Showing posts with label dept of I'm not making this up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dept of I'm not making this up. Show all posts

Friday, September 18, 2009

Why Do Kids Need Mommies and Daddies?

I dunno.

That's what the Mob-GOPS want us to think.

But why?

Kids don't need Mommies and Daddies, per se.

They need a caretaking adult or caretaking adult(s) who actually will take care of them. I mean, how hard is that, really?

Consider Denver Daddy Benjamin Koller.

He bit and beat his infant son, who, we learned in court just now, is not expected to survive.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Hey, Boys and Girls! It's Time to Mercenary-Up the Army! Privatize Cooks at Twice the Price, at Taxpayers' Expense!

You see, the military is a non-profit organization. Although the military-industrial complex so feared by that commie, Eisenhower, isn't.

So, if you don't want to seem like you're adding more troops in Afghanistan, you can outsource support staff to profit-making outfits, who charges twice the price, and can also do whateverthef*ck they want.


(Which party won the election?)

Monday, August 31, 2009

Crappy "Christian' Prays Prez Dies of Brain Cancer

What would Jesus do?

You know, I'm Buddhist, but I had actually thought that the whole Golden Rule teachings of Jesus were not optional.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Compassion-Free Con Coburn: No Help for You and Your Suffering Hubby, Lady

So, lady, you say you can't get health care for your husband who has a traumatic brain injury?

Stop whining. Go hold a bake sale.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

News for Fetal Sentimentalists: Mom's BF Tortures Five Year Old in Dryer (Among Other Things)

One is working long hours at the trauma industry factory, and is hard-pressed to blog thoughtfully and depth-fully these days. So if one has any blogging time at all, a sure-fire hit is to Google "child abuse" and "news" because there are always lots and lots of grownups torturing the postborn!

I heard this story last night on the local news. And the funny thing was -- when I Googled "child abuse" and "news" this morning, the story didn't come up. Nor when I Googled "child abuse" and "news" and "New Hampshire."

It finally came up when I Googled "New Hampshire" and "dryer."

Manchester – A man is accused of choking and punching his girlfriend’s 5-year-old daughter and putting her in a clothes dryer . . . In court, police prosecutor Lt. Robert Cunha sought to maintain the high bail set following Zawadzki’s arrest, saying the photos of the child’s injuries showed “an egregious assault on a 5-year-old girl."

The affidavit supporting Zawadzki’s arrest said the child’s mother had left her in the care of her boyfriend Monday night and the boyfriend’s explanation for the child’s injuries were that he had to slap her for being fresh and that the child had fallen in the shower when reaching for a shampoo bottle.

According to the affidavit, police spoke with the child after her mother reported the assault yesterday. The girl said Zawadzki became angry with her and choked her with his hands around her neck, lifting her from the floor as he did so. She said he hit her in the face and head and punched her in the legs before putting her in the clothes dryer and spinning the tub with his hands.

In court today, Cunha said the physician who examined the child said the injuries were the worst she’d seen. Police described the injuries as bruising to the child’s face, shoulder, legs, buttocks and vaginal area, as well as a swollen upper lip.

But still, let's save our compassion for the preborn, shall we? Because, you know, there's never enough compassion to go around.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Main Blames Cat For Kiddier Porn

A thousand images of child sexual abuse were downloaded into Keith R. Jensen's computer. Jensen, a Florida resident, claims his kitty did it.

No, really.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Child Abuse Du Jour: Say More About How Kids Need Mommies & Daddies, K?

This five year old kid's mommy punished him by locking him up alone in a sweltering attic, naked, covered in feces. Did his mommy like being a mommy, you think?

The worst part was listening to the TV talking heads interviewing two adult males, the mommy's own daddy and her uncle, who seemed to think that mommy was doing a swell job of mommying, and that this tortured kid really was a handful who just needed some control.

The police report said that when officers unlocked a door at the top of the stairs leading to the attic they found the boy "completely naked, covered in feces from head-to-toe crying to "go downstairs.''

The room was covered in human feces and there were several children's finger markings along the wall, made with feces, that appeared to have been there for a considerable amount of time, the report said.

When interviewed on TV, the kid's grandfather and uncle were complaining about all this negative attention, insisting that this treatment is not child abuse, and that the mommy had been trying to get help, but nobody would help her, boo hoo, which is patently false. This happened in Lowell, MA, home of MassHealth, and home of child protective services that are available on a voluntary basis--overwhelmed parents need only pick up the phone.

But you know, so much for the postborn, let's save our worry for the feti, shall we?

Monday, June 22, 2009

Lest We Forget

The inimitable Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy. Let it be a lesson to us all.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Clueless Self-Injurious Behaviorist Gordon Liddy Fears Sotomayor: re: Riding the Cotton Pony!!

Little Gordy don't know much about women, do he?


How embarrassing for him. Someone needs to send him a book on physiology, do they not?

hat-tip to bluegal.
Corrente: big tent watch

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Saudis, Si! Cuba, No!

It's obvious that it's OK to trade with the Saudis, who treat their women like dirt, and it's OK to sell off our country to the genocidal Red Chinese, but Cuba?


Why would we trade with them? Why would we visit them? They've got a health care system that actually works! Can't expose our population to that, can we?

In the meantime, we're still dependent on and trading with a country that thinks marrying off 8-year-old girls is swell. Saudi Arabia. Marrying off an 8-year old girl to her Daddy's 47-year-old male "close friend."
"It is incorrect to say that it's not permitted to marry off girls who are 15 and younger," Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh, the kingdom's grand mufti, said in remarks last January quoted in the regional Al-Hayat newspaper. "A girl aged 10 or 12 can be married. Those who think she's too young are wrong and they are being unfair to her."

Saudi, si! Porque no?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Guess I Picked the Wrong Day to Quit Thinkin' We'd Already Hit "Peak Stupid"

Yeah, I think all that "reward good behavior" stuff is um like to-tally wrongheaded.

When you find people who really suck at their jobs, the proper response is to Throw More Of Taxpayers' Money At Them!! Because -- if at first you don't succeed, try to try not succeeding AGAIN!

Because otherwise, these ruinously incompetent greedy swine would turn out to be seen as LOSERS. And then they'd default on their MORTGAGES and lose their HOUSES. And then the loudmouth wankers on MSNBC would BLAME THEM. Like LIMBAUGH.


I on the other hand feel no need to wait for MSNBC. I can blame them for being STUPID right now.

Which I, you know, just did.

; )

Saturday, February 14, 2009

One More Victory for Random Parenthood

Hey. What's it all about, Alfie?

Here's new dad Alfie Patten, 13, with his newborn daughter, Maisie.

Planned parenthood? Thoughtful parenthood? Feh!

Why would we want to do such a thing, when we can spend time and money and emotional energy obsessively worrying about gay marriage and stamping out the horror that is masturbation?

Full story here.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happily There's No Such Thing As Mormon Masturbation

The burgeoning (swelling?) Talibangelical American godly anti-masturbation movement is providing a jam-packed list of helpful hints on how to avoid self-abuse, now available for your delectation at Jesus' General:

Sample tips:

"When you bathe, do not admire yourself in a mirror."

"When in bed, if that is where you have your problem for the most part, dress yourself for the night so securely that you cannot easily touch your vital parts, and so that it would be difficult and time consuming for you to remove those clothes. By the time you started to remove protective clothing you would have sufficiently controlled your thinking that the temptation would leave you."

But there's more, much more, where those came from: Words of Mormon Wisdom.