I talk to my inner lover, and I say, why such rush?
We sense that there is some sort of spirit that loves birds and animals and the ants.
Perhaps the same one who gave a radiance to you in your mother's womb.
Is it logical you would be walking around entirely orphaned now?
The truth is, you turned away yourself,
and decided to go into the dark alone.
Now you are tangled up in others, and have forgotten what you once knew
and that's why everything you do has some weird failure in it.
By Kabir, version by Robert Bly
Dp spare me Robert Bly, leader of (Brand new) Iron Johns, and the proprietor of an absolutely unsavory connubial past.
Gee, I'm not so interested in connubial pasts. Why are you?
Do you think someone's marital history affects their ability to translate poetry? He was married to Carol for a long time, and then, I think, married someone else.
But yes yes yes, do throw out baby with bathwater.
You're probably righter than I am about this.
It's an old, tired issue.
And you run a great blog.
Kind of you to say so.
But do you like Kabir's poem, I hope, regardless of his translator's foibles?
Like your comments at liberalrapture. Glad to find your blog. Can you possibly post this rare email address list of Super Delegates? Asking all who are willing to send a note of WHY ENDORSE HILLARY and WHY NOT ENDORSE OBAMA ASAP. So critical right now! Really doesn't take long. Just a note - whatever any want to send them and then just click them in. I did them individually. Took me under an hour. Thanks:
LemireDahlman@rangeweb.net stephanie_schriock@tester.senate.gov montanaflyfish@yahoo.com joycebrayboy@gmail.com judgebutterfield@aol.com jcouncil@co.cumberland.nc.us jmeek@ncdp.org geri_gaginis@conrad.senate.gov elizabeth_gore@dorgan.senate.gov christy_beach@dorgan.senate.gov dhannaher@hannahers.com maxsonlaw@minot.com reneepf@btinet.net strauss_david@msn.com mwake@medicine.nodak.edu achelpohl@usa.net katfahey@cox.net franklamere@msn.com melanie_rogge@bennelson.senate.gov dostergard@neb.rr.com vimapo@aol.com martha.fullerclark@leg.state.nh.us dnorcross@snjaflcio.org danaredd999@yahoo.com crs@ntuaft.com fharris@unm.edu teresa_benitez@hotmail.com steven@stevenhorsford.com kittyspraggins@aol.com egoubeaux@woh.rr.com m.mallory@att.net lanamclin@aol.com nsonnyn@aol.com tekicatt@aol.com rwhitten@whittenburragelaw.com mzlivability@yahoo.com jen@defazioforcongress.org info@jasonaltmire.com ccampbell215@msn.com
james_brown@casey.senate.gov sara_mabry@casey.senate.gov chafinlawfirm@charter.net pmurphy@murphy06.com celita_a_de_r@hotmail.com gcobbhun@BellSouth.net waringsh@bellsouth.net carol@fowlercommunications.com jackbillion@sio.midco.net drey_samuelson@johnson.senate.gov sonja_dean@johnson.senate.gov mnemec@sullybuttes.net stroschein@nrctv.com rep.loisdeberry@legislature.state.tn.us BrooksViceChair@aol.com ydavis2455@aol.com olga@pgog.net al@aledwards.com chris@chetedwards.com denise_johnson@ibew.org bjenellhamlett@mail.house.gov moses.mercado@ogilvygr.com senfronia.thompson@publicans.com wholland@utdemocrats.org crbenjamin1019@yahoo.com jbevans@coatchworksfarm.com icarleton@vtdemocrats.org kevin_mcdonald@leahy.senate.gov chuckr@gmavt.net patnotter@gmail.com cewaliser@hotmail.com wisgov@gov.state.wi.us mary_irvine@feingold.senate.gov will_sebern@feingold.senate.gov steve@kagen4congress.com ellisshir@sbcglobal.net raejason@yahoo.com lissa7453@yahoo.com wineke10@charter.net beth_provenzano@rockefeller.senate.gov kerry_ates@rockefeller.senate.gov pjorgensen@jorgensenassociates.com jmillin@cheyenneeyeclinic.com constance@cborde.com liv.gibbons@gmail.com boleary1@bloomberg.net
Good idea.
I'm not sure that all the addresses came through.
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