And remember - - Sarah Palin thinks herself "Pro-Life"!
So yes, in answer to your unasked question, I had lots of fun listening to the RNC's evening of unbelievably offensive speakers, and I emerged unbelievably offended. Mrs. Palin seems to be not merely a Trophy VEEP, but a rabid krypto-Dominionist, a stealth candidate who in her hidden heart of hearts would very much like to replace our separation-of-church-and-state Democracy with an authoritarian fundamentalist theocracy because well God told her to.
I particularly enjoyed her speech trashing the rule of law and constitutional rights. Very amusing, Sarah. Haha
McCain/Palin = even worse than Bush/Cheney -- if you can wrap your mind around that. Gakk.
Via RawStory, from Reuters Can Palin Also Galvanize the US Left?
Here's a story on keeping Palin muzzled for the entire campaign (lol), "No Questions, Please," apparently the key Republican strategy to prevent their vicious Mrs. from imprudently revealing her ultra-mega-rightwing looniness (as in "Shut up, bitch!").
Hat tip to Jesus' General, from Blue Oregon: On Sarah Palin, Family Values, and me
And from Slate, "Bristol's Body, Sarah's Choice."
It would be nice if you had to work hard for this stuff, but they keep handing you all of it on a silver plater. Pitball? Let's not invent things..it's Baricuda, remember she was on the basketball team and so obviously is ready to negotiate Nuclear policy with Iran.
opps just read your link..I guess she is a Pitbull with lipstick too. What other animal like analogies will come to light. Like a night time TV Soap opera, let us tune into "Those Wacky Alaskan Republican gun toting soccors moms and the pets that love them."
No Bloos For Hubris:
Pitbulls are not inherently vicious, they have to be trained to be that way, by their loving LORD and MASTER. McHuntress (be careful about saying that too quickly) is proving that you can be stupid, shallow, vain, deceitful and arrogant (in other words a "good, christian republican") and still (or possibly because of those qualities) be one of GOD's chosen few.
Rapturen Pony, please hurry! You are only hope.
The classic, of course, was "Lesbian Nazi hookers abducted by aliens and forced into weight loss programs on the next... Town Talk!"
No Blood For Hubris:
I don't know where that photo came from, but I gotta ask.
Was she out in the wilds with her wee child? A cursory inspection reveals what appear to be tire tracks in the photo. So was the murder committed elsewhere and the body just dumped at Sarah's feet?
It was part of a photo essay in the Sydney Morning Herald. Check there.
I'm assuming it was her moose. But I could be wrong.
I see no tears, though.
No Blood For Hubris:
I think it's actually a caribou, but it's still murder!
You're right.
Taking life of.
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