Sunday, October 12, 2014

It's A Small Small Small Small World, especially if you choose not to believe in cause and effect.

Oh, come on, Nancy.

You couldn't just say no?

"Several Planet Princeton readers have reported seeing NBC News Chief Medical Editor Dr. Nancy Snyderman in public over the past day.

Snyderman allegedly was seen sitting in her car outside of the Peasant Grill in Hopewell Boro this afternoon. A reader reported that a man who was with her got out of the car and went inside the restaurant to pick up a take-out order. Another man was in the back seat of her black Mercedes. Snyderman had sunglasses on and had her hair pulled back, the reader said."

State of New Jersey Issues Quarantine Order for Snyderman and Crew.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Forewarned is Forearmed

One feels there may be an upsurge in blogging activity all of a sudden.  Not a promise, just a mere possibility.  There's Martha Coakley to support and Scott Brown to defeat.  There's desperate people beginning to impeach Hillary Clinton before she's even a candidate for president.  B-B-B-Benghzi, Boko Haram, beheadings, bombings, human torment of every sort (as usual, alas).  There's Ray Rice KO-ing the woman he loves, then dragging her unconscious body, face-down, out of an elevator, saying, to onlookers, "She's drunk, right?  No cops."

Speaking of drunk, lest we forget, here's Scotty:

 Not so long ago, either.

Will NH beam Scotty up to the Senate?  Or will they beam Scotty up elsewhere?