Showing posts with label women's rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label women's rights. Show all posts

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Markos Moulitsas is a Nappy-Headed Ho

The funny thing about sexism is like the funny thing about stupidity.

Stupid people are too stupid to know they're stupid. Sexist people don't even know they're sexist.

And when someone tells them, they think it's stupid.

You know, like Markos Moulitsas, who's gotten into a lot of trouble over the years for his sexism (but he isn't! those girls are just hysterical!) and is now in trouble again (but he shouldn't be! those girls are just on the rag!).

So here's the post where he trivializes a female blogger who (uppity woman!) objected (girlie-man girl!) to being the recipient of death threats (pussy!).

You know, objecting to death threats is just, like, so gay! So whiney! So sissy!

Markos is, one supposes, an educated person. In some sense.

So -- what's his frickin' problem?

If he can't say something non-sexist, why can't he just shut up?

(Here's a post from Big Tent Democrat (with whom I am, generally speaking, in love) astonishingly defending the indefensible kos on this matter. Oy.)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Unpacking the Backpack of Sexist Privilege

A game about who said what, on Blog Against Sexism Day:

"Feminism is hated because women are hated. Anti-feminism is a direct expression of misogyny; it is the political defense of women hating."

"Women should remain at home, sit still, keep house and bear children."

"I beg you to speak of Woman as you do of the Negro —- speak of her as a human being, as a citizen of the United States, as a half of the people in whose hands lies the destiny of this Nation."

"Uncle Charlie: The cities are full of women, middle-aged widows, husbands dead, husbands who’ve spent their lives making fortunes, working and working. And then they die and leave their money to their wives, their silly wives. And what do the wives do, these useless women? You see them in the hotels, the best hotels, every day by the thousands. Drinking the money, eating the money, losing the money at bridge. Playing all day and all night. Smelling of money. Proud of their jewelry but of nothing else. Horrible. Faded, fat, greedy women.

Charlie (his niece): They’re alive. They’re human beings!

Uncle Charlie: Are they? Are they, Charlie? Are they human or are they fat, wheezing animals? Hmmm? And what happens to animals when they get too fat and too old?"

"The misogyny that shapes every aspect of our civilization is the institutionalized form of male fear and hatred of what they have denied and therefore cannot know, cannot share: that wild country, the being of women."

"The souls of women are so small that some believe they have none at all."

"Women are taught that their main goal in life is to serve others—first men, and later, children. This prescription leads to enormous problems, for it is supposed to be carried out as if women did not have needs of their own, as if one could serve others without simultaneously attending to one’s own interests and desires. Carried to its 'perfection,' it produces the martyr syndrome or the smothering wife and mother."

"They have the right to work wherever they want to--as long as they have dinner ready when you get home."

"A pedestal is as much a prison as any other small space."

"A woman, especially, if she have the misfortune of knowing anything, should conceal it as well as she can."

The candidates: Anonymous Woman; John Wayne; Ursula K. Le Guin; Martin Luther; Thornton Wilder; A. Dworkin; Samuel Butler; Susan B. Anthony; Martin Luther; Jane Austen; Jean Baker Miller

Happy blog against sexism day.

Kudos to vegankid, whose brainchild this is.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Huzzah! Bubble Boy Brings Back Burqas!

Bubble Boy bombed Baghdad to bring burqas back for bagging Iraqi babes, and he's succeeded beyond his wildest dreams! Deal with victory, scum-sucking, latte-drinking hate-America-first libruls!

Bush's secret intention, also a total success, was to install in Iraq a medievalist Islamic Theocracy! Right next to another medievalist Islamic Theocracy! Ha ha! Two in a row! Din'tcha ever hear of the Domino Theory?

All that crap about Saddam, and those horrible threatening WMDs was just--crap. We'll admit it now, ok? It was a ruse. Deal with it, sheeple.

Next to the Domino Theory, see, is the Dominionist Theory. That's where the juice is, and that's how, even though it LOOKS like Bubble Boy's really screwed things up in Iraq bad, just like the libruls warned that he would, we can now proudly state that Bubble Boy really hasn't fucked up beyond all recognition, you just have to take the longer view.

Here's the point: the up-and-coming, American uber-crackpot-Christianist-cult of Dominionism is medievalist, too!

Dominionists want to bring back neat stuff like, well, Mosaic Law!

Not so durn far from--Shari'a Law!

Let's look:

" . . . enforcement of the Mosaic Law will involve the application of the death penalty for such capital crimes as murder, rape, kidnapping, bestiality, incest, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, idolatry, witchcraft, the offering of human sacrifice, unchangeable rebellion in adolescent children, flagrant negligence resulting in the death of another person, blasphemy, apostasy, the spreading of false doctrines, and perhaps Sabbath breaking."

"Unchangeable rebellion in adolescent children" punishable by death? Well, well!

Let's look further:

"The reconstructed society will regard dissenters and heretics as treasonous criminals at war with the law and society."

Well, the rightwing screamfest lip-flappers are doing that anyway, so we're ahead of the game so far.

And what about:

"The reconstructed society will also be characterized by the rights of private property, a free market economy bordering on libertarianism, tight limitations on debt, the abolition of 30-year mortgages, a monetary system based on the gold standard, the tithe rather than public taxes financing most social welfare, restitution of wrong rather the imprisonment for many criminals, and voluntary slavery for purposes such as the restitution of a wrong or the desire for financial security . . . . [oh, so is this what the new marriage is all about? I especially like the part where women are legal chattel to men, and are handed from ownership by fathers to ownership by husbands with no independent decision-making at any time. Makes one feel so--secure.]"

You see, once the rising Taliban Christians here in America impose their medievalist Christian theocracy, it will nicely parallel the medievalist Islamic Theocracy in Iraq. The one that Bubble Boy created using our tax dollars and the blood of our children.

It's kind of an Intelligent Design thing, you know?

Or, what was that old saying--"stupid is as stupid does"?