion of this correspondent, it was an epic public relations fail.

During the question and answer period in the increasingly stuffy conference room of a central Beijing hotel, the Confucius Peace Prize Awards Committee couldn't even bring themselves to say Liu Xiaobo's name, instead circuitously referring to him as "he of the three-character name you mentioned".

When Liu Xiaobo conjures up Harry Potter's Lord Voldemort, the He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, you know some Chinese are experiencing a crisis.

The press conference went from bad to worse, as question after question was asked.

"Jimmy Carter was one of your nominees for the first Confucius Peace Prize. Carter signed a letter asking for the release of Liu. Does this make you a supporter of a supporter of Liu?"

Or, "Doesn't it bother you and speak volumes if Lien Chan, the winner, hasn't shown up? Do you just have a hard time accepting the truth?"

Or this one, by a Hong Kong journalist, "Have you studied Confucius? Because you appear to have gotten the concepts wrong..."

[Pardon my abbreviated blogging of late. Things are ch-ch-ch-changing. Hopefully, for the better.]

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hmm. Cui bono resurrecting this story?

What, murdered?

David Kelly?

I'm shocked, shocked.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Yes, let's let them hypnotize America because why not eh?

"Democrats Pressing Pelosi to Step Aside!"

Ooooh, Nancy Pelosi is being dumped by Democrats, ooh!

Lookit the headline! Everybody knowz!

Cuz she's too librul, oooooh!

[Expletives deleted].

Go ahead, people, wallow in the Koch-Rove-fueled propaganda-fest, why don'tcha?

Which Democrats? Are they Democrats?

Because we're waaay too skeered to be progressive, aren't we? Or else we're waaay too purist?

Something's got to explain Coakley and Russ Feingold going down, shouldn't it? Oh, wait, Martha Coakley just got hugely re-elected, with the help of a local Boston Republican paper! Apparently it didn't know about or didn't care about all of Coakley's intentional sueing of Goldman-Sachs! Which she did waaaay before it was fashionable!

So, yuh, sure: bad Nancy! bad Nancy! bad Nancy!

(I am always read to dump progressives under the bus, and I always have very good reasons, do I not?)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Misogynist Minister Sembiring Blames Mrs. Obama For Own Behavior

Oh noes!
Indonesian Minister Sembiring FORCED to touch unrelated female!
"I tried to prevent [being touched] with my hands but Mrs. Michelle held her hands too far toward me [so] we touched,’ Sembiring tweeted.
Footage on YouTube shows otherwise, sparking a debate that has lit up Facebook, Twitter and the rest of the blogosphere."

Note victimized Sembiring's wide sh*t-eating grin and his hand, extended much farther than Mrs. Obama's hand.

Just sayin'.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Die, Healthcare Serf-Slave Mommy! Die! Die!

Yuh, we hear of employers who want to dump providing health insurance for employees.

This worker's dumping work to dump her health insurance provider-profiteer.

Yes, Ms NBFH just quit her job because the insurance her not-quite-ex-employer offers so sucks.

Big-time insurance profiteering company. Cost $12K a year. New plan began July 1 of this year, effects became clear in the past 3 weeks. Same outrageous price, but even worse coverage. If that is imaginable. $12K for family "coverage," with a huge deductible. You get an ultrasound for $525, they pay all of $125, you get stuck with--surprise! A bill for $400! And they tell you if you'd just driven an hour and a half away for a potentially life-threatening condition, they gladly would have picked up more of the tab.

I've been a healthcare insurance serf-slave to this company for years. And it's just not worth it anymore. I will be saving money by not working, because for the last six weeks, every penny I earn there has gone only to pay this crappy insurance company's crappy rates for crappy coverage.

So I'm done.

I can't be the only one who's re-cycling Paddy Chayevsky: mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.

Thus Empire crumbles under the weight of its own stupidity and greed.

Midterms: money changes everything - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Midterms: money changes everything - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Sunday, October 10, 2010

SNL : I'm not a witch

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Wednesday, September 29, 2010