C.I.A. Wants Prison Tactics Secret
They want their torture kept secret?
Hmm. Why would that be?
There's no transparency for torture?
Can you say, "consciousness of guilt"?
The Central Intelligence Agency has told a federal court that Qaeda suspects should not be permitted to describe publicly the "alternative interrogation methods" used in secret C.I.A. prisons overseas.
In papers filed in the case of Majid Khan, a Pakistani who is among 14 so-called "high-value detainees" recently transferred to the Guantánamo Bay detention camp in Cuba, Justice Department and C.I.A. officials argued that allowing Mr. Khan to disclose details of his treatment could cause "extremely grave damage to the national security."
"Many terrorist operatives are specifically trained in counter-interrogation techniques," says a declaration by Marilyn A. Dorn, an official at the National Clandestine Service, a part of the C.IA. "If specific alternative techniques were disclosed, it would permit terrorist organizations to adapt their training to counter the tactics that C.I.A. can employ in interrogations."
Hey, Marilyn, I think they've already figured out about the hold-your-breath-till-you-turn-blue thing, don't you?
. . Lawyers for Mr. Khan, who lived in Maryland for several years and is accused of researching how to blow up gasoline stations and poison reservoirs, have alleged that he was tortured while in American custody and falsely confessed to crimes.
Do you suppose that the guy may have falsely confessed because of the, you know, torture?
Intelligence officials have acknowledged that some terrorism suspects were subjected to harsh [sic]interrogation techniques, including sleep deprivation, exposure to heat and cold and a simulated drowning technique. Human rights advocates believe the methods amount to torture, which is banned by international law, but United States officials deny the charge."Well, see, according to Bushist fascism, if you don't actually call it torture, then it's not torture, right?
WaPo here. NY Times here.
CIA torture
human rights
...details of his treatment could cause "extremely grave damage to the national security."
Basically that would be grave damage to national opinion, folowed by a big old Presi-denial.
Vile is as vile does.
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