It's the medievalism, stupid!
(WaPo here.)
Scared you'll be tempted by goodies? Throw a big blanket over them cupcakes!
Scared you'll be tempted by gurlz? Throw a big black bag over that babe!
Or, like, whatever. Get all paranoid about Western influences. Get more attached to power than you already are. Ah well. What a clown is Ahmadinejad.
Iran's constitution dictates that a woman's life is worth half a man's. Women in Iran are second-class citizens, officially segregated from men in many aspects of public life.
Women are required to use a separate and dramatically inferior hospital system. State security officers forcibly remove female spectators from soccer games.
For a young Iranian woman caught at a co-ed party can mean arrest and possibly worse. Women are regularly hanged in public for "acts incompatible with chastity." Those accused of adultery are buried up to their necks and stoned to death.
In January of this year, a teenager was sentenced to death for killing a man who was trying to rape her. The campaign against women in so many aspects of life has had a profound social impact - in a recent survey 25% of Iranian women admit to being unhappy with their gender.
What a medievalist mentality.
Hmm. "Medievalist mentality." Shari'a Law. Not so far from the vaunted Dominionist "Mosaic Law." Fundamentalist Muslims, fundamentalist Talibangelicals. Much of a muchness, no?
At a Purity Ball, Ahmadinejad would fit right in! In fact, that's what he's running.
Medievalist Muslim Iran -- just one big fat overblown Purity Ball.

worst Iran president ever
Medievalist Muslim
Arrgh. Kill the oppressors. All of them.
Unplugging them from power would suffice.
Spoken like a Buddhist blog.
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