Happy New Year.
Take a minute out from your busy New Year's Eve and New Year's Day schedule, to accrue good karma by donating Free Rice here.
What are your New Year's resolutions?
What are Preznit Toad-Exploder's resolutions?
What are those of Big Dick?
Monday, December 31, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Tibetan Buddhist Christmas 2007
Peace on earth, good will to men.
May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness,
May all beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering,
May all beings never be apart from the great happiness free from suffering.
May all beings remain in the great evenness of mind
free from passion, aggression and ignorance.
(This means you, too, George).
Special Christmas hat-tip to Buddhist Jihad.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Bush Torture Drives Aussie Hicks Insane -- No Release from Inner Gitmo, Ever
It all depends upon what is is.
And the rest of it depends on what isn't isn't.
It depends upon what Dirty Bush's Bushist fascists declare isn't torture.
Sticking bamboo slivers under people's fingernails, though a classic oriental method of torture, isn't torture to Dirty Bush's pro-torture crowd.
Why not? Two reasons.
1. It doesn't kill you, the pain merely makes you wish you were dead.
2. The people we're doing it to aren't really people. They ain't yoo-man, they're terrists. Ee-vil terrists.
It's like stepping on bugs. We don't care. They're just bugs.
OK, so one of these bugs, an Australian bug named David Hicks, held for some time at Hotel Intercontinental Abu Ghraib Gitmo, was released from Gitmo, and now is about to be released from an Aussie jail.
But the torture he endured there has made it impossible for him to leave. The Dirty Bushists have scrambled his brains so bad that he's a useless, agoraphobic, broken shell.
And that's what it's all about, isn't it? Preserving the important "moral values" of Western civilization?
Such as regarding other humans as bugs.
Then squashing them under one's foot.
While singing "it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas."
Because it so is.
And the rest of it depends on what isn't isn't.
It depends upon what Dirty Bush's Bushist fascists declare isn't torture.
Sticking bamboo slivers under people's fingernails, though a classic oriental method of torture, isn't torture to Dirty Bush's pro-torture crowd.
Why not? Two reasons.
1. It doesn't kill you, the pain merely makes you wish you were dead.
2. The people we're doing it to aren't really people. They ain't yoo-man, they're terrists. Ee-vil terrists.
It's like stepping on bugs. We don't care. They're just bugs.
OK, so one of these bugs, an Australian bug named David Hicks, held for some time at Hotel Intercontinental Abu Ghraib Gitmo, was released from Gitmo, and now is about to be released from an Aussie jail.
But the torture he endured there has made it impossible for him to leave. The Dirty Bushists have scrambled his brains so bad that he's a useless, agoraphobic, broken shell.
The Melbourne forensic psychiatrist Paul Mullen, who assessed Hicks at the Guantanamo Bay prison for terrorists in February 2005, said the confinement, institutionalisation and the removal of all initiative would have induced agoraphobia, obsessional behaviours and irrational fear.
Terry Hicks, who saw his son twice at Guantanamo Bay and has visited him regularly at Yatala, said: "It was not good - he had an anxiety thing. They told him he had no choice, he had to go [to Holden Hill] and they put him in the van and took him away. He just regressed back to Guantanamo Bay and he had such anxiety they had to bring him back."
Hicks's agoraphobia and panic attacks are hallmarks of prisoners who have spent prolonged periods in confined isolation. Professor Mullen said he would be suffering psychological damage from his trauma, which included being imprisoned in a container in the hot sun, believing he had been left there to die.
And that's what it's all about, isn't it? Preserving the important "moral values" of Western civilization?
Such as regarding other humans as bugs.
Then squashing them under one's foot.
While singing "it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas."
Because it so is.
Bushist fascism,
moral bankruptcy,
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Halliburton/KBR Rape Room gang rape survivor may have been drugged with G/Special K/Rohypnol
The former Halliburton/KBR employee accusing the company of attempting to cover up her gang-rape in Iraq is now speaking out about her ordeal -- imprisoned in container, she alleges; told by her superiors to shut up or lose her job.
read more | digg story
read more | digg story
'Tis the Season to Be Jolly -- Dirty Bush-Style, Ho Ho Ho. (Not that kind of ho.) Ho Ho Ho.
Heard enough about KBR Rape in KBR Rape Rooms this holiday season?
I certainly have.
Thus, in the spirit of Christmas, which, as all three constant readers of this blog know full well we celebrate (Buddhist-style -- that would be the peace on earth/good will to men part, the Golden Rule part, and the actual teachings of Jesus part) I humbly offer up these delectable jollities.
(Hat tip to Malcolm of Australia, who cleverly left NE prior to our getting smacked down by several significant storms of snow. Good on ya.)
"I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn't here." -- at the President's Economic Forum in Waco, Texas, Aug. 13, 2002
"We spent a lot of time talking about Africa, as we should. Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease." --Gothenburg, Sweden, June 14, 2001
"You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test." -- Townsend, Tenn., Feb. 21, 2001
"I am here to make an announcement that this Thursday, ticket counters and airplanes will fly out of Ronald Reagan Airport." -- Washington, D.C., Oct. 3, 2001
"Tribal sovereignty means that; it's sovereign. I mean, you're a -- you've been given sovereignty, and you're viewed as a sovereign entity. And therefore the relationship between the federal government and tribes is one between sovereign entities." --Washington, D.C., Aug. 6, 2004 (video clip)
And my very favorite so far:
Nor can I, Bubble Boy. Nor can I.
I certainly have.
Thus, in the spirit of Christmas, which, as all three constant readers of this blog know full well we celebrate (Buddhist-style -- that would be the peace on earth/good will to men part, the Golden Rule part, and the actual teachings of Jesus part) I humbly offer up these delectable jollities.
(Hat tip to Malcolm of Australia, who cleverly left NE prior to our getting smacked down by several significant storms of snow. Good on ya.)
(and if you can't figure out who uttered these utterings, you're reading the wrong damn blog)
"I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn't here." -- at the President's Economic Forum in Waco, Texas, Aug. 13, 2002
"We spent a lot of time talking about Africa, as we should. Africa is a nation that suffers from incredible disease." --Gothenburg, Sweden, June 14, 2001
"You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test." -- Townsend, Tenn., Feb. 21, 2001
"I am here to make an announcement that this Thursday, ticket counters and airplanes will fly out of Ronald Reagan Airport." -- Washington, D.C., Oct. 3, 2001
"Tribal sovereignty means that; it's sovereign. I mean, you're a -- you've been given sovereignty, and you're viewed as a sovereign entity. And therefore the relationship between the federal government and tribes is one between sovereign entities." --Washington, D.C., Aug. 6, 2004 (
And my very favorite so far:
"I couldn't imagine somebody like Osama bin Laden understanding the
joy of Hannukah." -- at a White House menorah lighting ceremony, Washington, D.C., Dec. 10, 2001
Nor can I, Bubble Boy. Nor can I.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Second KBR Rape Case Surfaces: More of the Vile Same
What do the pro-rape crowd and the pro-torture crowd have in common?
Besides the syllable "pro"? And besides both promoting suffering? The suffering of others.
Both the pro-rape crowd and the pro-torture crowd are medievalist.
Medievalists reject modern concepts like the rule of law, human rights, working for the common good, honesty, decency, and so so.
Al Qaeda is medievalist. So are the fundamentalists of Iran. Rightwing crackpot "Christians" are medievalist. They emphasize the "eye for an eye" Old Testament while conveniently ignoring the actual teachings of Jesus. They're part of the Golden Rule: NOT crowd.
So, we're not surprised about selfish, greedy, sexist, murdering, raping, gang-raping power and control freaks like KBR, Halliburton, Blackwater, etc. going into hysterics and then acting out their internal hysteria in the real world.
It's the medievalism, stupid!!
Full story here.
Besides the syllable "pro"? And besides both promoting suffering? The suffering of others.
Both the pro-rape crowd and the pro-torture crowd are medievalist.
Medievalists reject modern concepts like the rule of law, human rights, working for the common good, honesty, decency, and so so.
Al Qaeda is medievalist. So are the fundamentalists of Iran. Rightwing crackpot "Christians" are medievalist. They emphasize the "eye for an eye" Old Testament while conveniently ignoring the actual teachings of Jesus. They're part of the Golden Rule: NOT crowd.
So, we're not surprised about selfish, greedy, sexist, murdering, raping, gang-raping power and control freaks like KBR, Halliburton, Blackwater, etc. going into hysterics and then acting out their internal hysteria in the real world.
It's the medievalism, stupid!!
Full story here.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Dirty Bush's Pro-Rape Crowd: Be Sure to Give Your Rape Kit to the Perp
The Dirty Bush administration has worked long and hard (??) to protect a rapist's right to breed via government-forced maternity.
So it's no surprise that Dirty Bush also believes in protecting rapists -- gang rapists at that -- against the horrors of prosecution.
Because, you know, some of them might wind up in, like, jail! Like Scooter Libby. We wouldn't want to live with that, would we?
So here's the latest Dirty Bush horror story.
Four days into her placement in Iraq, a female Knight, Brown & Root employee gets drugged and then raped. Gang-raped by her fellow employees. Brutally raped and sodomized to the point that she will require surgery. The female employee reports the rape to her superiors at KBR, gets told she'll get fired if she doesn't shut the f*ck up.
Next, and this is my favorite part -- KBR frickin' kidnaps her.
KBR imprisons the rape victim in a container, and kept there so she'll just shut the f*ck up about being gang-raped.
Wow. Spreadin' democracy and the important values of western civilization, like, fer sure.
Then, and this is my favorite part, too -- she manages to call her Dad, who calls his congressman, who calls the Dirty Bush State Department, and gets them to find the kidnapped rape victim and set her free. She's examined by the military, who do a rape kit, as they should. And give her medical care.
What happens to the rape kit?
Surprise! The Dirty Bush State Department gives the rape kit not to the victim, nor to law enforcement (what's that, Daddy?), but to KBR, the people who kidnapped her, and the people who are protecting her gang-rapists!!
KBR is protecting them to this day. Are their names Knight, Brown, and Root?
Be sure to write nice letters to KBR. Everybody loses stuff. Like rape kits. Everybody has to give rape kits back to the people who are trying to cover up the crime. Everybody kidnaps their raped employees. Don't they? Don't they have a duty to their stockholders to get that broad to just shut the f*ck up?
The Saudis, Al Qaeda, the Taliban and the Talibangelical Dirty Bushists like KBR are all of one mind about this rape thing.
When your child gets gang-raped, it's all his or her goddamned fault!! If they hadn'ta been there, they wouldna gotten raped, would they?
And we can do with them whatever the f*ck we want.
End of story.
So it's no surprise that Dirty Bush also believes in protecting rapists -- gang rapists at that -- against the horrors of prosecution.
Because, you know, some of them might wind up in, like, jail! Like Scooter Libby. We wouldn't want to live with that, would we?
So here's the latest Dirty Bush horror story.
Four days into her placement in Iraq, a female Knight, Brown & Root employee gets drugged and then raped. Gang-raped by her fellow employees. Brutally raped and sodomized to the point that she will require surgery. The female employee reports the rape to her superiors at KBR, gets told she'll get fired if she doesn't shut the f*ck up.
Next, and this is my favorite part -- KBR frickin' kidnaps her.
KBR imprisons the rape victim in a container, and kept there so she'll just shut the f*ck up about being gang-raped.
Wow. Spreadin' democracy and the important values of western civilization, like, fer sure.
Then, and this is my favorite part, too -- she manages to call her Dad, who calls his congressman, who calls the Dirty Bush State Department, and gets them to find the kidnapped rape victim and set her free. She's examined by the military, who do a rape kit, as they should. And give her medical care.
What happens to the rape kit?
Surprise! The Dirty Bush State Department gives the rape kit not to the victim, nor to law enforcement (what's that, Daddy?), but to KBR, the people who kidnapped her, and the people who are protecting her gang-rapists!!
KBR is protecting them to this day. Are their names Knight, Brown, and Root?
Be sure to write nice letters to KBR. Everybody loses stuff. Like rape kits. Everybody has to give rape kits back to the people who are trying to cover up the crime. Everybody kidnaps their raped employees. Don't they? Don't they have a duty to their stockholders to get that broad to just shut the f*ck up?
The Saudis, Al Qaeda, the Taliban and the Talibangelical Dirty Bushists like KBR are all of one mind about this rape thing.
When your child gets gang-raped, it's all his or her goddamned fault!! If they hadn'ta been there, they wouldna gotten raped, would they?
And we can do with them whatever the f*ck we want.
End of story.
Monday, December 10, 2007
The Pro-Torture Crowd of Dirty Bush: Feckless, Reckless & Lawless. Completely Out of Control

Oh my.
All those CIA torture pictures got "disappeared." Oh myomy.
In fact, they hardly even existed at all.
And even if they did exist, which they did not, they showed only things like Valerie Plame's identity, which the White House must protect at all costs. Or Al-Qaeda might sue us. Or something. Or it might show ways to hold your breath so long that waterboarding wouldn't drown somebody. Like showing pictures of putting bamboo slivers under someone's fingernails will show them how to make that not hurt so much that it makes them want to die, which is the actual point of torture, or did we forget about that part silly silly me.
So it's not about destruction of evidence.
What. You don't believe me?
You think that, um, destroying evidence = consciousness of guilt?
NO way.
Not in Bubble Boy's universe.
Wink wink.
Nudge nudge.
Say no more.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Another GOP Fake Heterosexual Soon-to-be-Ex-Senator-Trent Lott Bites the Apparent Dust In Hookergate Repeat
Well, well, well.
Just when you think snark is just snark, and a cigar is sometimes just a cigar, the Greedy Old Pervert party shows you that their Bushist-fascist so-called reality is really real, and is reallly stranger than fiction.
In a deja vu all over again moment worthy of both Yogi Berra and JimmyJeffGuckertGannon, turns out that on Senator-about-to-not-be Trent Lott's staff was a real regular member.
A charming male hooker with a wonderful website, and a fabulous sense of professionalism.
More here.
And here's Bejamin's website. Very professional.
Hat tip to the incomparable General JC Christian, patriot.
Just when you think snark is just snark, and a cigar is sometimes just a cigar, the Greedy Old Pervert party shows you that their Bushist-fascist so-called reality is really real, and is reallly stranger than fiction.
In a deja vu all over again moment worthy of both Yogi Berra and JimmyJeffGuckertGannon, turns out that on Senator-about-to-not-be Trent Lott's staff was a real regular member.
A charming male hooker with a wonderful website, and a fabulous sense of professionalism.
The boy . . . is Benjamin Nicholas. One of the politicos Big Head DC has learned he’s alleged to have been involved with is the married Sen. Trent Lott, 66, who unexpectedly announced his retirement on Monday. Lott is well-known to have been against a plethora of gay rights issues throughout his terms in Congress. He was also good friends with Sen. Larry Craig throughout his time in Congress.
Nicholas told Big Head DC today via e-mail that he didn’t want to go on the record to talk about his dealings with Lott, because, said Nicholas, “Trent is going through his fair share of scrutiny right now and I don’t want to add to it.” However, e-mail and other records confirm that the two have met on at least two occasions.
“All I can say at this point is no comment,” Nicholas told us. “It’s the professional thing for me to do.”
In a subsequent e-mail message, Nicholas confirmed that another publication is working on a story about a “possible relationship” between Lott and himself, but Nicholas also “politely declined” an interview for that story.
“As I said before, Lott has quite a bit on his plate right now and I don’t really want to add fuel to the embers,” Nicholas told Big Head DC.
More here.
And here's Bejamin's website. Very professional.
Hat tip to the incomparable General JC Christian, patriot.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Aussies Humiliate Dirty Bush "Arse-Licker" Howard; US Bushist Fascism Next to Fall
I prefer instant karma, but eventual karma works for me, too.
Handwriting's on the wall, all you Bushist fascists. Dirty Bush's Poodle Blair's gone. Dirty Bush's Arse-licker John Howard's gone.
You're next.
All of you who have bankrupted this country. Morally, fiscally, every which way bar none.
You deserve a good waterboarding. Really.
Because -- y'all are really really really bad bad boys.
Let's start with Karl "Miss Piggy" Rove. How hard will he squeal, ya think?
I think he'll go "wee wee wee" -- all the way home.
Handwriting's on the wall, all you Bushist fascists. Dirty Bush's Poodle Blair's gone. Dirty Bush's Arse-licker John Howard's gone.
You're next.
All of you who have bankrupted this country. Morally, fiscally, every which way bar none.
You deserve a good waterboarding. Really.
Because -- y'all are really really really bad bad boys.
Let's start with Karl "Miss Piggy" Rove. How hard will he squeal, ya think?
I think he'll go "wee wee wee" -- all the way home.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Bitchy Nappy-headed Ho Karl "Miss Piggy" Rove Calls Calling Senator Clinton "a bitch" Key Secret Sexist Tactic
Well, some of us, at least, are not surprised.
Why is Newsweak paying this nasty sexist propagandist to spread his propaganda?
Maybe "Miss Piggy" Karl and Newsweek, and all their pussy propaganda minions are all on the rag.
Otherwise, it's inexplicable, is it not?
Why is Newsweak paying this nasty sexist propagandist to spread his propaganda?
Maybe "Miss Piggy" Karl and Newsweek, and all their pussy propaganda minions are all on the rag.
Otherwise, it's inexplicable, is it not?
nappy-headed ho's,
social justice
Friday, November 16, 2007
No Girlz Allowed
It's so Karl "Miss Piggy" Rove.
Consider this SwiftBoating of Senators Clinton, Obama, Edwards.
I have it on the very best authority that this is satire. If so, it's brilliant.
If not, it's inadvertent satire. Which is arguably even more brilliant -- where brilliance is in the mind of the beholders.
More here.
It's so Karl "Miss Piggy" Rove.
Consider this SwiftBoating of Senators Clinton, Obama, Edwards.
I have it on the very best authority that this is satire. If so, it's brilliant.
If not, it's inadvertent satire. Which is arguably even more brilliant -- where brilliance is in the mind of the beholders.
More here.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
"Help me, nuclear Armageddon, you're my only hope!"


Let's be fair.
Ronnie Reagan didn't think actual nukes in Pakistan were any big frickin' deal, either. That's how they got away with having 'em in the first place.
But the reason our Savior George W. Bush doesn't care about the actual nukes in actual Pakistan where the actual Osama who actually attacked our country actually is -- is that Bubble Boy needs an actual Armageddon.
I mean, really. It's his only hope.
Bubble Boy ain't skeered of no Arma-geddon. Nope. Quoth Preznit Toad-Exploder -- "Bring it ON!"
He needs a deus ex machina to save him. Big-time. He knows he's fucked everything up. He just needs a nice nuclear war, an actual Armageddon, and he and all his Bushist cohorts will be vacuumed up into heaven.
And all will be forgiven, down to his dirtiest dirty Bush dirty deed.
(Unless them pesky Booodhists turn out to be right all along, in which case . . . . . well, karma, cause and effect . . . . well, you know. How low can you go, eh?)
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
The Hillary Clinton Conversion Syndrome
As is perfectly clear, I'm waaaay to the left of Senator Clinton. And I want to smack the blood-on-their-hands Naderites upside the head. Possibly on a permanent basis. (Metaphor, metaphor).
You heard me complaining below about all media whore media's continuing sexist coverage of the Senator, and it's still going on today.
My spies in Limbaugh-land say that he's ranting on about "single women" and how they're going to decide the election. As if there's something wrong with that? Who cares?
And I've read some columns, oddly, where other right-wingers are going all nutty on "single women" (who comprise a quarter of the population -- and I'd guess the other 25% of the 50% female population would be -- married women?) and calling them "slutty"?
As if calling women "slutty" will keep them from casting their vote? Ee-ew. How Anita Hill swiftboaty.
Now we have Charles Krauthammer, who apparently doesn't know any better, putting a metaphoric pubic hair on our public coke can.
His argument against Hillary Clinton is: don't vote for her because she's married to Bill Clinton, and presidents shouldn't be married to former presidents.
I kid you not. That's his frickin' beef.
Well, Charlie, that's pretty dumb of you. You on the rag, or something?
It's idiotic on its face.
Plus, you know, a lot of people LIKED having a surplus, and not being involved in big-time foreign wars, and not killing a lot of our troops and other people's civilians, trying to expand health care for all, and protecting the environment, and not pissing money away on mercenaries, and working on energy independence, and having a FEMA that worked, and improving our infrastructure, taking the Al Qaeda threat seriously, and upholding the rule of law, and generally having a professional and competent government.
So again, I am waaay to the left of Hillary Clinton, but I thought I'd let all my fearless readers know that columns and comments by right-wingers like Krauthammer are really starting to get to me.
I read that column, "Americans reject a co-presidency," with something like shock and awe.
This wild vile sexist swiftboat spin is creating in me and in many of us something like a Hillary Conversion Syndrome.
I just sent her money. Stop these sexist rants, reichwingers, or I swear, I'll send again.
.Hillary Clinton
Clinton and sexism
gender controversy (sic)
You heard me complaining below about all media whore media's continuing sexist coverage of the Senator, and it's still going on today.
My spies in Limbaugh-land say that he's ranting on about "single women" and how they're going to decide the election. As if there's something wrong with that? Who cares?
And I've read some columns, oddly, where other right-wingers are going all nutty on "single women" (who comprise a quarter of the population -- and I'd guess the other 25% of the 50% female population would be -- married women?) and calling them "slutty"?
As if calling women "slutty" will keep them from casting their vote? Ee-ew. How Anita Hill swiftboaty.
Now we have Charles Krauthammer, who apparently doesn't know any better, putting a metaphoric pubic hair on our public coke can.
His argument against Hillary Clinton is: don't vote for her because she's married to Bill Clinton, and presidents shouldn't be married to former presidents.
I kid you not. That's his frickin' beef.
Well, Charlie, that's pretty dumb of you. You on the rag, or something?
It's idiotic on its face.
Plus, you know, a lot of people LIKED having a surplus, and not being involved in big-time foreign wars, and not killing a lot of our troops and other people's civilians, trying to expand health care for all, and protecting the environment, and not pissing money away on mercenaries, and working on energy independence, and having a FEMA that worked, and improving our infrastructure, taking the Al Qaeda threat seriously, and upholding the rule of law, and generally having a professional and competent government.
So again, I am waaay to the left of Hillary Clinton, but I thought I'd let all my fearless readers know that columns and comments by right-wingers like Krauthammer are really starting to get to me.
I read that column, "Americans reject a co-presidency," with something like shock and awe.
This wild vile sexist swiftboat spin is creating in me and in many of us something like a Hillary Conversion Syndrome.
I just sent her money. Stop these sexist rants, reichwingers, or I swear, I'll send again.
.Hillary Clinton
Clinton and sexism
gender controversy (sic)
Clinton Derangement Syndrome,
women's rights
Monday, November 05, 2007
None Dare Call It Sexist
Here's a fine sexist slam-down of Clinton brought to you by the New York Times. They're so enlightened. Really.
And for a walk down memory lane, here's an earlier article about a fine sexist slam down of Clinton, brought to you by the Washington Post. It's all about cleavage. And remember, WaPo is so enlightened. Really.
And here's Taylor Marsh, pointing out the fine sexist slam-down of Clinton by "neutral" media whore Tim Russert. He's so enlightened. Really.
The Daily Howler's coverage of the frat boy pile-on was right on point:
You know, it really doesn't matter that she gets peppered with snide question set-ups about having been merely a President's wifie, though that happened some years back (can you believe Timmeh taking up time on national TV to mention that the Senator is a "wonderful woman" with "a great husband"?) and trivializes her completely, which is of course, the point.
What a load of crap.
Clinton regularly gets blamed for being AT ONE TIME too weak AND too strong (oh, and the NY Times publishes a whole article about this, whilst merrily swiftboating Clinton sexistly on its front page!).
Useless jealous Heather spinster semi-femi MoDo trashes Clinton in every way for every stupid reason -- like giving away a cat (hunh?) -- all the frickin' time, but the blood on the torturing hands of illiterate sadist Bubble Boy, former enthusiastic Toad-exploder, don't really bother that MoDo much. Just get fix her up with that other stupid NYT columnist, Tierney, who worries 24/7 about who will educated women marry. (Answer: not you.). And bemoans the fact that more women than men are going to college (but didn't give a shit when the figures were reversed. Hmm. )
But it's ok to call Senator Hillary Clinton a nappy-headed ho, see? Just don't say it like that! Sure, all her supporters are really Anita Hill nutty/slutties! And that's ok! Because we don't give a crap about them anyhow, they're just a buncha frickin' broads!
I love how the boys love to play the gender card in national politics, do not you?
It works like this: if you're a gurrrl, and you complain about sexism, that's you being sexist, because you're a gurrrrl.
You can't even mention sexism, because that would be playing the gender card, which you can't do, because you're a gurrrl.
It's the perfect double bind!
Therefore, the only way you can criticize sexism and not play the gender card, is to just shut up about it, bitch.
And isn't shutting up uppity bitches what it's all about in the first place?
Hillary Clinton
Clinton and sexism
And for a walk down memory lane, here's an earlier article about a fine sexist slam down of Clinton, brought to you by the Washington Post. It's all about cleavage. And remember, WaPo is so enlightened. Really.
And here's Taylor Marsh, pointing out the fine sexist slam-down of Clinton by "neutral" media whore Tim Russert. He's so enlightened. Really.
The Daily Howler's coverage of the frat boy pile-on was right on point:
(Liveblogger Garance) FRANKE-RUTA: OK, this is now everybody—and I do mean everybody—against Clinton. It makes her look brave for just standing there, this small determined woman being attacked by three men on either side of her, two male moderators, and the entire male Republican field. Each of the critics on his own would be more effective, but taken as whole, the optics of this are uncomfortable.
You know, it really doesn't matter that she gets peppered with snide question set-ups about having been merely a President's wifie, though that happened some years back (can you believe Timmeh taking up time on national TV to mention that the Senator is a "wonderful woman" with "a great husband"?) and trivializes her completely, which is of course, the point.
What a load of crap.
Clinton regularly gets blamed for being AT ONE TIME too weak AND too strong (oh, and the NY Times publishes a whole article about this, whilst merrily swiftboating Clinton sexistly on its front page!).
Useless jealous Heather spinster semi-femi MoDo trashes Clinton in every way for every stupid reason -- like giving away a cat (hunh?) -- all the frickin' time, but the blood on the torturing hands of illiterate sadist Bubble Boy, former enthusiastic Toad-exploder, don't really bother that MoDo much. Just get fix her up with that other stupid NYT columnist, Tierney, who worries 24/7 about who will educated women marry. (Answer: not you.). And bemoans the fact that more women than men are going to college (but didn't give a shit when the figures were reversed. Hmm. )
But it's ok to call Senator Hillary Clinton a nappy-headed ho, see? Just don't say it like that! Sure, all her supporters are really Anita Hill nutty/slutties! And that's ok! Because we don't give a crap about them anyhow, they're just a buncha frickin' broads!
I love how the boys love to play the gender card in national politics, do not you?
It works like this: if you're a gurrrl, and you complain about sexism, that's you being sexist, because you're a gurrrrl.
You can't even mention sexism, because that would be playing the gender card, which you can't do, because you're a gurrrl.
It's the perfect double bind!
Therefore, the only way you can criticize sexism and not play the gender card, is to just shut up about it, bitch.
And isn't shutting up uppity bitches what it's all about in the first place?
Hillary Clinton
Clinton and sexism
Saturday, October 27, 2007
US Diplomats: Hell No, We Won't Go -- To Iraq, Dirty Bush's Deathtrap.
Sure, you don't want to go to Iraq. But Dirty Bush will make you go. Or, he'll destroy the State Department and US professional diplomacy from within. It's not like he believes in diplomacy, or professionalism anyhow, is it?
Really, it's win-win for Dirty Bush.
Lack of volunteers prompts agency to impose Baghdad service on some
More here. WaPo here.
Nobody forced Dirty Bush go to Vietnam.
In fact, the coward got to check off a little box saying, "I don't wanna serve overseas." And he got away with it. He didn't go to Vietnam, and let others spill their blood because he wanted to save his own ass.
And he's still trying to save his sorry ass.
At the expense of others.
Really, it's win-win for Dirty Bush.
Lack of volunteers prompts agency to impose Baghdad service on some
WASHINGTON - The State Department said Friday it will require some diplomats to serve in Iraq because of a lack of volunteers willing to work at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.
Beginning Monday, 200 to 300 diplomats will be notified that they have been identified as "prime candidates" to fill 40 to 50 vacancies that will open next year at the embassy, said Harry Thomas, director general of the Foreign Service.
Those notified that they have been selected for a one-year posting will have 10 days to respond. Only those with compelling reasons, such as a medical condition, will be excused from duty, Thomas said.
More here. WaPo here.
Nobody forced Dirty Bush go to Vietnam.
In fact, the coward got to check off a little box saying, "I don't wanna serve overseas." And he got away with it. He didn't go to Vietnam, and let others spill their blood because he wanted to save his own ass.
And he's still trying to save his sorry ass.
At the expense of others.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Rummy Thrown Into Frog Hot Water: Is a Slow Simmer Torture, Or Just a Pleasant Bath?

Rummy's in trouble.
Didn't he know enough to stay away from France?
Torture Complaint Filed Against Rumsfeld
October 26, 2007
PARIS (AP) -- American and European rights groups filed a legal complaint in France accusing former U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld of responsibility for torture in Iraq and at Guantanamo Bay.
The complaint was filed with the Paris prosecutor's office as Rumsfeld arrived in France for a visit, according to the New York-based Center for Constitutional Rights, the Berlin-based European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights and two Paris-based groups, the International Federation of Human Rights and the League of Human Rights.
Full story here.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Christian Missionary "clown" nabbed for child porn; molested orphans
Conservative Christian missionary, Paul Carlock, a 57-year-old former police officer who worked as "Klutzo the Clown" alongside his wife dressed as "Smilee" for about a decade at birthdays, hospitals and partish parties has been caught with kiddie porn he filmed in the Philippines -- where he also molested orphans as they slept.(Can't you just hear him telling little kiddies, "Oops! So sorry about touching you there! I'm just so clumsy! Have a balloon and don't tell your mommy what the bad clown did. She won't believe you anyhow.")
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Could this be a turning point?
Will the USA now begin to stop its six-year slide into the vile Dirty Bushist hell of moral and fiscal bankruptcy?
Tune in next week, kids.
Full story here.
Al Gore
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Torturz "R" -- US!!

Jimmy Carter tellz it like it iz.
Not that anyone here seems to give a shit. I mean, not that any of the Bushist fascists seem to give a shit.
Oh wait. Right.
That would be because -- they're Bushist fascists!!
Anyhow, God bless you, Jimmy Carter.
God bless you.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Casualties of War

A Task
. by Czeslaw Milosz
In fear and trembling, I think I would fulfill my life
Only if I brought myself to make a public confession
Revealing a sham, my own and of my epoch:
We were permitted to shriek in the tongue of dwarfs and demons
But pure and generous words were forbidden
Under so stiff a penalty that whoever dared to pronounce one
Considered himself as a lost man.
This photograph says it all.
Osama lives, our young men and women die and suffer, Iraqis die and suffer.
Bushist fascism and the arrogant, Oedipal, sanctimonious hubris that fuels it continue to bring our country to its knees, leaving us fiscally bankrupt and morally bankrupt.
No one pays for these crimes.
So far.
I'm going on retreat for a while.
See you later.
Iraq War
Dirty Bush
Photograph by Nina Berman, from her excellent book, "Purple Hearts." I think this photo will become an emblematic photo of Bubble Boy's horrid Oedipal war. (Another was the Abu Ghraib hooded black figure with wires attached to his hands.)
Bushist fascism,
Dirty Bush,
Iraq War,
moral bankruptcy,
Monday, September 03, 2007
Ex-Reagan Aide Calls Bush 'Mass Murderer'
The headline says it all. Paul Craig Roberts, former assistant secretary of the treasury under the Reagan administration, cites a recent report of more than 1 million deaths in Iraq since the war began. He calls Bush a "mass murderer" and also refers to his "Brownshirt administration."
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Saturday, September 01, 2007
Breaking: Republican Senator Larry Craig Resigns
"Disgraced Republican Senator Larry Craig announced that he would resign from the Senate effective September 30th. Apologizing to his family, colleagues and constituents, Craig was somewhat humbled, yet remained defiant to the end. It should be noted that someone brilliantly chose to hold the presser at the historic Boise Train Station."
So what about Senator Vitter, Bushist fascist family values adulterer/hooker enthusiast with a dirty-diaper fetish? He's not good to go?
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So what about Senator Vitter, Bushist fascist family values adulterer/hooker enthusiast with a dirty-diaper fetish? He's not good to go?
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Thursday, August 30, 2007
Senator Larry Has His Own Private Idaho? His Own Private Idaho Ho'? Ho ho ho.
First it was poopy-filled diaper Republican fetishist Senator Vitter.
Now it's anti-gay marriage activist, fake-married, closet homosexual homophobe Republican Senator Larry Craig of Idaho getting caught with his pants down, too.
Yes, no doubt, Senator Larry Craig, like Abu Gonzo Gonzalez, is just a good man whose name is been smeared by . . . .smeared with. . . unwarranted . . . . (long pause from beleaguered Preznit?) . . . mud?
Or whatever.
Senator "Larry" Craig's name is joining the long long list of Republican adulterers, pedophiles, wife-beaters, public adulterers, cancer-stricken wife-abandoners, fake heterosexuals who are loudly anti-gay and seek public sex, lying "family values" guys who indulge themselves in pay as you go sex with male prostitutes and female prostitutes, sometimes paying to be made to be forced to be sexual in poop-filled diapers (my personal GOPervert party favorite).
I think they're all "biblical" Christians, too.
O my God.
(Cartoons here.)
Larry Craig
lewd Senator
Now it's anti-gay marriage activist, fake-married, closet homosexual homophobe Republican Senator Larry Craig of Idaho getting caught with his pants down, too.
Yes, no doubt, Senator Larry Craig, like Abu Gonzo Gonzalez, is just a good man whose name is been smeared by . . . .smeared with. . . unwarranted . . . . (long pause from beleaguered Preznit?) . . . mud?
Or whatever.
Senator "Larry" Craig's name is joining the long long list of Republican adulterers, pedophiles, wife-beaters, public adulterers, cancer-stricken wife-abandoners, fake heterosexuals who are loudly anti-gay and seek public sex, lying "family values" guys who indulge themselves in pay as you go sex with male prostitutes and female prostitutes, sometimes paying to be made to be forced to be sexual in poop-filled diapers (my personal GOPervert party favorite).
I think they're all "biblical" Christians, too.
O my God.
(Cartoons here.)
Larry Craig
lewd Senator
Monday, August 27, 2007
Alberto Gonzales resigns as Attorney General
Alberto Gonzales has finally decided to step down from the helm of the Justice Department. He faced calls for his resignation for months after questions arose about his role in the firings of nine US Attorneys. Democrats have also accused him of misleading Congress in testimony about the NSA's warrantless wiretapping program.
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