Not smart, Johnny-boy.
Just not smart.
Oh, and for those of you who are not yet au fait with McCain's recent and very ill-advised Obama-bashing ad?
Not to worry.
It's like waaay okay to pander to/suck up to organized pedophiles.
Such as, some say, NAMBLA.
THEY don't want anyone teaching kindergartners (and younger) the difference between "good touch" and "bad touch," either!!
Be-leeve you ME! I mean, it's not like pedophiles intentionally target really young children because besides being so fun it's way harder to get a really little kid to testify and be believed in court, is it not?
Not to mention not teaching little kids about body safety as in "Say No! Go! And Tell!"
I mean, why would pedophiles want that kinda stuff to be taught to little kids?
'Cuz, like, you know, then they'd get, like, you know, caught!
But McCain's way more of a relaxed, devil-may-care laissez-faire libertarian when it comes to pedophilia, apparently.
Say . . ..
Sucking up to pedophiles is sort of like so very harmonious with the vicious Mrs. Palin, who remains so very very enthralled with protecting a rapist's all -important right to breed! Wow!
"Bushist Fascist Family Values." Wow!
But not in a good way.
(Oh, and pardon me if I'm a bit on the rag tonight, dears, I just got back from a compulsory community-organizer-ish event where I saw not for the first time of course, more actual pix of the actual effects of actual child sexual abuse including incestuous abuse of really really little children, and actual pix of actual child physical abuse, and actual pix of ultra-ongoing domestic violence including accounts of spousal murder, and you know all that bleeding heart librul jazz. So why should I not get all pissy about it, eh? )
PS Hello, boys and girls!
Let's have a contest!
Who can identify the pedophile in the picture above?
Kudos to the winner! Lotsa kudos. A whole bowful of kudos!
And Omigod, here's a related link at Kos..
Google seems to think it's Mark Foley.
Yes, yes, very good, anon -- it is Mark Foley's pedophile!
Now, if little Mark Foley had been taught about "Say No! Go! And tell!" might some of his own victims not have been victimized?
Just speculating.
Just a thought.
Is there a link to the McCain suckup to nambla?
I would like to add that to my Blog in addition to McSame's voting record I just posted last night.
Don't know why there's been trouble. ;( Working on it.
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