It is deja vu all over again, again.
PT Key West resident Dr. Joelna Marcus received a phone call today. She was asked if she is Jewish, and she replied in the affirmative.
She was asked if she was religious.
She was then asked if her opinion of Barack Obama would change if she knew that Obama had given lots and lots of money to the PLO.
Sounds like liar John McCain's Smear-Talk Express, not unlike Ol' Man River, just keeps rollin' along.
Update: Another FL voter (from Gainesville) has revealed he too received a similar push-poll call.
And here's a push-poll recipient from PA. (Scroll down).
Oh, lookee, it's us and our very own story re-told at HuffPo! But they don't say it's our story. ; ( Alas. Ah well. One must practice non-attachment, must one not? This is, after all, a buddhist blog! ; )
So who is paying for these calls? The RNC or the latest Swift Boaters?
They didn't say.
Call-ee reported this to the Obama campaign, and ripped the caller a new one.
Important that word gets around about this.
Every phone company that services FL should be getting phone calls from irate customers about this shit.
WAIT! Isn't this the same type of push polling that was used against McCain in 2000, in SC?
They used one regarding Bridgette, his adopted daughter claiming that she was an illegitimate black child of his.
I know two wrongs don't make a right, but I feel compelled to generate my own robo-call to repubs inferring that McCain was actually in league with the North Vietnamese because a real true-blue, American Patriot would have escaped like Rambo. Maybe in 5 years, McCain began to like the commies? Hmmmm? Maybe W was on to something in 2000??
un friggin real
as if it isnt nasty enough
Yes, Ricky!
Go, Fred!
Do they have caller ID so they can put the phone number out there to dig on the source?
Can you tell me what the source for this story is? I realize there is none given (did I miss it?) and I think unless one can prove this story is genuine it will only work into the hands of the GOP...
I'm spreading the word and I've also notified my local newspaper here in south Florida, which follows me on Twitter (and sometimes feeds me stories).
I came to the same conclusion as Ricky ... so it's further evidence that Huggy Bear has no integrity at all.
Can you tell me what the source for this story is? I realize there is none given (did I miss it?) and I think unless one can prove this story is genuine it will only work into the hands of the GOP...
Wow. Thanks for your concern.
Goodness knows the GOP and its lapdogs, the mainstream media, never run with unsourced stories. Perish the thought!
Okay then. I think that was a fair question of mine. I am not the MSM you are referring to, but I find it somewhat hippocritical to loudly lament the Republican's behaviour of constant lying (which there is no doubt about in my mind either) and being giving a damn about being a bit more careful oneself.
But maybe that is a point too sophisticated for this form of (cocaine loaded?) hot-headed zelots in this forum. Is this a kind of get-together to console each other?
"hot-headed zelots" --
Let me guess: you're a hot-headed Republican zealot who can't spell.
Let's for a moment talk about torture. It's a war crime. It is illegal, always and everywhere. It can't be made legal. Effort to make it legal are also illegal.
I think those facts aren't so sophisticated as to be beyond your grass, hot-head.
liberal democrat here wondering about the source as well... I'm glad to see this reported and imagine it's true, but if this is second-hand, there should be a link to the source.
The source of this story is my friend's cousin.
Obama supporter in Britain over here, also wondering about the source. Not that the story isn't credible, all too much so, but it would be useful to be able to trace it back to someone who had it first hand.
Just wondering.
Who is named in the story.
Thanks for the clarification. I hope the mainstream picks up on this to report it.
Someone from TPM contacted me about the story, and she has now spoken directly with the push-poll recipient. We'll see how things develop.
I was the one daring to ask for a source for this story.
Okay I see, you guys are so busy with useless exchange of slime that you hold a non-native speaker of English account for not spelling correctly, talking about torture as an answer for a simple question...
Of course, I am neither a Republican supporter nor would I ever be near to them (to be clear, if anything I am an anarchist), but the foolish, senseless rage that can be seen here (while at the same time being ridiculously pesky with spelling) just looks like the most childish masturbation club.
So have fun guys! I prefer it a little less muddy.
You won't be the one to convince anyone, who isn't already convinced, ever.
Thanks, No Blood For Hubris for your last post, which came while was angry about some stupid reactions to my question. Didn't mean to inslt you, of course!
Last night, Mr. NBFH and I had friends over for dinner. Friend N was late sitting down because he was on the phone with his cousin, JM. At dinner, N & J reported that JM was livid because of a conversation with a pollster re Obama and the PLO. (facts as reported in the post) I, NBFH, said: whoa, a push-poll, that's how Rove sank McCain; this is outrageous and a big deal. I asked if his cousin would mind if I put the story on my little blog. They said, no, she won't mind. So I put it on my little blog. ; )
I'm spreading the word about this, too. It reeks of Rove.
Rove would never do something this obvious.
And to those who didn't think that a source was necessary, what would be your problem with making sure that a story is true before spreading it around? Do you want to be just like the slimeballs behind these phone calls?
my mother got one of these calls last night. she lives in Pittsburgh, PA.
asked questions like,
"how would you feel if you knew Obama got money from Hamas" and stuff like that.
When she asked who was behind the poll, they were evasive and said they were from "Research Strategies". Yeah, uh-huh.
What's worse? That the Mccain campaign has resorted to such slime, or that they take us Jews to be so gullible?
They do it because they know pushing the fear button works.
would your mother be willing to tell her story, anon?
Just spoke with friend N. Cousin has spoken with AP.
There's something a little funny about this. Push polls typically don't use live callers - it's too expensive to generate the volume of calls you need to make a dent using real people.
That's not to say there's not something insidious going on here - maybe it's a new tactic that targets likely "swing" voters or hopes to rely on word of mouth, or maybe it's oppo research for a larger smear attack in the pipeline.
If it weren't for the off-the-wall and weirdly specific PLO/Hamas questions, I'd even say it could be Obama's campaign, as campaigns'll often use this sort of polling just to determine how strong support actually is among an electorate.
My wife received a similar call last week from someone claiming to be from, ahem, Penn State.
At one point she was asked if her opinion about Obama would change if she knew he was planning giveways to his fellow blacks.
In short, the Mrs. told him he was a racist and hung up.
"Who was that?"
Still laughing my ass off.
Debbie Minden of Pittsburgh described receiving the call from "Research Strategies" late yesterday afternoon. "It sounded like a real poll," Minden, 56, asaid.
Then the caller asked, as she recalled: "Would it change your mind about Obama if you knew that his church was anti-Israel? Would it change you rmind if you knew that the leaders Hamas had endorsed Obama? Would it change your mind if you knew he had met with the leaders of Hamas?"
She also said one question asked whether it would change her mind if she learned he were a Muslim, though she didn't recall the precise wording."
Wilson Research Strategies| Home
Opinion research firm serving Republican candidates, conservative organizations, public affairs campaigns, and major corporations.
www.w-r-s.com/: Opinion research firm serving Republican candidates, conservative organizations, public affairs campaigns, and major corporations.
FOX News Analyst Push Polling for McCain?
Chris Wilson is the founder and chief executive of Wilson Research Strategies which, as pointed out in the Huffington Post and Politico, is actively push polling Jewish voters to garner support for McCain. Chris Wilson is also a Fox News political analyst. Chris Wilson, as founder and CEO of Wilson Research Strategies is allowing and perhaps backing his companies ongoing push polling efforts toward Jewish voters. This is an egregious affront that needs prompt attention. When members of the mainstream media are actively involved in manipulative, covert scare tactics on behalf of a conservative candidate we know that the McCain campaign and its supporters have moved towards Nixonian hubris and Orwellian thought control.
Good catch, Gregg!
Here is their number: 405.286.6500
and here is their website: http://www.w-r-s.com
Google meta tag:
Wilson Research Strategies - Opinion research firm serving Republican candidates, conservative organizations, public affairs campaigns, and major corporations.
Obama supporters are foolish to think that he will never betray them.
Obama was a close friend of Pastor Wright for TWENTY YEARS.
Obama threw Wright under the bus for personal ambition.
McCain would not betray his country even after 5 years of torture.
You can put lipstick on a traitor, but he's still a traitor.
Howard, you're delusional. McCain not only gave information to the enemy in exchange for medical treatment (read his book; I believe the exact phrase he used was "they broke me"), he also made a series of films for the North Vietnamese that are still sealed by the U.S. government.
Don't take my word for it. It's just a Google away.
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