The following are excerpts from an interview with As'ad AbuKhalil, professor of political science at California State University, Stanislaus, and visiting professor at the University of California at Berkeley.
The repercussions of the Iraq debacle are very likely to affect more places in the Middle East, not less. There is now an explosion, literally, of militant fanatical groups that are bent on destroying the ties of amity and brotherhood between Sunnis and Shia. One can see that this was effective.
The latest International Crisis Group [report] points out the cynical and destructive ways by which the US administration manipulated Iraqi social, sectarian, ethnic, and tribal divisions for its own sake.
Bush, far from being remembered for establishing democracy in Iraq, will most likely be remembered as the man who brought ayat allahs' rule to Iraq, next door to Iran.
Ironically, the model of "democracy" and "secularism" that [George] Bush and the neo-conservatives were planning in Iraq had degenerated into a model of mayhem, pillage, and plunder, and the ayat allahs rule in all but name.
Bush, far from being remembered for establishing democracy in Iraq, will most likely be remembered as the man who brought ayat allahs' rule to Iraq, next door to Iran.. . .Far from seeing evidence of rejuvenation of democracy, one can argue that authoritarian rule in the Middle East has been consolidated due to Bush's doctrine . . . .
One also notices that in all three cases that the Bush administration focused on as showcases of the Bush doctrine - Lebanon, Palestine, and Iraq - societies are standing on the verge of civil war. . .
I have no doubt years from now people in the West and East will look back and remember George Bush as the most incompetent and most unwise US president ever.
[Bush's] legacy in the Middle East will grow more horrifically. It will be seen that he has unleashed destructive forces in the Middle East, and has consolidated the rule of most authoritarian regimes in the Middle East. . . . He has also contributed to the rising conflict between Arabs/Muslims and Western governments.
His contribution in that regard will only please Osama bin Laden.
Why are we unsurprised?
Full story here.
Also see, here,"Bubble Boy Wastes Blood and Treasure to Install Medievalist Islamic Theocracy" and "Bubble Boy Brings Back Burqas" all the way from last August, here.
Iraq War
Photo: Reuters
Bush doesn't have a legacy to stand on.
Boy, you have to stop looking at the pictures! Time you start paying a little more attention to the propaganda. Things are going swell over there! I heard Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld all say so just yesterday. At least I think that's what they said. The words were a bit garbled cuz their heads were up their asses.
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