Makes one want to call him a pig.
But one won't do that.
One will instead quote Nargarjuna's wish for the King:
Some beings go from dark to dark.
Some from dark to light.
And some from light to dark.
May you go from light to light.

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Some beings go from dark to dark.
Some from dark to light.
And some from light to dark.
May you go from light to light.
I can never figure out the proper case for your name!
You hold the moral high ground, I do not. I think a lot of the "Al Queda #2's" are people who really don't have a lot of imagination.
I am okay with people like him choking on their falafel.
Ah. Well, that would fall under karma/cause and effect, some say.
Most people stop fighting after they have been killed only once. Al-Zawahiri been reported captured and/or killed At least 30 times already. You'd think he'd have learn't his lesson by now.
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