It's hard to get someone hospitalized against his will.
It's hard to keep him hospitalized. No one wants to foot the bill, even in this "rich" country.
It's not as if people hadn't noticed VT shooter Cho's sexually harassing behaviors -- taking pictures with his cellphone of women's legs from under his desk, stalking one woman, sending harassing messages to another -- they were noticed. They were reported.
The night [Cho spent involuntarily] at the mental-health facility came a few weeks after police had been contacted by a female student upset over e-mails Cho had sent her, said Flinchum, the Tech police chief.
Cho had been sent to the hospital, and got out again. He didn't meet the criteria of "imminent danger." Hospitals these days are hard to get into, and easy to leave.
. . . Cho was referred to the university disciplinary system, which took no action because the offense seemed too minor, the chief said.
The offense seemed "too minor"?
Some bloggers think that way, as well. You know what wussies women are, eh?
Teachers and fellow students at Virginia Tech lived in fear of Cho Seung-Hui in the 18 months before he struck, it was revealed this afternoon.
. . .at one stage students were so scared of his behaviour that only seven out of 70 turned up for class, forcing lecturers to give him one-to-one tuition.
A lecturer was so frightened by Cho's violent fantasies that she made up a secret codeword so that she could alert security without him knowing.
A pattern had emerged around Cho, a pattern that had been noticed in terms of sexual harrassment, total absence of personal boundaries, and violent fantasies, a pattern that was alarming to many.
These people had alerted the system, the system did what it could -- a single involuntary hospitalization.
The same system is in place today.
So what are we going to do about it?
Virginia Tech massacre
violence against women
We must find somethings against him
the guy in victoria tech
was behaving also strange
It's a shame that teachers don't have more power, for example to decide who they will or will not teach. It's almost as if youth is presumed to be automatically innocent and older age automatically guilty. If anything these unconscious assumptions should be reversed.
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