Bushist fascist utter contempt for the rule of law takes a deep nose-dive into just "How Low Can You Go?" limbo-land.
(WaPo here.)
(One can only imagine the revulsion honorable conservative William F. Buckley, Jr. (who is unable to turn in his grave, not yet being dead) must feel to see the National Review crawling on its belly for a slimy pardon, calling for Bubble Boy's slimy mercy for Big Dick/Ming the Merciless' right-hand hatchetman, Scooter "What kind of a name is that for a grown man?" Libby.
And all those nauseating letters puffing off this supposed virtues, all in support of no jail time for him? Feh.
Libby's such a good smart loyal public servant, but he's above the law of the land? It's ok when Libby obstructs justice?
Sure it's OK! It's his country, his rules, his everything.
That's what Bushist fascist sociopathic megalomania is all about.
What America needs is not more megalomania, but less truthiness and more truth.
What America needs to heal is the name of the traitor who outed a covert CIA officer and thus lost all associated humint assets.
Where there's a will, there's a way -- waterboarding Libby.
So, sure, screw jail time for Scooter, just send him to Gitmo.
Food's great.
A nice long Club Gitmo Caribbean tropical vacation -- waterboarding Scooter Libby, just as long as it takes, till he finally spills his guts.
Libby owes us.
(But hey, boys and girls, in case you need some sunshine in your life, here's a real knee-slapper cum laff riot: Bushist fascist nappy-headed ho-in-chief "Dick" Morris tries to blame Bubble Boy's vile Oedipal Iraq War on -- C-C-Clinton!)
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