Showing posts with label samsara as usual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label samsara as usual. Show all posts

Friday, June 19, 2009

Obama Justice Dept.: Protect ing Poor Big Dick Cheney From the Heartbreak of Satire

No, I'm not making this up. I don't have to. I never have to.

Justice Department attorney Jeffrey Smith said. “I don’t want a future vice president to say, `I’m not going to cooperate with you because I don’t want to be fodder for ‘The Daily Show.’”

Psst, Jeffrey: Cheney's been fodder for The Daily Show for 4 everrr. And he'll never cooperate, ev-errr. Duh.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dept. of "As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap," or: Build Roads While Wearing Sad Faces of Regret re: the Decay of Our Puny Social Infrastructure

Hey. Turns out the Dems don't give a crap about the sick, poor, the insane, the elderly, the young, the vulnerable either. And here I was just blaming the Republicans. But there's enough blame to go around, really. Because, you know, these are hard times. Somebody has to suffer. If they're already suffering, what's the bad thing about piling on a little more, eh?

States Slashing Social Programs for the Vulnerable.

No reason to slash progams for the invulnerable, is there?

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Military Blows Up Live Pigs. Makes Them Dead.

I wonder what percentage of the military, so heavily Talibangelical, considers itself to be strongly pro-life (sic). Like ex-Preznit Toad Exploder.

More here.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Step-Dad Who Incested 9-year-old Girl NOT Excommunicated by Catholic Church

Well, why would raping and knocking up one's 9-year-old stepkid be some big deal, anyhow?

Failing to force one's 9-year-old raped child to give birth?

That'll throw ya outa the church.

Prior coverage here.

Our Friends the Saudis Punish 75-year-old Lady With Forty Lashes for "Mingling"

"Mingling"? Yeah, I hate it when them broads mingle. So uppity. So annoying.

Ok, so it's a day after the UN Day of Women. Enough already. Don't get your panties in a twist. Sure, we're gonna keep on trading with the Saudis. Look how much all this trade has helped their human rights situation so far! Wowee! Note the abaya in picture, left. Ring a bell, does it?

It's not like it's Cuba. Heck, we sure don't wanna trade with them Cubans. Saudi? Si! Cuba? No!

It's not like its apartheid or something, is it?

Trading for profit with a vile oppressor of the basic rights of half the Saudi population? I mean, why not? We trade with China, don't we?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

Child Abuse Du Jour: Kid Starves to Death, World Media Whores Frame Death as Kid's Fault

Yes, please don't forget to blame the victim. Then, wash your hands.


Hands up, boys and girls if you, too, wonder why this starving child was not taken by its parents to the ER, a place where human who don't want to eat by mouth are fed intrvenously. And then wonder why the media pushes this total utter crap.

Object Lesson in Why Buddha Taught the Importance of Non-Attachment

Person at Hong Kong airport expressing disappointment at arriving too late to catch flight.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Lions & Tigers & Bears & Interesting Christian Marital Traditions, Oh My!

One came upon this just now, and one just could not resist offering up this link. One apologizes. Profusely.


Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Samira Jassim: Rape, Depression, Suicidality, Suicide, Homicide

This lady's really creative.

Need female suicide bombers?

Arrange to have your candidates raped.

Remind them that they cannot live with this shame.

Helpfully arrange a jihadi way out.

And --boom!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

And Now for Something Completely Like Other Disturbing True Storiez

Daddy chains daughter to bed.
"She was indeed chained to her bed and shackled by her right ankle," the report states, noting that she was found "emotionally distraught and crying uncontrollably."

Clark County District Attorney David Roger said the accusations against the 53-year-old father are some of the most egregious he's seen in child abuse cases.

"While I've seen terrible things done to children, this tops most," Roger said Tuesday.

Mommy's boyfriend breaks one-year old's leg.

Mommy gets probation for failure to stop child abuse of her child by her boyfriend involving bite marks, bruises, burns, and broken ribs.

Parents on trial for for reckless endangerment in death of 11 year old daughter because their religious beliefs prevented them from taking her to a doctor.

Mommy's BF beats 5th grader to death; child protective services had been warned, but deemed the child "not at imminent risk." Well, oopsie.

While we're talking about restoring the US physical infrastructure, let's put some energy into social infrastructure, eh? For a change. Oh, except that in my state, a blue state with a Democratic governor, they've just fired (oh 'laid off') case management support for people who are psychotic and actively suicidal. Well, that's a good idea. And they're cutting dwon session auths for outpatient services -- while behavioral symptoms (child abuse & neglect, domestic violence, substance abuse, crime) are going UP. Oh, and child protective service workers are seeing twice the recommended caseload. No biggie.

Hey, it's hard times. People just need to deal with their feeeeeelings, no?

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

More Hubris: Of the "Let's Ram Our Mistaken Views About Reality Down the Throats of Those Who Don't Adhere to Our Mistaken Views" Variety

I know, I know, I'm running out of patience.

So sue me.

In the meantime, the Random Parenthood crowd continues to support the notion that having a kid is just no biggie, it's just like picking up an extra carton of milk at Seven/Eleven.

So let's hear it for Government-Forced Maternity!

After all, it's not as if Unwanted Children grow up to be abused and neglected, is it?

oh well right they do. ummm.

And it's not as if Unwanted Children who are abused and neglected go on to endanger themselves and others by becoming drug addicts, violent criminals, murderers, and serial killers, is it?

oh well right they do. ummm.

oh well.

ummmm. yeah ok so abortion lowers the crime rate. lets ram our mistaken views about reality down the throats of everyone else because we just are selfish arrogant pigses?

Sunday, January 04, 2009

That Ol' Black Magic Called Power & Control: The Beat Goes On . . . . ..

And on . . ..
"She was 17 when she met her boyfriend, and 20 when she died at his hands. In between, Heather Norris tried several times to leave the relationship, which was fraught with control and abuse, before she was killed — stabbed, dismembered and discarded in trash bags.

Her death in 2007 in Indianapolis is one of several stemming from abuse in teenage dating relationships that have spurred states and communities to search for new ways to impress on adolescents — and their parents and teachers — the warning signs of dangerous dating behavior and what actions are not acceptable or healthy . . .

Although there are no definitive national studies on the prevalence of abuse in adolescent relationships . . . [e]xperts say the abuse appears to be increasing as more harassment, name-calling and ridicule takes place among teenagers on the Internet and by cellphone.

“We are identifying teen dating abuse and violence more than ever,” said Dr. Elizabeth Miller, an assistant professor of pediatrics at the School of Medicine at the University of California, Davis . .. .

“Few adolescents understand what a healthy relationship looks like,” Dr. Miller said.. Adolescents often mistake . . . excessive attention . . . as an expression of love, she said.

Kayla Brown, 18, was among them. At first, her high school boyfriend made a great impression last year when he “called my mother to introduce himself,” said Ms. Brown, a senior at an Indianapolis charter school.

Then he began “calling me every hour to see where I was and what I was doing,” she said. Finally, during an argument he slammed a chair into a cafeteria table and raised his fist.

She confided in her mother, who has suffered domestic violence, and followed her advice to break off the relationship. But it was not easy. For months, she had friends accompany her in the school hallways, even to the bathroom, to make sure she was not alone with him. . .

Deborah Norris, Heather Norris’s mother, said her daughter’s relationship with Joshua Bean also began innocuously but rapidly became threatening.

“When he would call or text her, she had to answer right away or there was trouble,” Ms. Norris said. “She became quiet and withdrawn around him, and that wasn’t like her.”

“She hadn’t seen him in four months,” she added, “and was getting ready to go to court because she had filed battery charges against him.”

Mr. Bean was convicted in Heather’s killing last September.

Ms. Norris, an accident investigator for the police, said, “What happened to Heather really opened the eyes of police, the people I work with, who used to look at domestic violence differently,” seeing it as a family matter.

What happened to Heather before she was killed is common in abusive relationships, said Stephanie Berry, the manager of community health at Clarian Health, a network of Indiana hospitals, which is leading the program being financed by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Many teenagers, Ms. Berry said, “see the jealousy and protectiveness as ‘Oh, he loves me so much.’ Girls make excuses for it and don’t realize it’s not about love, but it’s about controlling you as [their] possession.”

And it's not only girls who are on the receiving end.

From Heather's Voice:

Controlling behavior includes:

* Frequently checking up on you to know where you are or who you're with
* Deciding what you wear or who you hang out with
* Limiting your normal activities so you can be with him/her more often

From Love Is Respect:

Are You Being Abused?

Does your boyfriend/girlfriend:

* Look at you or act in ways that scare you?
* Act jealous or possessive?
* Put you down or criticize you?
* Try to control where you go, what you wear or what you do?
* Text or IM you excessively?
* Blame you for the hurtful things they say and do?
* Threaten to kill or hurt you or themselves if you leave them?
* Try to stop you from seeing or talking to friends and family?
* Try to force you to have sex before you're ready?
* Do they hit, slap, push or kick you?

If you said yes to even one, you may be in an abusive relationship. Call us if you need to talk. We're here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. All calls and chats are anonymous and confidential. Contact us by phone at 1-866-331-9474 (1-866-331-8453 TTY) or chat online from 4pm - 2am CST.

Monday, December 29, 2008

World Of NBFH, Too

Been there, done that. Do that still.

From the front lines in Third-World America: You Know Who We Really Hate?

Hat-tip Susie Madrak via C&L.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Iraq Shoe-Tosser Was a US Torture Victim, Brother Asserts

Well, really what a fucking surprise.

One must congratulate the shoe-tossing torture survivor for his forbearance, must one not?