Watch it at YouTube, here.
Watch it if you dare, testosterone-deprived acne-pocked media whore media sexist sniggering fratboys. [MSNBC, Matthews, Carlson, FlabbyMatt Taibbi, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Kristol, Olbermann, Shuster, Cafferty, Beck, Cavuto, Russert, Barnicle, Scarborough, Snyder, etc. etc.]
And all you sniggering fratboy sympathizers. [MoDo, HuffPo]
And the rest of some of the rest of you who are Faux-liberal Manichaean sexist sniggering fratboys who don't even know that you are sexist sniggering fratboys. [Kos, Aravosis, PDA, Move-on, Buzzflash, Olbermann, FlabbyMatt Taibbi, Shuster, Rich]
Watch it if you dare. All the way to the end.
But don't forget:
"While women have been elected to the highest offices in countries such as England, Germany, and India, [oh, and not to mention Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, New Zealand, Israel, and Ireland -- who have I forgotten?] the idea that a woman could be president of the United States provokes scoffs and ridicule.
The press portrays female candidates as unviable, unnatural, and incompetent, and often ignores or belittles women instead of reporting their ideas and intent. [What? They DO??]
Since voters learn most details about presidential candidates through media outlets, Falk asserts that this prevailing bias calls into question the modern democratic assumption that men and women have comparable access to positions of power." -- Women for President, Media Bias in Eight Campaigns
Sexism pervading America? What? Well, I must tell you that I'm shocked. Shocked.
[Why do I now call Matt Taibbi "FlabbyMatt"? Check out his most recent anti-Hillary screed, in which he leads off by disparaging the physical appearance of a leading candidate for President of the United States, hurling an insult that is at once both sexist AND ageist. Way to go, FlabbyMatt.]
Bill O'Reilly rips off my post title, here.
Lew, did you watch the YouTube piece?
This isn't about people liking or disliking Clinton's policies.
This is about sexism. This is about major media figures repeatedly disparaging a candidate solely on the basis of gender. Not on the basis of ideas. That's what makes the YouTube clip so damning.
If you did not link to it and watch it, all the way to the end, please do so. Then let's discuss it. (I can't believe you would have watched that piece all the way through and felt they were talking about her ideas).
Thanks for stopping by and I am glad I found you. We must stick together and bring this sexist piece of crap down. I and my generation didn't fight the good fight in corporate America to stand idly by and watch this twit take it away from our daughters without them even noticing before it's too late.
Trust me. I know a sexist, marginalizing pig when I see one. And Barack Obama represents a return to the 70s. Be well. I have your back.
Truthfully, I did not watch the youtube piece, as I have dial up and it takes forever to download (I always skip blog posts that are nothing but videos for that reason)when it does down load (sometimes, I'll only get ten seconds of a video before it goes all tweaky on me). But to think that things have changed for the better under Bush is a bit naive, especially with the corporate media being cheerleaders for the right wing, which has a decidely anti-feminist agenda. My reasons for disliking Sen. Clinton have nothing to do with gender and everything to do with her "misstatements".
Maybe someone could get a protest going or at least a letter-writing campaign to get Flabby Matt fired, on the grounds that he's offensive to look at.
Wouldn't it be fun to hear all the men going on about what a dumb, trivial reason that is to suggest that someone can't do their job?
Lew -- I don't think I've ever ever said that things have changed for the better under Bush -- what gave you that impression? It's the fallout from Bush's hubris that gave birth to this blog, which has been fiercely critical of him right from the get-go.
Anyhow, the fact that you're not gender-biased doesn't mean that gender bias isn't a huge problem in the US of A -- from both the right and the left (who should know better imho). If that clip downloads, I think you'll see just what I mean.
Jacilyn -- yes, it was his piece in Rolling Stone that I meant. Didn't feel like linking to it. It's incredible how invisible gender bias is -- and how acceptable it is even when it's obvious.
While I don't think all opposition to Hillary is driven by sexism, I think it is fair to say a lot of it is.
And they forgot Canada, though I can see how you might, since the only female Prime Minister we've had so far was the catastrophic Kim Campbell who was left holding the bag for Brian Mulroney and was so uniformly horrible by any standard she can almost be blamed for Canada shying away from the idea of a woman as prime minister. Yes, that bad. Though to be fair, the current chump is bad enough to make some of us swear off ever voting for a man again, hell I'd go so far as to say swear off voting for a biped.
Best ever video and great site here! Sad true story: I have a daughter who refuses to hook up their big screen for TV/cable service because she doesn't want their young daughters exposed to hypnotic TV junk. Also busy with little kids you can imagine she has no time, either, to discuss politics - but she is a Hillary voter.
I sent her link to the video - that starts with Murrow speaking while showing MSM dumps on Hillary (before the upbeat music part). She called me and send she had to turn it off before she got to the music part - because she couldn't stand anymore of those lunatics raving against Hillary.
Point is this: Never watching TV anymore herself, she simply could NOT believe it when I told her those were typical excerpts of what's on the Main News Channels people watch these days! She thought it was just some lunatic fringe right wing show clip !!! (and she's only been out of the TV loop for 3 years.)
Gives perspective on what used to be called "news" and the rampant, unmitigated, unregulated INSANITY that many people tune in every day and night now. Now wonder 30% of the country is on anti-depressant or anti-anxiety drugs (supposed statistic anyway.)
Just got a site up. Come visit and take our debate poll.
Great post. I used it at The Political Voices of Women. :-)
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