On and on it goes, round and round it goes. In a spin. Lovin' the spin they're in. That ol' black magic called -- Bushist fascist family values!
Protecting pedophiles, killing 600,000 people, establishing a state of permanent lies, morally and fiscally bankrupting America, promoting civil vitriol, poisoning the air and water and civil discourse. Scooter "What Kind of a Name is That for a Grown Man" Libby promoting bestiality.
George Bush attacking John Kerry for attacking George Bush's stupidity, only Boy George is so stupid he fails to notice who John Kerry was attacking. Oh well.
Bushist fascist wife-beating, contempt for the rule of law, corruption, kidnapping, torture, sadism.
Really, what's left?
GOP -- 24/7, manifesting every one of the Seven Deadly Sins -- and THEN some.
Evangelical leader quits after gay sex allegation
Ted Haggard, accused of affair with gay man, resigns from national post
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - The leader of the 30 million-member National Association of Evangelicals, a vocal opponent of same-sex marriage, resigned Thursday after being accused of paying for sex with a man in monthly trysts over the past three years.All the pretty little Bushist fascists.
The Rev. Ted Haggard, a married father of five who has been called one of the most influential evangelical Christians in the nation, denied the allegations. His accuser refused to share voice mails that he said backed up his claim.
Haggard also stepped aside as head of his 14,000-member New Life Church while a church panel investigates, saying he could "not continue to minister under the cloud created by the accusations. . . .
The allegations come as voters in Colorado and seven other states get ready to decide Tuesday on amendments banning gay marriage. Besides the proposed ban on the Colorado ballot, a separate measure would establish the legality of domestic partnerships providing same-sex couples with many of the rights of married couples.
Accuser cites hypocrisy
Mike Jones, 49, of Denver told The Associated Press he decided to go public with his allegations because of the political fight. Jones, who said he is gay, said he was upset when he discovered Haggard and the New Life Church had publicly opposed same-sex marriage.
"It made me angry that here's someone preaching about gay marriage and going behind the scenes having gay sex," said Jones, who added that he isn't working for any political group.
Jones, whose allegations were first aired on KHOW-AM radio in Denver, claimed Haggard paid him to have sex nearly every month over three years. Jones also said Haggard snorted methamphetamine before their sexual encounters to heighten his experience.
Haggard and his attorney, Martin Nussbaum, did not return calls Thursday night from the AP.
Jones said that he had advertised himself as an escort on the Internet and that a man who called himself Art contacted him. Jones said he later saw the man on television identified as Haggard.
"Blacks and bays, dapples and greys . . "
All the pretty little . . .
Bushist fascists.
Ted Haggard
Talibangelicals & prostitution
anti-gay rights
Dobson, Foley, Haggard, Bushist fascist sick puppies
He sure does have a purty mouth.
Don't he though.
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