Friday, March 24, 2017

"Citizens' United"? No, no, no. Roger Stone's 527 is a Vulgar Acronym but it's Roger's acronym, not this here writer's

Because part of our unseen systemic all-pervasive misogyny is the belief that pointing out sexism is a waste of time because sexism is trivial (Eew! Identity politics! Eew!).

Concerns about sexism are trivial because anything having to do with females is worthless.

Plenty of self-styled lefties know about Citizens' United; few of them recall that its specific target was and is Hillary Clinton - because she's an actual leftist. They forget because the left can't get past her being a Vagina-American. (Recall that African-American males got the vote 50 years before Vagina-Americans of any color. Not an oversight.) Drones trump twats. Gurrrls don't count. Your gender is trivial, so shut up, bitches. ("You don't see guys getting together in groups because of their gender," said Bernie, oblivious to anything but class and lucre. Guys don't have to do that, Bernie. They're not oppressed.

Anyhow, #WhiteMaleSupremacist #DickHead Roger Stone's back in the news, so it's time to remind ourselves of his graphic and his point of view.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Plus c'est la meme chose

A lot has happened since that last post.
I have not posted for um well reasons.

I shall post again.

Just sayin'.

The really sad thing is that much of the recent crap re: HRC is the same crap I've written about before.  Thus, until I write again, please read what I've already written.  Or not.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Worker Organizing, Si! Women Organizing, No!

It's fine to organize workers.
It's not fine to organize women.

Which leads to #FauxgressiveFascisti demonizing Madeleine Albright.

How dare she organize women?

How dare she suggest that women support other women?

The nerve!

 Candidate Sanders' [male] privilege asserts the non-existence of [female] un-privilege:

I don't go around, no one has ever heard me say, 'Hey guys, let's stand together, vote for a man.'  I would never do that, never have.

Well, of course not.


The Actual Radical Act

Regarding this coalition as somehow inherently "less-than" is reactionary.

Who are these reactionaries?  White males--privileged white males.

Double whammied white males--privileged by whiteness, privileged by maleness.

Oh, make that a triple whammy--privileged by whiteness, maleness, high socio-economic status.
That's who's doing the #eewSheDevil thing.
I'm not even talking about the GOP; I'm talking about supposedly librul lefties.  Limousine liberal males, blogosphere blogger boyz, those people--spewing the nastiest sexist racist crap ever, in a frenzy of Clinton Derangement Syndrome Ebola 2016.2.

Who votes for Hillary?

Indeed, it is a Stone Soup Cauldron filled with lots of less-thans

The Blogger-Boyz (okay, so one of them is a girl) just can't stand it.  

I know this because I listened in the other day, dropped by their smoke-filled rooms.  Plotting, plotting, intent on bringing the #SheDevil down.

"Pimp-slap them uppity bitches!" 
"Bring 'em down!"

No doubt a special place in hell awaits them.

Thanks; Don't Mention It

Which is more important--coming to terms with white privilege or male privilege?

Thank you.

Yes, that's why I asked.

So, yes, this is about Hillary and about Hillary-hating and about the unbearable swiftness of vitriol in the service of invisible all-pervasive misogyny.

But, you know, it's  really the systemic thing that needs to be addressed.
  How scary  might that be?

 "After I realized,  the extent to which men work from a base of unacknowledged privilege, I understood that much of their oppressiveness was unconscious. . . .
Through work to bring materials and perspectives from Women's Studies into the rest of the curriculum, I have often noticed men's unwillingness to grant that they are over-privileged in the curriculum, even though they may grant that women are disadvantaged. 
Denials that amount to taboos surround the subject of advantages that men gain from women's disadvantages. These denials protect male privilege from being fully recognized, acknowledged, lessened, or ended.

Thinking through unacknowledged male privilege as a phenomenon with a life of its own, I realized that since hierarchies in our society are interlocking, there was most likely a phenomenon of white privilege that was similarly denied and protected, but alive and real in its effects. 
As a white person, I realized I had been taught about racism as something that puts others at a disadvantage, but had been taught not to see one of its corollary aspects, white privilege, which puts me at an advantage.

I think whites are carefully taught not to recognize white privilege, as males are taught not to recognize male privilege. 

P. McIntosh "White Privilege and Male Privilege" 

Friday, February 26, 2016

Young Revolutionary (sic) Bernie Sanders's Misses Entire Point of the Women's Liberation Movement

The whole thing is not about Bernie and Hillary.
It's about unpacking the backpack of male privilege.
How uncomfortable might it be to acknowledge that?

Bernie Sanders' problem--his old school Leninist view that somehow women's issues will be automatically solved by the socialist revolution. 

"Goodbye, goodbye. 
To hell with the simplistic notion that automatic freedom for women—or nonwhite peoples—will come about  zap! with the advent of a socialist revolution. 
        Two evils pre-date capitalism and clearly have been able to survive and post-date                                              socialism: sexism and racism. "

"Goodbye to All That, " R. Morgan, 1970.

The analysis above, from Robin Morgan, was available to Bernie Sanders in 1970.
Bernie was around then.  How could he entirely unaware of the women's movement?

It's really odd, when you think of it--someone who thinks of himself as so dedicated and so political but he completely misses the point of a major social movement? 

And 46 years later, supposedly progressive candidate Bernie Sanders says:

"I don't go around, no one has ever heard me say, 'Hey guys, let's stand together, vote for a man.' I would never do that, never have."

That's not just clueless, that's crazy.

Quick, someone send him a copy of Giardina's "Marxism Without Male Supremacy."

Monday, February 22, 2016

Manichean NeoNaderists w/ BUSH-IS-GORE IraqWarBloodOnHands Plus Climate-Change-Disaster BloodOnHands Yet KISSINGER-WALLSTREET-VAGINA-SHEDEVIL-BUSHISGORE

“The inseparable connection between the social and human position of the woman, and private property in the means of production must be strongly brought out,” Lenin told Clara Zetkin in 1920.

“That will draw a clear and ineradicable line of distinction between our policy and feminism. And it will also supply the basis for regarding the woman question as a part of the social question, of the workers’ problem, and so bind it firmly to the proletarian class struggle and the revolution.”

Lenin said it then, @BernieBros say it now, much louder:


Plus, we aren't sexist because we just said so, cunts, are you deaf?
 so shut the fuck up bitches yay revolution kthxbai.--

Friday, February 19, 2016


For many years and until not long ago, but self-identified here on this very blog as a lifelong Dem, social Democrat, Bernie Sanders-style.

On this very blog, I supported him to be Hillary's VP.
Thought they would be a strong ticket, create a landslide, win White House, win back Congress.

Since then, stuff has happened.

Sexist crap from his Sarandonista supporters, framing HRC ppl as just voting with their vaginas for a vagina.  Eew.  Then smearing Albright and Steinem.

And then, much much worse, it seems that all sorts of weird crap is not just from BernieBro supporters, but is (and has been) coming out of Bernie Sanders' very own mouth.  Good God.

I had not known.

I do know now.

I'm not supporting Sanders any more.


Organizing Women Isn't Organizing Because

Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont on Thursday defended the rapper Killer Mike’s remark this week that a “uterus doesn’t qualify you to be president. . . "

“What Mike said, essentially, is that politics should not be, people should not be, voting for candidates based on their gender, but on what they believe. I think that makes sense. I don’t go around, no one has ever heard me say, ‘Hey guys, stand together, vote for a man.’ I would never do that."

Certainly not.

She Doesn't Vote With Her Vagina

What she said.    Yep. That's what she said.

Friday, February 12, 2016

It's the Vitriol, Stupid!

You just can't shut up the Fauxgressives, can you?

Great recent diary from DKos slamming feminist icons. 

You can almost smell the Molotov cocktails, feel the shards of crystal glass shattering all around one, hear the roars of the mob as they drag these uppity old bitches to the guillotine.

You can almost envision mobbists throwing ropes up on the statues of the icons, catching the stone heads of the great statues, pulling, pulling, pulling them down. 

Before the gleaming guillotine, are being flayed before being slain.  You almost dance around while hearing their pathetic girly screams while losing several strips, each by each, bit by bit.

Oh, then come the deeper, bigger-girly screams.  Oh yes.

You can note the mob's orgasmic sighs, their deeply joyous satisfaction, the passion of the flayers, the agonies of the flayed, crowing crowd agog with just so much ecstatic celebration! We're pulling down the mighty! Make them repay their evil deeds!

There's something really rotten on the leftie side of the political spectrum--so far left it's turning right.

It's the mad-dog #Sarandonistas, jack-booted shrieky "Socialist" (Stalinist?) thugs who strut and foam and scream, demanding all of us to submit and do their bidding.   

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Anti-Clinton Backlash in NH: Fueled by GOPs Infiltrating Dem Primary

So from the Washington Times we have a helluva story, it's all about the anti-Clinton backlash in NH and indeed that's what the story's all about.

Except it isn't.  First, there's a guy who sez that he's ok with Bernie.

He also states he's good with all the others--except Hillary.

ALL the others.

Yes, he's good with ALL the others--Cruz, Jeb, The Donald, Carly, Kasich,

Christie, Marco every single rabid one of them -- and yep he's good with Bernie.

The only one he cannot live with is -- you guessed it!  #eewSheDevil

Sound like any Dem you know?  Doesn't sound like any Dem that I know.

If you check his name on twitter, you get a guy who tweets solely about going to see--GOPs. Many GOPs.  Okeydoke

Going on, the next guy's quite the same.  Not a Dem against the Demon Hill. Not even someone who's ok with Bernie, as the first guy (mendaciously, it seems) claimed.

No, he's only voting to bring down the #eewSheDevil.

So whose idea was it to flood the Democratic primary with GOP-adoring so-called Independents?

That takes planning.

Round up the usual suspects.

Sorry that about the grubby graphics.
I'm rusty at blogging;  gave it up during the O years.

Pardon me.

Saturday, February 06, 2016

Gutter Politics: Republican Rhetoric Toward Hillary Clinton Turns Violent and Ugly

Gutter Politics: Republican Rhetoric Toward Hillary Clinton Turns Violent and Ugly

Sanders Supporter Susan Sarandon: I don't vote with my [ladypart]

Sue Sarandon (who does not vote with  her vagina. suggests that those who are voting for Bernie's opponent are merely voting with their vaginas for a vagina because (the opponent) has a vagina, which is why they all supported Sarah Palin because genitalia over issues of course. 

Barely News: Sanders Supporters Shouted 'She's a Liar' at Hillary on Caucus Night

Barely News: Sanders Supporters Shouted 'She's a Liar' at Hillary on Caucus Night: Five items found at the Politico filed late Monday or early Tuesday reported that supporters of Bernie Sanders at the Iowa caucuses, while watching a live feed of Hillary Clinton's speech late Monday evening, began chanting 'She's a liar!' The chants grew until they 'took over the room,' and didn't stop until Sanders campaign officials cut off the live feed being shown. This is barely news in the rest of the establishment press, which has obsessed over the Ben Carson-Ted Cruz-CNN controversy, devoting an obviously inordinate amount of time to it and, as Cruz himself has shown, getting it wrong in the process.

Just When I Thought I Was Out,

They Pull Me Back In.

Dismissive little article by Gail S. [shrug]

Sady Doyle:

"I’ve come to believe that, in some ways, saying nice things about Hillary Clinton is a subversive act. I spent much of this year working on a long project on how women are demonized in the media. Hillary Clinton was a fairly large part of that story – she had to be; if you want to talk “women that people hate,” she’s kind of unavoidable – and I spent a while sorting through Clintoniana, dating back to the early ‘90s, to find nasty things people had said about her, or common narratives about her personality. It wasn’t pretty – the worst stuff for Hillary was way worse than I’d expected, and there was way more of it than I expected to find – but it was also illuminating, in some key ways. I got a better sense of the pressures that she has to live with, and how they’ve informed her decisions.

Hillary Clinton is the impossible woman. The pressures she lives under, every moment of her life, are so numerous and so all-encompassing that she barely has room to breathe. She doesn’t have an inch of leeway, a single safe option; there is no version of Hillary Clinton that won’t receive visceral hatred, and loud, personal criticism."


Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Because, you know, Freedom of Reproduction.


Sunday, August 09, 2015

Hillary Rodham Clinton/Bernie Sanders


That's my ticket.

Blood, sweat, tears, misogyny, Hillary has paid her dues.  Bernie hasn't even had to.

She deserves the top spot;  he'll make a fine VP.

End of story.

Monday, November 03, 2014

No Surrender

Monday, October 13, 2014

Well, At Least The Local NJ Police Are Taking Dr. Snyderman's Quarantine Seriously.

Best coverage on the ongoing massive-yet-oddly-krypto-story of the "NBC Ebola Quarantine That Was So Voluntary It Had to Be Made Mandatory" is till coming from Planet Princeton.

Upside is that the story has finally hit one mainstream outlet, the New York Daily News, of all outlets.  Kudos to them for:  "NBC Ebola Crew Unable to Contain Itself"  and "No Soup for You."

Sunday, October 12, 2014

It's A Small Small Small Small World, especially if you choose not to believe in cause and effect.

Oh, come on, Nancy.

You couldn't just say no?

"Several Planet Princeton readers have reported seeing NBC News Chief Medical Editor Dr. Nancy Snyderman in public over the past day.

Snyderman allegedly was seen sitting in her car outside of the Peasant Grill in Hopewell Boro this afternoon. A reader reported that a man who was with her got out of the car and went inside the restaurant to pick up a take-out order. Another man was in the back seat of her black Mercedes. Snyderman had sunglasses on and had her hair pulled back, the reader said."

State of New Jersey Issues Quarantine Order for Snyderman and Crew.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Forewarned is Forearmed

One feels there may be an upsurge in blogging activity all of a sudden.  Not a promise, just a mere possibility.  There's Martha Coakley to support and Scott Brown to defeat.  There's desperate people beginning to impeach Hillary Clinton before she's even a candidate for president.  B-B-B-Benghzi, Boko Haram, beheadings, bombings, human torment of every sort (as usual, alas).  There's Ray Rice KO-ing the woman he loves, then dragging her unconscious body, face-down, out of an elevator, saying, to onlookers, "She's drunk, right?  No cops."

Speaking of drunk, lest we forget, here's Scotty:

 Not so long ago, either.

Will NH beam Scotty up to the Senate?  Or will they beam Scotty up elsewhere?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Not Wanting to Waste One's Barbara Bush-esque Beautiful Mind et alia

on much more Woody, one has found an article which says pretty much what one woulda said had one spent one's time on him, so do read this here article, a fine analysis of Woody's response, his no mea culpa published in the New York Times.  Sleazy dude.

Saturday, February 08, 2014

Woody or Woodn't He?

One has not blogged here for a looong time, but one fears the Woody thing may change that.  One shall see.

It's that rape culture thing, one just can't quit reviling it.  Well, one could, but why would one?

Heeeee-ere's Woody!  Oh no, wait, heeeee-ere's Woody! 

And heeeeee-re's a fun primary source.

And here's a re-cap of problems for Allen that won't be going away.

Of interest to yours truly:  that Ms Farrow, post Soon-Yi,  had been very generous in offering visitation to Mr. Allen.  Allen had already been attending therapy to address and to change his history of inappropriate behaviors toward Dylan.

During a visit on August 4th, Ms Farrow was away from home with a friend, Casey Pascal. Farrow's children were being supervised by Ms Groteke, and her friend Casey's babysitter Ms. Stickland was looking after the 3 Pascal children.

There was also a French tutor in the home.  The French tutor testified that on that day she found Dylan had had no underpants on. 

Ms. Stickland told her employer, Ms Pascal, on that day, that she had seen something that bothered her.  It was this:  having gone into a room looking for one of the children, she saw Allen kneeling down in front of Dylan, his head in Dylan's lap.

For fifteen or twenty minutes that day, Ms. Groteke, Ms. Farrow's nanny, was unable to locate either Dylan Farrow or Woody Allen.  Dylan Farrow says that she knows where they were and that she remembers very well what happened.

Allen says she's mistaken.  Well, he didn't say exactly that, but, you know, brainwashed, making it up, a thought disorder, la la la.

And this statement by Mr. Allen's experts:  “We believe that Dylan’s statements on videotape and her statements to us during our evaluation do not refer to actual events that occurred to her on August 4th, 1992.”

They heard what the little girl said.  They decided the events she spoke of weren't actual.  Okay.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

This, too.

Pardon my bloggy minimalism, but you get the point.  Do you not?