Friday, February 26, 2016

Young Revolutionary (sic) Bernie Sanders's Misses Entire Point of the Women's Liberation Movement

The whole thing is not about Bernie and Hillary.
It's about unpacking the backpack of male privilege.
How uncomfortable might it be to acknowledge that?

Bernie Sanders' problem--his old school Leninist view that somehow women's issues will be automatically solved by the socialist revolution. 

"Goodbye, goodbye. 
To hell with the simplistic notion that automatic freedom for women—or nonwhite peoples—will come about  zap! with the advent of a socialist revolution. 
        Two evils pre-date capitalism and clearly have been able to survive and post-date                                              socialism: sexism and racism. "

"Goodbye to All That, " R. Morgan, 1970.

The analysis above, from Robin Morgan, was available to Bernie Sanders in 1970.
Bernie was around then.  How could he entirely unaware of the women's movement?

It's really odd, when you think of it--someone who thinks of himself as so dedicated and so political but he completely misses the point of a major social movement? 

And 46 years later, supposedly progressive candidate Bernie Sanders says:

"I don't go around, no one has ever heard me say, 'Hey guys, let's stand together, vote for a man.' I would never do that, never have."

That's not just clueless, that's crazy.

Quick, someone send him a copy of Giardina's "Marxism Without Male Supremacy."

Monday, February 22, 2016

Manichean NeoNaderists w/ BUSH-IS-GORE IraqWarBloodOnHands Plus Climate-Change-Disaster BloodOnHands Yet KISSINGER-WALLSTREET-VAGINA-SHEDEVIL-BUSHISGORE

“The inseparable connection between the social and human position of the woman, and private property in the means of production must be strongly brought out,” Lenin told Clara Zetkin in 1920.

“That will draw a clear and ineradicable line of distinction between our policy and feminism. And it will also supply the basis for regarding the woman question as a part of the social question, of the workers’ problem, and so bind it firmly to the proletarian class struggle and the revolution.”

Lenin said it then, @BernieBros say it now, much louder:


Plus, we aren't sexist because we just said so, cunts, are you deaf?
 so shut the fuck up bitches yay revolution kthxbai.--

Friday, February 19, 2016


For many years and until not long ago, but self-identified here on this very blog as a lifelong Dem, social Democrat, Bernie Sanders-style.

On this very blog, I supported him to be Hillary's VP.
Thought they would be a strong ticket, create a landslide, win White House, win back Congress.

Since then, stuff has happened.

Sexist crap from his Sarandonista supporters, framing HRC ppl as just voting with their vaginas for a vagina.  Eew.  Then smearing Albright and Steinem.

And then, much much worse, it seems that all sorts of weird crap is not just from BernieBro supporters, but is (and has been) coming out of Bernie Sanders' very own mouth.  Good God.

I had not known.

I do know now.

I'm not supporting Sanders any more.


Organizing Women Isn't Organizing Because

Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont on Thursday defended the rapper Killer Mike’s remark this week that a “uterus doesn’t qualify you to be president. . . "

“What Mike said, essentially, is that politics should not be, people should not be, voting for candidates based on their gender, but on what they believe. I think that makes sense. I don’t go around, no one has ever heard me say, ‘Hey guys, stand together, vote for a man.’ I would never do that."

Certainly not.