So, what's with Scooter "What kind of a name is that for a grown man?" Libby's twinkie-sneeze defense, anyhow?
His lawyer brings out 6 journalists who testify that Scooter didn't sneeze on them -- so therefore Scooter didn't sneeze on anyone else?
Holds up on the classic level of "it wasn't me it was the twinkie" thing.
Secondly, their testimony seems to be more about suggesting that Scooter was not leaking, not about Scooter not lying. Or that Scooter was leaking just a little bit. Hunh? So? And?
Plus, it seems that our own aspens-esque Scooter "What kind of name is that for a grown man?" Libby turns out to be, according to defense testimony, the actual oh-so-busy personal DEFENDERER OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE! Wow!
How stupid do his lawyers think the jurors are?
Purty stupid.
Fabulous live-blogging continues at firedoglake.
Nice piece by Sidney Blumenthal at Salon, here, all about Scootie's hubris problems, and more!
(One must bow down before the recent incisive Super-Libbyguy Personal Defenderer of the Universe Defense, which is that poor Scootie has SO much on his mind (absorbing info that appears each day in the New York Times) that he had NO MENTAL SPACE left to remember things like that he forgot Valerie Plame's identity before he remembered ti! Thus, therefore his failure to remember was just you know one of those things, even though he was SO BUSY SAVING THE UNIVERSE that really you'd think he wouldn't have had ANY TIME IN HIS SO BUSY UNIVERSAL-DEFENDERER SO BUSY SCHEDULE MUCH LESS ANY INTEREST in taking Judith Miller for a two-hour "working" lunch at the St. Regis? Hmm?)
Libby trial
Plame, CIA
CIA leak
A reporter who isn't called up to say scooter didn't leak to them must feel like he or she is on the B list. Anyone who is anyone hops on the stand and helps scooter out. Wonder if old shooter will come to the aid of scooter?
I loved the testimony from Cheney's current aide who said something like, "I would tell Scooter something in the morning and then he'd forget it by the afternoon." Bravo~
P.O.P -- Old shooter will never come to the aid of Scooter. He's too scared.
CitBoo -- great catch. The False Memory Syndrome?
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