(Yo, that means you, too, Bubble Boy. You look like you could use some auspicious excellent bliss, what with your approval ratings down to 34% and that of Chappaquid-Dick down to 18%, oh, and the Iraq war approval rating thing down to 30%. Tashi delegs. Big-time.)
Photo: Andreas Neumann, carto:net.
beautiful place....will go there in my mind a few times a day now...thank you...
( yeah- the King is sinking....good)
Sinking king, propped by piles of money and bravado..
Bravado seems too sweet --- hubris, hubris, hubris.
ps why do these verification letters seem as if they've been written in Croatian (no offense to Croatia)? This is my third try at writing down xjiejqggtsyabhwty. Or thereabouts.
maybe it is Icelandic for" Bush is a Fucking Fool"
The scene in the pic looks like my "special" place sans island with castle in the lake.
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