Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Death By Talibangelicals

California Talibangelical couple adopted 3 children. Following Talibangelical teachings, they beat their children. With plastic tubing.

One of them they actually beat to death.

OROVILLE — A Paradise couple is scheduled to appear in court today on charges of murder and torture in the death of their adopted 7-year-old daughter.

Kevin and Elizabeth Schatz are expected to enter a plea today. They are accused of killing Lydia Schatz and severely beating their 11-year-old adopted daughter, Zariah Schatz.

Butte County District Attorney Mike Ramsey said he has a direct connection between the Schatz case and No Greater Joy Ministry, a fundamentalist religious organization founded by Michael and Debi Pearl.

He would not disclose the evidence.

Ramsey said Lydia Schatz was held down for several hours by one parent while the other struck her repeatedly with a quarter-inch plumbing supply line. He said it appears they "took turns."

The use of the tubing is recommended by No Greater Joy Ministry as a spanking instrument.

Not the first death by the sadistic "No Greater Joy Ministry"'s teachings, either.

See "Spare the Quarter-Inch Plumbing Supply Line, Spoil the Child."

Reprise re: Romney: Why Sadism Matters

NBFH: June, 2007

Why Sadism Matters: sadism matters because we live in a country so morally disabled that it is, sadly, not unreasonable to state the obvious, e.g., that sadism matters, since apparently some Americans need higher education on this point.

God knows why.

(And remember, I'm Buddhist).

We could start with Cheney and Rummy and Preznit Toad-Exploder, but let's start with Romney, because it's a nice day and he has such white teeth.

Sure, they're calling him "Mutt Romney" now.

Some Bushist fascists think that's really mean.

I bet Ann Coulter thinks it's really mean.

Others disagree.
"I'll admit that I'm coming from a dog-centric point of view," Tucker Carlson, the conservative pundit, said Thursday on MSNBC. "But I'm feeling that maybe Mitt Romney lost my vote here. Do you need to be a PETA member to be disturbed by the fact that this guy put a dog on the roof of his car?"

And left the dog there for a 12 hour trip, briefly stopping after the dog shat himself in fear, and the Romney sons became disturbed by the smelly crap all over their nice vehicle, so there was a crap cleanup.
"As the oldest son, Tagg Romney commandeered the way-back of the wagon, keeping his eyes fixed out the rear window, where he glimpsed the first sign of trouble. ''Dad!'' he yelled. ''Gross!'' A brown liquid was dripping down the back window, payback from an Irish setter who'd been riding on the roof in the wind for hours."

No Romney was disturbed by the dog's state. The dog went back in its cage on the top of the car, and back riding at 60 mph. There was no room in the car for the dog. They were too poor to make other arrangements?

Romney still asserts the dog loved it. Battered women too, like to get beat. They're asking for it.

Some Bushist fascists think it doesn't matter what happens to a stupid dog, anyhow. It's not as if they're embryos, after all.

Or miscarried fetuses, feti that could be put up on the family wall like Rick Santorum did, to more deeply feel the grieving process.

And we know by now that if there was a burning building with a nursery school full of 20 live kids and a medical center with 20,000 frozen embryos, the Bushist fascist hero, unwilling to risk his own skin, would bribe some poor person to run in and save all the widdle snowfwakes first.

Still other people think that, you know, what with "Christian" James Dobson belt-beating his own dog and then bragging about it, advocating whipping toddlers with real whips, and young George W. Bush torturing frogs, adult George W. Bush starting wars to get back at his Dad, and Big Dick Cheney torturing people (and Rummy torturing them, too, let's not forget about him), and all the people who are only following orders torturing people, yes, other people think that there's a theme here.
The Culture of Cruelty.

This profound philosophical view consists of the following belief:
It's ok that other beings suffer.

Thus: family doggie shits himself in fear?

So what?

Family doggie howls in pain?

So what?

Frogs die terrible deaths by future president's firecrackers?

So what?

Wounded troops can't get cared for?

So what?

Katrina victims drown?

So what?

600K+ dead in Iraq? "

Anyhow, this guy Romney is still running for President.

Picture of Not Mitt Romney's Dog.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rick Perry’s Hardcore History of Investment in Porn

Rick Perry’s Hardcore History of Investment in Porn

Happy Belated Blogiversary

You know you're spiraling downward when you forget your own blog's blogiversary. Which I did. It was back in June, marking six years.

It's a lot less fun blogging about Obama than it was blogging about Bushist fascists. Depressingly so. So I haven't been doing it much, as all (3?) faithful remaining NBFH blogreaders are aware. Sorry about that. I'm reduced to just posting the random vile child abuse story, or something randomly odd that I come across.

The Teaparty Debt Paranoia = Evidence of Card-carrying Talibangelical Dominionism story, from yesterday, that's worth blogging.

Will that truth be known?


Louisiana man admits beheading 7-year-old special needs son | Raw Replay

Louisiana man admits beheading 7-year-old special needs son | Raw Replay

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Debt Thing Turns Out to be Talibangelical

You hear a lot of screaming from the right about scary Muslims implementing Shari'a Law, but screaming about scary Talibangelicals implementing Mosaic Law? Not so much, though it's way more scary.

This enforcement of the Mosaic Law will involve the application of the death penalty for such capital crimes as murder, rape, kidnapping, bestiality, incest, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, idolatry, witchcraft, the offering of human sacrifice, unchangeable rebellion in adolescent children, flagrant negligence resulting in the death of another person, blasphemy, apostasy, the spreading of false doctrines, and perhaps Sabbath breaking.

The reconstructed society will regard dissenters and heretics as treasonous criminals at war with the law and society.

The reconstructed society will also be characterized by the rights of private property, a free market economy bordering on libertarianism, tight limitations on debt, the abolition of 30-year mortgages, a monetary system based on the gold standard, the tithe rather than public taxes financing most social welfare, restitution of wrong rather the imprisonment for many criminals, and voluntary slavery for purposes such as the restitution of a wrong or the desire for financial security. (Excerpted and/or adapted from the 12/90 & 1/91 issues of Israel My Glory.)

No wonder they seem so crazy.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cleanse Our World of Uppity Wimmen: Norway Massacre-ist

It's the Muslims. And it's the broads.

Directives from the Ministry of Truth: Wenzhou High-speed Train Crash | China Digital Times (CDT)

Directives from the Ministry of Truth: Wenzhou High-speed Train Crash | China Digital Times (CDT)

Sounds so Faux-Newsy, so Murdoch-y:

Additional directives for all central media: The latest directives on reporting the Wenzhou high-speed train crash:
1. Release death toll only according to figures from authorities.
2. Do not report on a frequent basis.
3. More touching stories are to reported instead, i.e. blood donation, free taxi services, etc.
4. Do not investigate the causes of the accident; use information released from authorities as standard.
5. Do not reflect or comment.

Reminder on reporting matters: All reports regarding the Wenzhou high-speed train accident are to be titled “7.23 Yong-Wen line major transportation accident.”

Reporting of the accident is to use “ ‘in the face of great tragedy, there’s great love’” as the major theme.

Do not question. Do not elaborate. Do not associate. No re-posting on micro-blogs will be allowed! Related service information may be provided during news reporting. Music is to be carefully selected!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Glory Box Party. With blindfolding.

"Thursday, 11 March 2010 00:00

My eldest granddaughter, Calais, was about to turn 13. I thought back to when I was that age. What were my ambitions in life? You guessed it; I just wanted to be a mother and a wife. Was that wrong? Were these natural instincts unhealthy for me? No one pressured me. I don’t recollect any conversions or any determined actions of my mother to make sure I walked this path. After all, God made us this way. It is the most natural and honest heart’s desire we can have. To deny these maturing feelings, we in fact, embrace a lie.

My heart aches for the precious young ladies of today’s society who are laughed and scoffed at if they should be brave enough to voice their heart’s desire for marriage and motherhood. Instead, they are encouraged into a career with the boon of extra income and to satisfy immediate desires offered by a materialistic and selfish society.

Apart from prayer and example, what can mothers and grandmothers do? The one thing in my life that kept me focused (and I didn’t know the Lord then) was my Glory Box. My very first babysitting job for a neighbour scored me my first tea towel and the beginning of my box. I began work at 15 years of age and, from time to time, I would buy things and put them away. It was amazing how much I accumulated over the years.

Whenever someone came to visit I would eventually get around to asking if they would like to see my Glory Box. I loved pulling everything out, wrapping it up and putting it away again. Americans call it a “Hope Chest” and I showed everyone the hope that was in my heart of one day becoming a wife and a mother. When I married at 23 years old my Glory Box was very much appreciated! I had prepared for this since I was 13 years old and at long last I could empty it and use everything! This was my glory.

Sadly, I did not encourage my own children in this. Now, however, I wanted to resurrect this old custom for my grandchildren. Not only that, I longed to make it a family tradition.

Natalie, Calais’ mother and I spent hours planning what we could do. We agreed that at 13 years Calais was already a woman, albeit a young one. We decided on a surprise dinner with a few selected guests who had already been building into her life. Formal dress, waiters, four-course meal, tables set with a full set of cutlery and so on. For this special occasion we decided HOME was the best place. With six younger siblings ranging down to two years it was going to take a bit of ingenuity which larger families never seem to lack.

The formal homemade invitations were mailed out to ladies only. There was a big SHHHhh! on each one to keep it a secret. The waiters were her father, grandfather, brother, uncle and two younger sisters. Calais’ friend, Lauren, and her parents were in on the conspiracy and helped in the surprise. They invited Calais to go with them to a “flash” restaurant which meant everyone had to dress formally. Her first formal dress! Finding a modest formal dress for her age wasn’t easy but was finally achieved.

On the night Calais was duly blindfolded. They set off in the car with vigorous conversations and loud music playing to confuse her whereabouts; then turned around and headed back home. What a surprise to find herself back home with a room full of ladies seated around beautifully set tables.

Aunty Kay used to be a window dresser and what she achieved with a few balloons and ribbons was amazing. She made the most beautiful topiaries as centrepieces and set the table as beautiful as any wedding. We were waited on hand and foot.

During the evening different ones shared advice and gave items. The highlight was the GLORY BOX. My husband Bill, Calais’ beloved granddad, made it especially for her. In fact, as the guests were arriving he was still putting the final touches on it. Guests brought gifts in keeping with the theme. My Scriptures for Calais were:

1 Corinthians 11:7, “The woman is the glory of the man.”

Proverbs 12:4, “A virtuous woman is the glory of her husband”.

Proverbs 18:22, “Whoever finds a wife finds a good thing”.

“From now on,” I encouraged her: “Keep your focus on preparing for that day when you become the glory of one special man whom God has already chosen for you. There is no need to look for him. God will bring him to you. Remember, ‘No fishing’ for the attentions of young men who will no doubt try to gain your attention. Wait patiently for God’s surprise. If you run ahead of God you will miss out on His special plan for your life.”

Inside the box was an album with encouraging notes, letters and poems to Calais that she can reread at her leisure. She absolutely loves it and we now have many families wanting to do the same for their daughters.


Gold Coast, Australia

P.S. Down Under readers use the word ‘serviettes’ for ‘napkins’."