From Doug Thompson at Capitol Hill Blue, complete story here:
Secret Service agents guarding Vice President Dick Cheney when he shot Texas lawyer Harry Whittington on a hunting outing two weeks ago say Cheney was "clearly inebriated" at the time of the shooting.
Agents observed several members of the hunting party, including the Vice President, consuming alcohol before and during the hunting expedition, the report notes, and Cheney exhibited "visible signs" of impairment, including slurred speech and erratic actions.
According to those who have talked with the agents and others present at the outing, Cheney was drunk when he gunned down his friend and the day-and-a-half delay in allowing Texas law enforcement officials on the ranch where the shooting occurred gave all members of the hunting party time to sober up.
We talked with a number of administration officials who are privy to inside information on the Vice President's shooting "accident" and all admit Secret Service agents and others say they saw Cheney consume far more than the "one beer' he claimed he drank at lunch earlier that day.
"This was a South Texas hunt," says one White House aide. "Of course there was drinking. There's always drinking. Lots of it."
One agent at the scene has been placed on administrative leave and another requested reassignment this week. A memo reportedly written by one agent has been destroyed, sources said Wednesday afternoon.Cheney has a long history of alcohol abuse, including two convictions of driving under the influence when he was younger. . . .someone like Cheney, who is taking blood thinners because of his history of heart attacks, could get legally drunk now after consuming just one drink.
If Cheney was legally drunk at the time of the shooting, he could be guilty of a felony under Texas law and the shooting, ruled an accident by a compliant Kenedy County Sheriff, would be a prosecutable offense.
Doug Thompson has good sources inside the White House--especially when it comes to confirming tantruming by Bubble Boy, Preznit Toad-Exploder and the various suspicious activities of "Dick" Cheney. Thanks, Doug.
Top image: Tram Drunk, Prague, 1992 by James Fassinger, more here.
Well, he has to drink, you see, to drown out the realization that he has sold his soul to Satan and now he's nearing death. He, like George, didn't think he'd ever have to pay up. That's always the danger in selling your soul to 'The Evildoer'...
I'm not surprised, either. However, I keep waiting for this generation's Woodword and Bernstein to come to the rescue of journalism and tell the truth about this mis-administration.
Great blog here!
Neil--yes, but can't we get to the third act NOW? I want to see the part where he gets dragged down to the --
Lily--yes, I want the flack, it's all about the third act!
cyn--thanks. Fingers crossed that the evil are punished and that good triumphs in the end . . .
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