Some say nuking Iran will be just a wag-the-dog war thing to take pressure off Bush's failures in Iraq and the lies that led up to that war.
Some say waging war on Iran will deflect blame away from Richard "Big Dick" Cheney.
Some say nuking Iran is why Cheney had deep-cover NOC and (hmm) Iran WMD non-proliferation expert Valerie Plame outed in the first place.
Three wars at once.
Losing each and every one of them?
Some say -- it's the Bush trifecta!
What do you say?
I think we're all really really f*cked.

Libby trial
Cheney, CIA
CIA leak
Iran War
Your right, we're really really screwed. Heard something about a THIRD carrier group now steaming toward the Gulf. Congress is going to have to dig out their backbones from wherever they are hidden and impeach both the Mad Master Ferret and the Creepy Veepy.
Sadly, yes.
Third times the harm.
Ouch. Yup.
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